End of the World Terminator

Chapter 169 Casualties

Chapter 179 Casualties

For a moment, there seemed to be a sound in Qin Tian's ears.

A flaming sword gradually took shape in his hand.

He slowly opened his eyes, and two brilliant and strange lights burst out from his eyes.

The giant dragon was shaken all over, but the two huge dragon heads sucked in a breath of cold air together.

Witch Clan combat skills?!

The giant dragon flapped its giant wings and curled up. One of its dragon heads suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed out a stream of white mist and a blue thunder column.

The mist and the thunder pillar rushed in, and actually merged into one, turning into a mist carrying thunder, running straight towards Qin Tian.

When the mist rushed in front of him, Qin Tiancai slowly raised his flaming sword and stabbed forward fiercely.

Bang!!! With a sound, the giant sword flew out, and endless sword shadows came one after another, piercing into the thunder-carrying mist.

Bang! ~~ In the sound, whether it was thunder or mist, everything was defeated and chopped into pieces. The surging sword shadow suddenly rushed forward and enveloped one of the two-headed dragon's heads.



Amidst the continuous explosions, the two-headed dragon howled miserably, its whole body twisting continuously, and it actually hit a rock wall.

With a sound of Bang!!, the two-headed dragon hit the rock wall heavily, then fell down again, flapped its wings in mid-air, and finally flew up again at the last moment.

At this time, one of the heads of the two-headed dragon was covered with scars, almost completely intact, and blue blood rushed down. It was extremely miserable and terrifying.

Qin Tian frowned slightly and said to himself: Successful, but the 10% skill is still too weak. Even when I failed to drive the flame dragon in the past, a full blow was not as powerful as this.

However, Ling Yun is right, my physical strength has not weakened too much.


Qin Tian let out a soft breath, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes shone with light, and a blazing white flame ignited in his hand.

This time, he aimed at the only remaining head of the dragon, intending to use 20% of his power.


The giant dragon immediately saw Qin Tian's intention and suddenly shouted.

Wait for your sister!

Qin Tian's eyes widened slightly, and he immediately gathered a flaming sword in his hand and stabbed it with all his strength towards the remaining head of the giant dragon.

With a sound of Bang!!, a giant sword flew out again, and countless sword shadows rushed forward in the sword, submerging the remaining head of the giant dragon in an instant.


Amidst the miserable howl, the two-headed dragon fell from the air, landed heavily on the hill made of metal products, and curled up.

Qin Tian smiled slightly and immediately wanted to drive the flame dragon forward. However, just as he was about to take action, an explosion rang in his ears.

Then, he was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked forward, and saw the two-headed dragon hanging on the opposite side, and the side of the intact dragon head clearly showed a piece of charred black.

And in the center of the dragon head's forehead, there is an eye open.

The eye was extremely huge, with a diameter of more than ten meters. It was in the center of the dragon's forehead, and there was a blood-red eye that was spinning.

Qin Tian suddenly turned his head and saw the big tiger opening its mouth in his direction. Ling Yun did not know when he was standing beside the big tiger.

Is it an illusion again?!

Qin Tian reacted immediately and understood that the incident happened suddenly. Xiao Jin didn't have time to remind him. He was so angry that he immediately gathered fireworks in the palm of his hand.

Damn thing, you dare to pretend to be a ghost again!


The dragon suddenly shouted loudly.

Waiting for you to be paralyzed!

Qin Tian gathered the flaming sword, used five powers to stab it out.

With a sound of Bang!!, the sword shadow flew up and rushed forward, covering most of the dragon's body in one go.



The giant dragon let out a long series of miserable howls, flapped its giant wings crazily and struggled endlessly, but was pushed to the earth wall by the infinite sword shadow and plunged deeply into the soil.

Boom! Boom!

After several explosions, the two-headed dragon's entire body was pushed through the earth wall, flew out of the cave, and then fell heavily onto the mountain.

Crack!! The sound suddenly sounded in the cave. Qin Tian raised his eyes and saw that countless cracks were extending from around the hole where the two-headed dragon had crashed. He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately flew towards the hole.

He placed his palms next to the entrance of the cave, activated his earth power, and tried his best to stabilize the cracks around the entrance. Then he flew out of the cave and found that the two-headed dragon that had fallen on the mountain was spreading its wings, eager to take off.

Escape there!!

Qin Tian let out a long roar, quickly ran towards the two-headed dragon, and stepped hard on the dragon's back. .

With a sound of Crack!, the two-headed dragon that had just stood up wailed. Unable to withstand the sudden burst of pressure, its whole body fell to the ground. Then, Qin Tian gathered a twenty-meter-long flame knife and jumped up. He slashed at the dragon's head with huge eyes.

With a sound of Shua!, the flame knife passed through the air and accurately struck the dragon's neck. In one stroke, the whole dragon's head was cut off, and the blue blood burst out like a spring.

Then, Qin Tian swung the flame knife again and slashed at another dragon head.

Crack! With a sound like chopping melons and vegetables, another faucet fell down.

After doing this, Qin Tian quickly ran back to the cave without looking at the dragon corpse covered with sword marks and completely skinless.

When he dispersed the flame armor and flame dragon and came to the carriage where Ling Yun was, Ling Yun was not the only one standing on the carriage.

Xiyan and Zhou Yunjia, covered in blood, were lying lifelessly on the carriage while Ling Yun was examining them.

The bodies of Zhou Lili and Zhang Yu were lying aside.

These two people were obviously hit by various objects when they died, and their bodies were deformed in many places.

Qin Tian first walked to the two corpses and took a look, then walked towards Ling Yun.

Those two were already dead when the skeletons found them.

Although the two-headed dragon had died outside the cave and the temperature inside the cave was still very low, Ling Yun was sweating profusely as he hurriedly sutured Zhou Yunjia's wounds.

The wound was on Zhou Yunjia's forehead, and blood trickled out from it, steaming up.

The hair used to sew Zhou Yunjia's wounds was hair.

Ling Yun pulled out a few hairs from his head and said to Qin Tian while sewing the wound: The bleeding must be stopped first. I wear this needle with me and soak it in alcohol all the time. It should not cause wound infection, but I need Light, and fire to keep her warm.”

Qin Tian immediately gathered flames in his hands and asked the skeletons to find flammable materials.

At this moment, Ling Jiao also climbed into the carriage. At this moment, Ling Jiao's arm was wrapped with a bandage, and she was obviously injured.

Qin Tian glanced at Ling Jiao, then at Xi Yan who was stained with blood, and finally said to Ling Yun: Where is Xi Yan? How is she?

Her injuries are not serious. We will disinfect her wounds later. As long as she is not infected with tetanus, she will be fine.

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