End of the World Terminator

Chapter 748 Advantages

Chapter 804 Advantages

Qin Tian looked down at him coldly, with a sneer on his face.

On the water, there were circles of waves.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the water surface was turbid, but there seemed to be a big shadow that was spreading.


Qin Tian frowned slightly, but Xiao Jin's voice sounded in his ears.

The body of the host, the king of monsters in the water, is constantly expanding, and its body is really changing, and it seems that it is about to transform into its true form!

Uh!? This.

Qin Tian frowned slightly, but a blue screen appeared in front of him, and a huge body appeared from the screen.

Winding, slender, covered with golden scales, it resembles a dragon's body, but has nine protrusions at the top.

This body is constantly expanding.

Qin Tian suddenly felt uneasy and immediately pointed towards the water with his hand.

Yin Yang Sword!!

Qin Tian let out a soft drink, and the infinite white sword shadow flew down, stabbing towards the water in an instant.

At the same time, with a sound of Bang!!, a water column suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the water and faced the sword shadow.

Boom!! In the sound, the water column exploded.

Qin Tian changed his fingers into palms and thrust out with all his strength.

Bang~~!! In the sound, the water column collapsed inch by inch, and the sword shadow flew down, quickly piercing the flowing water and stabbing down quickly.

At the same time, there was a pop! sound on the water, and a water splash exploded. A dragon's head suddenly popped out, and then opened its big mouth. With a pop! sound, scorching fire flew up like a dragon. Like a river of flames, it collides with the infinite sword shadow.


The flames scattered and the sword energy raged.

Strong winds are sweeping in all directions! !


Qin Tian pursed his lips, stretched out his hand to grasp it, and pressed it down with a palm.

Dry palm! !

With a sound of Bang!!, a giant palm covered in white mist appeared from the void and crushed it down.

Under the giant palm is the dragon head that is spitting fire.

However, before the giant palm hit the dragon's head, with a Puff!! sound, another dragon head stretched out from the water, opened its mouth and spit out a bolt of thunder, and with a Boom!! sound, the giant palm was scattered.

Then, there is the third dragon head, and the fourth dragon head~~.

There are nine dragon heads in total.

Qin Tian was stunned.

Not far away, Zhan Feng Ruyun was also stunned.

In the control room, the forwards Tenglong, Xie Chunqiu, Jiang Ming and others were stunned.

Let me go, does this guy have a genetic mutation?

Qin Tian touched his nose. Until now, he has seen hundreds of monsters of all kinds. He has also seen some with two heads, three heads, but one with nine heads. It's really appalling.

On the side, Zhan Feng Ruyun suddenly exclaimed: Mr. Qin, be careful, this dragon and phoenix remnant has never appeared before.


Qin Tian frowned slightly, but he did not dare to look down upon it, and the monster in the water rose up at this moment.

The thousand-meter-long body stretches slowly in the air, like a mountain.

The huge wings suddenly opened up, fanning a hurricane and setting off a torrent of giant wolves.

The nine dragon heads stretched out together, looking up at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian pursed his lips, but his brows were already furrowed.


The nine dragon heads made a sound together, and the sound shook the sky.

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and said, What are you doing?

The flaming sword was exchanged by the king of my clan and the human king!! Give it back to me!!


Qin Tian looked to his side in confusion, but saw that Zhan Feng Ruyun was also confused, and said: What do you mean? Exchange? What did the human king exchange with your king?

Hearing this, the nine dragon heads shook slightly and shouted excitedly: When the Human King signed the alliance with our clan, he used sun-breaking mirrors and flaming swords to calm the anger of our dragon clan!

Not only that, the Human King also handed over all the methods of using magical weapons to our clan!

Hearing this, Qin Tian was stunned.

This, are you telling the truth?

Is nature true?

Then how did Gu die in the end?

Qin Tian twitched his lips and said, Have you abided by this covenant?

Hearing this, Jin Long fell silent.

Since you broke the promise first, can't I take back the flaming sword now?

Qin Tian's eyes widened slightly, and he shouted: Not only that, I will also rip off the skin of your clan! Crushing the bones and raising ashes!!

After saying that, Qin Tian waved his hand and activated the superpower with all his strength.

咻~~!! In the sound, countless long swords shot through the air and stabbed towards the nine-headed dragon.

The four dragon heads suddenly opened their huge mouths, and thunder, floods, fireworks, and wind blades all rushed towards them.

Boom!! ~~ In the sound, thunder scattered, floods splashed, fireworks burst, and strong winds raged.

Countless sword shadows were quickly wiped out.


Qin Tian shouted angrily and waved his hands together. The sword shadows were dense and seamless, and they continued to impact.

Gradually, all the attacks of the nine-headed dragon were suppressed, and the sword shadow got closer and closer to the nine dragon heads.

Suddenly, the other five dragon heads opened their huge mouths, and bursts of thunder and fire light lit up from the dragon's mouth.

Then, with the sound of Bang~~!!, endless thunder and fire rushed out of five dragon mouths, sweeping up like a long river.

Boom!!!~ In the sound, countless sword shadows shattered, and thunder and fire surged up.

Qin Tian's face slightly condensed, and with a wave of his hand, the Nahaizhu immediately flew forward.

Beep, beep, beep! In the sound, the Nahaizhu spun rapidly, and suddenly, with a Bang!! sound, a torrent gushes out from it and rushes down.

The torrent surges toward the thunderfire.

With a sound of Bang!!, the thunder and fire collapsed, and the torrent swept down. The nine-headed dragon curled up and retreated quickly.

Qin Tian reached out and waved his hand, summoning the flying sword, activating the supernatural power, and the two-color fireworks immediately covered the sword's body.

Then, he roared loudly, reached out to grab Nahaizhu, and rushed over with his sword.

His speed was extremely fast, but the nine-headed dragon quickly discovered him, and all nine dragon heads opened their mouths.

This time, the light of thunder and fire lit up from the mouths of the nine dragons.

Bang!~ In the sound, endless thunder and fire soared into the sky.

Qin Tian casually threw out the Nahaizhu.

Beep beep beep~!


The endless torrent fell and suddenly scattered the thunder and fire.

Qin Tian immediately activated his superpower.

Mountain forging! !

Brown light appeared frequently around him, and mountains gathered together.

Qin Tian rushed into the torrent and fell rapidly.

Kuzuryuu stepped aside again.

Qin Tian rushed out of the torrent, but was already in front of the nine-headed dragon.

Raising his hand, he raised his sword and swept out.

Shua!! ~~ In the sound, a flaming blade shot out of the air and chopped directly on a dragon's head.


The faucet immediately fell down and hit the water with a dong sound, causing a splash of water.


The eight dragon heads all screamed, and a large amount of blue blood came out from the severed head.

Qin Tian sneered and rushed towards the other dragon head.

Human, how dare you!?

The eight dragon heads roared in unison, twisted their bodies extremely quickly, picked up a giant tail, and swept towards Qin Tian.

Qin Tian didn't look at it and struck out with a palm.

Dry palm!

A giant palm made of white mist appeared from the void and hit the giant tail fiercely. With a pop!! sound, the giant tail was deflected.

Qin Tian took the opportunity to slash out with his sword, and with the sound of Shua~!, a flaming blade passed through the air and slashed straight towards the three dragon heads.

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