End of the World Terminator

Chapter 712 Ceremony

Chapter 768: Ding Ceremony

Well, Ling Jiao is my sister, and you are my brother. If you let me make the decision on this matter.

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses, paused, and said, Anyway, you can't be sorry to my sister.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have a brother like you!

Hearing this, Qin Tian became depressed at that time.

No, of course I won't be sorry for your sister, but I can't be sorry for my wife either.

I don't care.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at Qin Tian and said: In short, you must coordinate the relationship between the two of you. When my sister's soul comes back, if she wants to marry, you must marry her.

Uh, Xiyan will castrate me!

Qin Tian was almost crying.

I can make another one for you after you castrate it.

Ling Yun gave Qin Tian a gentle smile and said, Don't worry, for my sister's happiness, the one I made will definitely be bigger than your original one.


Qin Tian spat at Ling Yun and said, Ling Yun, don't make fun of me, and quickly think of a way for me.

All right.

Ling Yun let out a long breath and said: Let's do this. Later, I will accompany you to find Xiyan and explain the matter clearly to Xiyan. With Xiyan's magnanimous personality, he should not do anything outrageous.

Besides, you didn't do anything in the first place. As long as you confess and I can testify for you, there shouldn't be any problem.

Besides, there will be a war in a few days. At this time, Xiyan must be concerned about your safety. She probably won't care about such a small thing as Ling Jiao's resurrection.

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips and said, Okay, that's all.

After saying that, Qin Tian walked into the elevator with Ling Yun.

When the elevator started to move, Ling Yun handed Qin Tian a cigar, lit it for him, and then said: In recent days, the monsters around have been too quiet.

They are being mobilized frequently every day without taking any substantive action. I feel like a storm is coming.

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and said: These monsters must be waiting for the chewing spirit to return. I think they will attack us after the chewing spirit resurrects those demon gods.

Well, I think so too. According to the words of the demon gods on the battlefield, it will probably take a week for them to be fully resurrected. In other words, those monsters will launch a general attack on us in seven days at the earliest.

Ling Yun paused and then asked: How is your injury now?


Qin Tian smiled and said: If you rest for another five days, you will be able to recover about 70%. If you give it another nine days, it should not be difficult to recover to your peak.


Ling Yun nodded and said no more.

The elevator stopped soon. Qin Tian and Ling Yun got out of the elevator together and saw Xi Yan pushing a stroller around in the square.

Zhou Yunjia and others did not know where they had gone, and Xiyan was the only one in the square.

Qin Tian walked up with Ling Yun and called Xi Yan aside.

After some explanation.

Xiyan ran back to the room to get the scissors.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Tian turned around and ran away.

Ling Yun stepped forward to talk to Xi Yan.

Qin Tian hid in the control room and stared for nearly four hours before Ling Yun came up.

When the elevator door opened, Qin Tian was stunned.

Ling Yun's glasses were gone, and his right eye was black and purple, obviously beaten.

Uh, Xi Yan did it?

Qin Tian couldn't believe it and asked.

Ling Yun glared at Qin Tian angrily, made a pair of metal sunglasses and put them on, then said: I overestimated Xi Yan's virtue. Sure enough, all good wives and loving mothers are lies.


Qin Tian chuckled twice and said comfortingly: What about that? Have you persuaded me?


Ling Yun pushed up his sunglasses and said: Xi Yan was very angry at first, but I talked to her and then she punched her twice. Now, she has finally calmed down. You can explain to her again tonight. It should be fine.”

Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled and said, It's good to calm down. This level is over.

After saying that, Qin Tian patted Ling Yun on the shoulder and said, Brother is tired.


Ling Yun waved his hand and said: After all, this is related to my sister's life-long event. As an elder brother, it's okay to make some sacrifices?

Uh, Ling Yun, what did you just say? What's a lifelong event?

Qin Tian felt something was wrong and asked.

The marriage has been decided. When my sister's soul returns, we will choose an auspicious day and settle the matter.

Ling Yun said with a smile.

What? Engagement?! Ling Yun, are you mistaken? I just asked you to explain Ling Jiao's resurrection to Xi Yan. What exactly did you tell Xi Yan?

Qin Tian roared.

Under the high platform, everyone looked sideways.

Ling Yun glanced at the people under the stage and said solemnly: You all do your own thing.

Everyone turned around.

Ling Yuncai continued to say to Qin Tian: I just explained to Xiyan about Ling Jiao's resurrection. However, while I advised Xiyan to be more open-minded, I also asked her to put it in the open instead of guarding against it day and night. , so as to monitor it.”

You don't want to mess around with me secretly. If you get pregnant, it won't end well.

Then Xiyan agreed. From now on, she will be the big one and my sister will be the small one. Of course, I ask you to treat them equally.


Qin Tian opened his mouth wide and froze on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning.

After a while, he realized what he was doing, pointed at the man in sunglasses in front of him, and said tremblingly: You, you.

Don't be excited, I know you are very happy now, and you are not a beautiful wife.

Ling Yun patted Qin Tian on the shoulder, and then said: Anyway, the matter is settled like this. By the way, when my sister enters your Qin family, the etiquette must not be taken lightly. It will definitely be done in a big way. Don't worry about it. I will make arrangements later.”


Qin Tian finally cursed and rushed to the elevator quickly.

He is already a little worried about Xi Yan now.

Ling Yun is not trying to persuade at all, he is just adding fuel to the fire!

Qin Tian turned on the indicator light anxiously. The elevator went all the way down and stopped quickly. He ran out of the elevator and saw no one in the square. He immediately ran into the room and saw Xiyan sitting on the bed, his body Shivering.

Waves of choked sobs and sobs echoed in the room.

Honey, don't listen to this guy Ling Yun's nonsense, I won't marry her.

Qin Tian walked to the bed and said softly.

Hearing this, Xiyan stared at Qin Tian with red eyes and said, Really?

Really, absolutely true!

Qin Tian nodded like he was pounding garlic.

Xiyan's face turned cold and said: If you don't marry her, do you really want to have sex with her secretly!? No, you must marry!!

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