Chapter 729 Rise

The elevator continued to rise and soon stopped.

When the elevator opened, Qin Tian followed Ling Yun out and came to a hall.

The hall was entirely made of metal. When Qin Tian stepped out of the elevator, he came to a high platform, and directly opposite was a large square screen.

The Napi Mausoleum was covered in green, and countless data were flashing across it quickly.

Many computers were arranged under the screens, and many people in military uniforms were sitting on those computers, busy.

Is this an artificial intelligence system?

Qin Tian was a little shocked.

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said: Yes, to control this sky fortress, you must use a system with sufficiently powerful computing power. Although with current technology, it is almost impossible to create a system of this level. .”

So, I asked Xiaoyin to make three identical systems using nanometal, and then connected them to the host computer.

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips, looked around, and saw an acquaintance.

Han Qiaoyu, Qin Junjie, Jiang Ming, and Bai Yun were sitting in front of a computer, staring at the computer screen and typing on the keyboard.

In addition to these three people, Qin Tian also saw a tall, beautiful woman with waterfall-like hair in front of a computer, and recognized her as the injured person rescued by Ling Yun.

Qin Tian bit his lower lip and said, Ling Yun, what are they busy with?

The system is being adjusted.

Ling Yun let out a light breath, then reached out and patted a metal railing on the high platform. His~! In the sound, a platform rose from in front of Ling Yun, and on that platform, there was a groove. There is actually a blue screen.

This is the main operating desk.

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian, ​​explained, and then pressed his finger on the screen.

An electronic sound suddenly sounded.

Beep~~! Fingerprint recognition starts, fingerprint recognition is correct.

Enable first-level permissions.

Countless rainbow-like stripes appeared on the screen.

Ling Yun coughed lightly and said, I am Ling Yun.

Beep beep beep~!! The audio is correct, confirm the identity of the operator.

Enable the highest authority!

The stripes on the screen disappeared and returned to a clear blue.

how is the progress?

Ling Yun asked directly.


The electronic sound sounded, and a progress bar appeared on the screen.

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian and said, We can set off in another three hours.

Hearing this, Qin Tian twitched his lips and said with emotion: Ling Yun, are you still a human? It's only been three months, you, how did you do this?!

Hearing this, Ling Yun smiled slightly and said: Science is power.

After saying that, Ling Yun turned to look at the screen.

Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief, and a feeling of admiration arose spontaneously, but before he could compliment Ling Yun, he heard a piece of bombshell news.

Qin Tian, ​​Zhao Lili is pregnant, and the child is mine.

Ling Yunyun said calmly.

Qin Tian opened his mouth slightly and was stunned for a while. He came back to his senses after a while.

No, Ling Yun, what did you just say? Who is Zhao Lili?

Qin Tian couldn't even speak clearly.

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian and said, You were busy digging out mountains before, and you didn't seem to care about the things around you. Zhao Lili is the injured person before.

After speaking, Ling Yun pointed to the bottom of the high platform.

Qin Tian followed his fingers and looked down, and saw the beautiful-looking woman. He couldn't calm down at that moment.

Ling Yun, why didn't you tell me about this earlier? I wasn't even prepared at all. Are you married? How many months have you been pregnant? Did you force someone else? How can a pregnant woman work?!

Qin Tian's voice was a bit loud, and people around him looked sideways. Zhao Lili also looked at Qin Tian, ​​with a blush on her face.

Ling Yun glared at Qin Tian and said, We are in love, she just got pregnant, it's still early.


Qin Tian pursed his lips, but still smiled and said: I can't tell, Ling Yun, you also have such a side. In the other future, you are not close to women. Why? Have you figured it out now?

Hearing this, Ling Yun was silent for a while, lowered his head and looked at the screen, and said: Qin Tian, ​​I need to have a descendant.

After all, I have the spirit of the first generation of human kings in me.

I do this for all mankind.

Hearing this, Qin Tian was stunned.

No, Ling Yun, don't you and Zhao Lili have feelings?

Qin Tian frowned slightly and said: You are so righteous and righteous, you are not just trying to continue the soul of the human king, are you?


Ling Yun smiled slightly, his eyes were cold, and he said: Of course.

Oh fine.

Qin Tian let out a long breath and said: Ling Yun, you owe me a wedding drink now, and you have to make up for it after this battle is over.

I'm still waiting to be your bridesmaid.


Qin Tian was very happy.

He has a son, and Ling Yun is getting married, which is a double happiness.

Three hours passed quickly.

When the progress bar on the screen ran out, the electronic sound sounded again.

Didi~! The progress has been completed. The manual system can connect perfectly with the host. Please give the order.

Bring up the holographic scene and check whether the propulsion device is intact.

Ling Yun looked slightly solemn and said.


On the big screen opposite the high platform, countless lines and various road signs depicting mountains and rivers appeared.

Start inspection. Inspection of No. 1 device completed.


All eight propulsion devices are intact.


Ling Yun said directly: Start the base broadcast and notify everyone to prepare.


Countless patterns appeared on the huge screen, clearly showing the status of each floor.

When the broadcast rang, people quickly returned home. The square on each floor soon became clear of civilians. The soldiers who remained in the square sat leaning against the wall and tied belts around their bodies. .

Xiyan will be fixed on the bed, and the baby will be placed in a fixed cabin. Chabai will be taken care of by someone, so there will be no problem.

Ling Yun said to Qin Tiandao.

Qin Tian nodded and signaled Ling Yun to continue.

Check the energy system.

Inspection started. Inspection completed.

A huge glass warehouse appeared on the screen, and Xie Chunqiu was sitting in the warehouse, motionless with his heart in the sky.

Blazing white light overflowed from Xie Chunqiu's seven orifices, and countless numbers of eyes lit up on the glass chamber, like words composed of fire.

Qin Tian exclaimed before he had time to ask.

Ling Yun already said: Everyone, get ready, we are about to take off.

After saying that, Ling Yun pulled Qin Tian to the wall, sat on a broken eggshell-like chair, and was tied with countless belts.

And those people who were staying in front of the computer also came to the wall, sat down one after another, and put on their belts.

Then, Ling Yun said to the screen from a distance: Start the flying device.

Yes! Start counting down: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, start.

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