End of the World Terminator

Chapter 780 Rushing into the formation

Chapter 840: Charge into formation

There are hundreds of millions of monsters coming this time. Not all the monsters from the fertile soil of the Central Plains have arrived.

Qin Tian pursed his lips, sighed, and said to himself: Xiao Jin, give me the best battle plan.

Yes, collect the data. After the data collection is completed, enter the background simulation. After the simulation, host, although there are many monsters, they are all attacking the place where the aerial fortress is, and they will cross the river at the same place. Before, Zhang Fengtian, Li Xuanyuan is stationed at this time, and Zeng Guang has built a fortress. At this time, troops can be sent in to serve as a line of defense behind the battlefield.

Then, the armored troops will be sent to the front. When the monsters have just crossed the river, they will take the initiative to attack. At the same time, the missiles in the four fortresses will serve as cover. People with special abilities can also be sent to the front line, but a certain amount of energy must be preserved on the four aerial fortresses. Fighting power to deal with those monster kings.


Qin Tian took a deep breath and said to the huge screen: Notify the troops outside the fortress and immediately send troops to garrison the towers in front of the fortress to form a defense line to protect the aerial fortress.

Before ordering the armored units to move to these bunkers, prepare to attack!


In the squares on the huge screen, countless troops entered the bunkers.

Countless tanks, tanks, and motorcycles drove up to those bunkers.

Then, the picture on the screen switched to the monster side.

Those monsters were very fast, and the fastest of them only took three hours to reach the banks of the Yellow River, facing the ready-to-go humans across the river.

These monsters did not cross the river, and even the flying monsters only hovered at low altitude on the other side of the river.

Qin Tian no longer stayed in the control room, but flew outside the fortress, hanging in the air, silently staring at the other side of the river.

There are more and more monsters, and they look all kinds of strange and densely packed. At a glance, they are a huge black mass, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Qin Tian was a little uneasy. Compared with the monsters, the human army was like a grain of sand facing a high mountain, too thin.

When the King of Monsters did not appear, Qin Tian was unable to take action directly, but this did not mean that he could only watch from the sidelines.

Frozen for thousands of miles!!

Qin Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, and with a sound of 咻~!, a beam of black flames shot up from the sky and went straight into the sky on the other side of the river.

In an instant, dark clouds burning with black flames appeared above the monsters' heads, and endless snowflakes drifted down.

During the heavy snowfall, the flying monsters fell to the ground one after another, and many monsters on the ground fell to the ground and had to be supported by their companions before they could barely stand up.

Then, a strange light lit up between the monsters.

Fireworks, strong winds, thunder and earth walls appeared one after another to block the falling white snow.




Strange screams sounded from among the monsters.

The monsters on the other side of the river seemed to be enraged. Many of them ran directly into the Yellow River and swam towards the other side.

After those flying monsters were swept away by their companions, they also spread their wings and ran into the air, flying towards the other side.

Qin Tian took out his mobile phone.

Notify all armies to prepare to meet the enemy!

Order, the drones set off to stop those flying monsters.


The armored units began to move.

Just when a monster rushed onto the other side of the river, a torrent of steel composed of tanks, tanks and motorcycles rushed forward like a giant beast.

In an instant, countless monsters were swallowed by the torrent, and more monsters were squeezed down the Yellow River.


Da da~~!!


The sound of explosions, the roar of machine guns, and the sound of flying missiles can be heard all the time.

The air was filled with smoke and blood.

Fireworks and thick smoke filled the battlefield.

Qin Tian saw countless soldiers following the armored troops, fighting the monsters with machine guns, bayonets, and grenades.

Corpses littered the fields.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The tragic battlefield is really like a millstone of flesh and blood, and life is like grass at this time.

Those soldiers who had once shown fear now risked everything and showed unprecedented courage. Even at the moment of death, they would always pull out the grenades in their hands in advance.

Balls of fire exploded on the battlefield, like the most beautiful fireworks, burning lives.

The monsters were killed one by one, and they rushed up one after another.

One after another!

In order to stop the monsters' offensive, Qin Tian sent most of the superpowers up.

The sword formation presided over by Nalan Guang has also shuttled across the battlefield, but even so, it can only barely block the monsters' offensive.

On the battlefield, the two sides were fighting increasingly stalemate.

More and more heroic.

Qin Tian closed his eyes, but couldn't close his ears.

He clenched his fists, but there was a lot of unwillingness in his heart.

Why? Monster kings, are you so timid?!

Why? I can only watch!?

The blood in my chest is boiling. It's really uncomfortable to feel like watching others fight desperately while I stay aloof.

Qin Tian suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the top of Mount Emei, only to see the cultivator pretending to be Ling Yun, wearing Lei Ju's armor, standing upright on the cliff.


Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief.

I don't take action because I want to preserve my strength, but will it really cost me my strength to deal with a group of ordinary monsters?

Qin Tian reached out and took out the Sky-Breaking Hammer.

Then, he rushed forward with a hammer.


An angry shout was like thunder.

Qin Tian raised the sky-breaking hammer like a huge pillar and swept it towards a group of big birds.



The Sky-Breaking Hammer passed through the sky, and nearly a thousand large birds were smashed into pieces.

Qin Tian raised the Sky-Breaking Hammer again and pointed it towards the Yellow River.

Covered with snow!!

Qin Tian roared angrily and hit the river with the Skybreaking Hammer.

Tens of thousands of hectares of glaciers fell, and with the sound of dong dong~!!, cold air overflowed and black flames roared.

A section of the Yellow River was actually frozen.

Tens of thousands of monsters were frozen by the ice and connected together to form an ice sculpture.

Qin Tian teleported to the ice sculpture, raised the Sky-Breaking Hammer, and touched it lightly. With the sound of Bang~!!, the ice sculpture violently shattered, and the monsters also shattered.

Snowflakes were flying, and the monsters crossing the river retreated one after another.

The monsters' offensive came to a standstill.

On the human side, rounds of cheers erupted.

Qin Tian rose to the sky and looked coldly at the monsters on the other side.

He put on a headset, pressed the microphone, and said: System, if you find the King of Monsters, notify me.



Qin Tian let out a long breath and bowed slightly. The next moment, he turned into a ray of light and quickly rushed towards the monsters on the other side.


Bang!! With a sound, the Sky-Breaking Hammer suddenly grew in size. Qin Tian raised the Sky-Breaking Hammer high and struck it from top to bottom towards the place where the monsters were the densest.

No combat skills were used, just brute force.

But unmatched! !


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