End of the World Terminator

Chapter 181 Majesty

Chapter 191 Majesty

Leave the big tiger and the skeleton here to protect Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia. You go with me. With your detection ability, as long as you are careful, there should be no danger.

Ling Yun's eyes were bright and he looked at Qin Tian firmly.

Qin Tian was silent for a while, then shook his head firmly and said: If you must know what's inside, let me go alone. If there is danger, I can escape unscathed. If there is no danger, I will come. Take you in.

After a pause, Qin Tian looked at the big tiger beside him and said: Moreover, the big tiger is only allowed to be ridden by you and me now, and only listens to my and your orders. To protect other people, you and I must Leave one.

Hearing this, Ling Yun was silent for a while and then nodded.

Then you must be careful.

Ling Yun said with a solemn expression.

Don't worry, there will be no problem.

Qin Tian smiled slightly, but Xi Yan at the side suddenly looked at Qin Tian with worry and said, Is it really so important to find something with this text? It's easy to encounter that kind of monster ahead. If this is really What should we do about the trap? Aren’t we going to die in vain?”

Ling Jiao also nodded at this time, surprisingly agreeing with Xi Yan's words.

There is no way, this matter is very important, even if it is a risk, you have to give it a try.

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses and said: So far, I have deciphered less than 1% of the text in the document, but I still insist on my point of view. The future of mankind and the hope of mankind all lie in the document.

If it can be translated, any effort will be worth it.

Hearing this, Qin Tian nodded solemnly, looked at Ling Yun solemnly and said: If I have the chance, I will definitely bring over the thing on which these words are written, whether it is an ancient human or a dragon.

After saying that, Qin Tian glanced at Ling Jiao, Xi Yan and Zhou Yunjia, who had different expressions, and then waved his hand to summon a hundred skeletons, asking all the skeletons to obey Ling Yun's command, then turned and walked forward.

Bang! With a sound, fire ignited from his body and quickly gathered into flame armor.

He stepped into the void, jumped up, and fire spurted out from under his body, gathering into a flame dragon.

Then, the flame dragon soared into the sky, passed through the forest, and galloped away.

In just a blink of an eye, Qin Tian saw the blue vines covering the ground and immediately drove the flame dragon to land.

Among the vines, the tall trees were covered with blue vines just like the little golden detector, and the branches and leaves of these trees had turned blue and became very sparse.

A large amount of sunlight shines down from the gaps, casting a gentle luster on the blue vines covering the ground, which is boundless.

Qin Tian stood in front of these vines, as if facing the endless blue ocean.

After dispersing the flame armor, Qin Tian thought for a moment, squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil and put it in his pocket, then walked to the vines.

In these places, although vines are everywhere in every corner, they are spread neatly on the ground, layer after layer, just like a floor.

Qin Tian took every step carefully, and at the same time said secretly: Xiao Jin, analyze these vines.

Yes, the scan begins. The scan ends, and the analysis begins. After the analysis, the host, in these vines, there are slender tubes, and there seems to be a lot of nutrients being transported inside. There are no chloroplasts in the cells detected, and it feels like they are not It will be like ordinary plants, requiring photosynthesis to maintain life.

The host, upon detecting this vine, will invade the tree's cells and change the tree's DNA. The nutrients transported in the pipes in its body are all produced by the tree.

Host, this vine is a special life form that lives by plundering.


Qin Tian pursed his lips slightly, quickened his pace, and jumped forward. After running quickly for an hour, he suddenly stopped and heard Xiao Jin's voice again.

Host, a large lake was discovered one thousand meters ahead.


Qin Tian nodded and slowed down. A blue screen immediately appeared in front of his eyes, and a sparkling lake immediately appeared on the screen.

Strange, there is a lake in a place full of vines?

Qin Tian hesitated in his heart, pondered for a while, and then slowly moved forward.

The distance of a thousand meters was not too far. Soon, Qin Tian saw the lake.

That's a big lake.

There is no end in sight to the left and right, blue vines cover the lakeside, many of them extend into the water, and they look densely packed.

The water of the lake is very clear, and you can see the aquatic plants and swimming fish in it at a glance.

When Qin Tian stood by the lake, his eyes were quickly attracted to what was in the middle of the lake.

It was a hill with a pavilion on the top.

The hill is blue, and the pavilion is also blue.

The distance was quite far. Qin Tian looked hard and saw that the hills and pavilions were actually huge vines. Around the pavilion were hanging blue curtains with shadows on them. Is there anyone in the pavilion?

Qin Tian frowned slightly, and was about to gather the flame dragons to go to the hill to see what was going on. Suddenly, circles of ripples emerged from the water in front of the hill, and then huge waves suddenly appeared and headed towards where he was. The direction is coming quickly.

Qin Tian was caught off guard when he saw a huge shadow emerging from the water behind the waves.

The shadow also followed the water waves and rushed towards Qin Tian very quickly.

Qin Tian was frightened for a moment, and immediately activated his supernatural power to gather the flame armor. The water wave traveled extremely fast. The moment he was about to gather the flame dragon, the water wave had already swept across the lakeside.

A large amount of lake water surged toward Qin Tian, ​​and Qin Tian formed a wall of flames in front of him, blocking the lake water in an instant.

At this moment, the front end of the huge shadow had broken through the water.

It was a dragon head covered with black scales. The dragon head had fangs exposed at the corners of its mouth, its eyes were blood red, and it was as huge as a mountain.

Yes, human?

The leader's eyes focused on Qin Tian, ​​who was as small as an ant by the lake, and his voice was hoarse but still thunderous: You're still here.

Hearing this, Qin Tian's face became solemn, he directly gathered the flame dragon, took out the giant hammer, and flew into the air.

He showed fear in the air, watching the dragon head with great vigilance, and secretly running his powers.

Humans, didn't I tell you not to come?

The dragon's head made a rather deep voice, and a huge bulge suddenly rose behind it. A huge carapace broke through the water, and a pair of thick forelimbs like dragon claws pressed harder against the lakeside.

Why? You still want to die?

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned. He already felt that something was wrong with the situation. He hesitated for a while, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a huge, overwhelming sense of oppression sweeping over him, and his expression suddenly changed.

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