Endless Game: Get the Necromancer Career at the Start

Chapter 104: The Unfathomable Delilah

"Endless Game: Start to get the Necromancer career (

More than six hundred points of combat power still play an egg!

If there is a fight, I am afraid that I will not even be able to escape.

Divided according to the combat power in the forum.

More than 50 points is Tier 2, more than 150 points is Tier 3, and more than 400 points is Tier 4...More than 600 points are definitely the strongest of Tier 4!

The Undead Apostle just broke through the third rank.

Not to mention encountering the third-order peak, even if he is slightly stronger than 300 or more, he may not be able to fight.

Lin Chu's first reaction was to think about how to run.

But he reacted quickly.

Among the two optional mandatory missions given to him by Endless Game, since there is one to help the queen escape, it is impossible to arrange a mortal path for him, not to mention the rewards of this mission are not exaggerated.

Combat power is only the level of life, and does not represent comprehensive strength.

Wait and see again.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention in the main hall being attracted by the coup, Lin Chu quietly retreated to the corner, took out the magician rod and used his invisible body.

In any case, it is the most important to ensure that one's life is not threatened, and everything is the second priority.

The penalty for the failure of a mandatory mission is not great. It is a big deal to fine 10,000 or 20,000 resource points, and then be re-issued for other mandatory tasks... For endless games, exploration and plunder are the main theme.

"Long live Empress Delilah!"

The Duke of Sonos immediately responded from the side: "Welcome the return of the orthodox queen! Take down the fake queen!"

From Delilah’s declaration of seizure of power, to the launch of a coup by the Duke of Sonos.

Seamlessly plug in, instantly change your face!

With a wave of his arm, he commanded the guards and mechanical warriors he had brought to attack the people present, and even the guards who were already there were instigated in advance to slaughter the nobles in the hall indiscriminately.

Fighting, screaming, and wailing are endless.

Not only intends to overthrow the royal family, but even the noble class present.

The duke seemed to intend to take the opportunity of the coup to carry out a major reshuffle to eliminate these noble forces close to the royal family and further consolidate their rights.


The young empress was shocked, too late to react.

The four second-tier peak guards who were originally guarding the throne approached with swords in their hands, and they had already been bought in to rebel. Only a few guards fought desperately, but they couldn't resist because of the disadvantage of their numbers.

Especially the ten tall mechanical warriors, their sharp blades swung their arms like a meat grinder.

Their individual combat effectiveness is far stronger than ordinary second-order peaks.

The Tier 2 guards can be chopped into corpses easily, and the blue light cover is raised on the body to isolate all long-range attacks, and the continuous shooting of the magic firearms is not affected at all, which is particularly tricky.

"You traitors!"

The black-clothed middle-aged man guarding the empress's face was sullen, and pulled out the pitch-black saber from his waist, instantly turning into an afterimage and disappearing.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

He teleported behind the two rebel guards, cut off the head of one of them, and the sharp blade pierced the other's chest.

That is obviously not pure speed, but a special ability that is close to extreme speed.

Even Lin Chu, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't see his figure when he was moving. This short-distance displacement almost surpassed the speed of sound! It's hard to guard against!

Within two seconds, the royal guard killed all the rebellious guards who were close to the throne and turned them into an afterimage again, rushing towards the coquettish woman Delilah with a sword, trying to kill this guy who was trying to seize power.


Beyond Lin Chu's expectations.

The royal saint successfully pierced the sword into the chest of the coquettish woman.

But even so, the expression of this woman named Delilah did not change at all, as if it was not her who was stabbed, and the part pierced by the sword did not see the slightest blood.

She raised her hand to release a group of weird vines mixed with bright red in the darkness, and the royal guard who would not be able to pull out the saber was entangled in an instant in the future.

"Your sword cannot hurt my heart."

Delilah drew the long sword from her chest indifferently.

A faint smoke filled it, and the wound that had been penetrated recovered instantly.

immortal? !

Lin Chu's eyes froze.


Seeing that her father was imprisoned, the young queen Klia hurriedly drew her saber from her waist and tried to rescue her.

"Shut up, I'll clean up you later."

Delilah shook it easily, and the dark energy was lightning fast, and Kelia, who would not be able to defend her in the future, knocked to the ground.

She pressed the top of the royal saint guard's head with her hand, and drew an unknown black mist from him. In a blink of an eye, the life level of the man in black plummeted from Tier 3 to the peak of Tier 2.

Delilah's combat power increased from 629 to 641, which was not much improved, but it actually increased.

Damn it! Star-attracting Dafa?

Lin Chu was dumbfounded.

Compared with this woman's method of directly absorbing combat power, the life of the undead apostle is a fart?

Are people in this world so cruel?

"Hmph, sleep forever in the dark and cold marble."

After absorbing the black mist from the man.

Delilah reached out to the struggling Royal Guard.

A black light broke through the ground!

Countless broken stones surged under the feet of the man in black, covering his body layer by layer, no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail, and it turned into a lifelike stone sculpture in a flash.

What a terrifying petrochemical seal...

Immediately draw a strong man with more than 300 points of combat power into the second-order peak, and then seal it with petrification.

This kind of role is definitely not the enemy of his own ability.

"I don't know if I jump out now and say that I am willing to assist her, will this woman accept it? I feel very risky."

To surrender under the disparity of strength is tantamount to putting one's own life in the hands of others.

What's more, Lin Chu has an instinct.

The probability of this woman killing him is much higher than the probability of accepting him.

"It may be difficult to save Queen Kelia, but at least the situation is in my own hands. The enemy and the goal are clear."

"But if you choose to assist Delilah, not only is how to be accepted by her is a difficult point, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of person to let me control the situation, and I will try my best to help her in the future. This is not in line with my character."

I would rather give charcoal in the snow, without icing on the cake.

As for the timing to take action, we still need to wait and see.


Seeing that her father was sealed by Petrochemicals, the young queen Kelia struggled to get up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ She slapped the ground hard, and the slender black and red vines similar to Delilah appeared out of thin air, bringing the two besieged. The guard slapped flying, and threw it at Delilah and the Duke of Sonos like a whip.

Delilah just raised her right hand slightly.

The black and red vines are like illusory objects, disappearing without a trace.

"seal up."

Delilah only said one word, and Queen Kelia was bound by the black mist that appeared out of nowhere.

This coquettish woman didn't seem to intend to kill the young empress directly, but walked up to her leisurely, and said in a condescending manner:

"My child, the throne of the empire is not so easy to sit on. Look at you, you don't even know that the guards around you have been instigated. Do you really think you can be a good queen? You will thank me after the incident. God you still treat me as a mother who has passed away...hehe."

Delilah’s remarks seem to make sense, and there is something good for you.

But actually...

The translation is: Gazi, you are still young and can't hold it, let the uncle come first.

"She has been sealed by me. She is like an ordinary person. Lock her up and don't cause me trouble."

After speaking, Delilah turned and left.

"According to your Royal Highness the Queen."

The chief guard next to him immediately stepped forward and took out the special black stone handcuffs.

"I will lock Ms. Kelia in her dormitory, and then send her to the Ice Prison for food."

After speaking, he dragged Klia, who couldn't resist, to the depths of the royal city.

Lin Chu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Queen Kelia would only be imprisoned and would not be in danger for her life for the time being.

He also didn't want to save people directly in such a dangerous situation. It would be hard to say if he really confronted someone like Delilah and could not escape. It would be better to wait for no one to carry out the rescue.

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