End of the World Terminator

Chapter 193 Tiger Death

Chapter 203 Tiger Death

Ling Yun fumbled around in his arms for a while, took out some bandages, wrapped them around his head, took out some medicine, and fed Qin Tian some.

When the black flames on Qin Tian's body disappeared, the cracks on his body also disappeared quickly, but even so, his face was still very pale and his breath was silky.

Your physical strength is exhausted, but your vitality is really tenacious.

Ling Yun observed Qin Tian's body, breathed lightly, and then took out a diamond-shaped stone from his body, but hesitated for a while before beginning to absorb the energy in it.

An hour later, Ling Yun dropped the transparent stone, then stood up and felt it.

Yes, absorbing energy can indeed restore my physical strength, which is good.

Ling Yun walked to Qin Tian, ​​picked him up, and then walked to a charred corpse. After being silent for a while, he reached out and grabbed a charred tail.

The big tiger is dead.

He was burned to death, and he protected Ling Yun under him when he died.

But even with the protection of the big tiger, Ling Yun had to rely on the two skills of petrification and thunder armor to withstand the scorching heat.

Dragging the big tiger's body and carrying Qin Tian who had fainted, Ling Yun looked around, determined the location, and walked towards the cave step by step.

The cave had collapsed, but when Ling Yun arrived, the ten skeletons left there had dug out the tunnel.

After Ling Yun confirmed that Ling Jiao and others were fine, he asked the skeletons to find a wooden board, put Qin Tian on it, and fed Qin Tian some water.

Then, Ling Yun asked the skeletons to find another wooden board and he lay on it.

Uh, is there too much blood? My vision is blurred.

Ling Yun's eyes were slightly distracted and he fell asleep.

When Qin Tian woke up, he opened his eyes and saw the dark night.

Then he heard someone snoring next to him.

Uh, who is it?

Qin Tian Mi Sheng looked over and found Ling Yun lying on the ground, drooling, sleeping soundly.

I go.

Qin Tian coughed slightly, raised his hand and saw blood stains on his palm. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: This can't be the underworld, right?

Xiao Jin, am I still alive?

Host, if you judge your survival based on your physical existence, you are still alive.

Uh, how did I survive?

Qin Tian covered his forehead, but then looked at Ling Yun beside him and said, How did Ling Yun survive?

Host, there was a time when your consciousness was replaced by another consciousness, and this dangerous consciousness cannot be analyzed by Xiao Jin for the time being.

Xiao Jin only knows that this consciousness seems to be connected with the host's consciousness. It can see what the host sees, hear what the host hears, and even knows the host's inner thoughts. Moreover, it has no good intentions towards the host.

Uh, Xiao Jin, could that consciousness be the inner demon?

Qin Tian frowned and asked.

The host, Xiao Jin cannot be sure.

Well, Xiao Jin, did you record the scene at that time?


Show it to me.


A blue screen appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes, and the scene of Qin Tian fighting with the giant bird surrounded by black flames appeared on the screen.

He watched himself wearing jet-black flame armor, watched himself laugh wildly in the air, watched himself ride the jet-black flame dragon and rush into the air again and again, setting off a torrential sea of ​​black flames.

Then, he watched as he cut open the huge body of the giant bird with a flaming knife, took out the huge heart, and then chopped the heart into pieces.

Finally, he watched as he slashed at Ling Yun with the flame knife.

Fuck me!

Qin Tian cursed secretly, but when he saw himself in the picture suddenly trembling all over and falling from the air, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Jin, what happened to this guy? He fell down suddenly?

Uh, host, it seems you did this.

What? What did I do?

Qin Tian looked confused and asked hurriedly: Why can't I remember anything?

Host, at that time Xiao Jin detected that the consciousness in your body fluctuated extremely violently. Apart from the host's original consciousness, nothing else should be able to do this.

Hearing this, Qin Tian opened his mouth slightly, covered his forehead and sat up.

I really can't remember anything.

Qin Tian frowned, thought for a moment, and then asked secretly: Xiao Jin, how is my health?

Scan begins...Scan ends. Host, your physical injuries have not healed yet, but you are out of danger. About 30% of your powers have been restored, and about 20% of your physical strength has been restored.

Well, the injury this time was really serious.

Qin Tianyou looked at Ling Yun beside him and asked secretly: Xiao Jin, how are Ling Yun's injuries?

Scan begins...scan ends. Host, Ling Yun's injuries are not serious. His internal powers are quite abundant at the moment. After resting for a few hours, about 70% of his injuries have been healed.

Hearing this, Qin Tian's expression softened a little, and he began to observe the surroundings, and soon saw the tunnel. He walked over and took a look, and found that there was fire coming from the bottom of the tunnel. He shouted a few times and heard a response. He knew that Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia are below.

He immediately ordered the skeletons standing around to find some vines. However, when the skeletons were looking for vines, he saw the charred corpse.

In fact, the charred corpse was standing not far away from him, but because of the darkness, he couldn't see it clearly at first.

And when he saw it clearly, his body began to tremble.

Big tiger?

Qin Tian staggered to the side of the charred corpse, stretched out his hand tremblingly, and touched the charred corpse, but his face turned pale and his eyes were slightly red.

you you.

Qin Tian was choked and speechless. He never thought that the tiger that had been following him would end up like this.


There was a sudden sound of wind, Qin Tian raised his head slightly, tears welling up in his eyes.

The big tiger followed him for a short time. Even when he heard the roar of the tiger when he was escaping, Qin Tian thought about giving up the big tiger.

But when he actually stood next to the big tiger's body, Qin Tian felt extremely sad in his heart.

After being alone in pain for a long time, Qin Tian finally activated the earth power in his body and found many rocks to make a grave for the big tiger.

Then, Qin Tian lit a fire on the spot, took out all the wine from the self-made space, and sprinkled it all in front of the big tiger's tomb.

Not long after Qin Tian finished doing this, the skeletons came looking for the vines.

He used vines to pull Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia out of the tunnel, and asked the three women to take care of Ling Yun. Then he stood alone in front of the big tiger's grave, a pile of rubble.

The night air was a bit cold, he had a cigarette in his mouth, and the green plant with eyes suddenly jumped out of Ling Jiao's arms and stuck to his leg.

He squatted down, picked up the plant and put it on his shoulder. He smoked silently for a while, then suddenly inserted the cigarette in front of the pile of rocks, then gathered a flame dragon and flew into the sky.

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