End of the World Terminator

Chapter 105 Absorption

Chapter 113 Absorption

Qin Tian tried his best to open his eyes and looked at the monster as huge as a mountain above him. He was silent for a while, and then a sneer broke out on his face.

Beast, you really want to find me? Are you really sure you can kill me?

Qin Tian's voice was very low, showing his weakness at this time.

The monster's hearing was very sensitive. It clearly heard what Qin Tian said and smiled contemptuously.

You won't be so arrogant later.

The giant man had a sneer on his face, and the monster's tentacles ran towards Qin Tian unswervingly.

Then, Qin Tian took a deep breath, suddenly turned over, and dived into the water.

Want to escape?

The monster widened its eyes slightly and ran towards Qin Tian with its tentacles at a faster speed. However, as soon as its tentacles extended into the water, a flash of fire suddenly burst out in the water.

Then, a hot breath rose up, and the water surface parted, turning into a tornado-like vortex.

In the center of the whirlpool, Qin Tian dived into the water, riding a flaming horse, hanging in the air. He raised his hands high, and he actually held a flaming sword in his hands.

Try this move from me!!

Qin Tian shouted angrily, and under the stunned gaze of the monster, he raised his sword and stabbed it.

Whoosh! In the sound, the sky-holding sword streaked across the sky. Countless sword shadows shuttled back and forth, wreaking havoc in all directions. The infinite momentum seemed to destroy the whole world.


Amid the miserable howl, the huge jellyfish-like monster's face was directly penetrated by countless sword shadows, creating a big hole.

Then, the monster's entire huge body was thrown high, curled up and twisted under the penetration of the sword shadow, and finally shattered into pieces with a Boom!!

The heavy rain was pouring down, and this was the body of a monster.

Woo!~~ In the sound, the jellyfish monsters wandering around fled away one after another, and the entire dense fog quickly thinned in the rain.

The huge pit penetrated by countless water pillars was quickly filled with rainwater. Qin Tian took the opportunity to swim to the shore, and then lay on the ground without any strength.


Qin Tian opened his mouth and kept panting. The sword strike just now was done with all his strength. At this moment, his powers were completely exhausted and his physical strength was also completely exhausted.

Xiao Jin, is there any danger around?

Host, those jellyfish-like monsters and movable corpses are all escaping. There is no danger for the time being.


Qin Tian was relieved, coughed twice more, raised his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth, only to find that all he vomited was blood, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Xiao Jin, how long do I have to rest this time?

Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, your current injuries require at least a week of rest before you can fully recover.

I'll go, I'll play really big this time.

Qin Tian was quite speechless. He turned around and saw a transparent body as huge as a hill. He was slightly startled and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The transparent body is arched and about ten meters high, with a faint blue color showing on one side.

Xiao Jin, detect this thing to see if it is a relic of that giant jellyfish.

Yes, the scan begins, the scan ends, host, this body should be the center of the mushroom-shaped top of the monster. It is the vast majority of the monster's body except for water, supernatural powers and electricity.

Host, we have detected energy fluctuations in this residual body. It is likely that there is a stone full of pure energy. However, because there are residual supernatural barriers in this residual body, we cannot explore it clearly.


Qin Tian nodded and said secretly: We can only explore this thing later.

He continued to breathe for two hours. When the sky broke and the first ray of sunlight broke through the night, Qin Cai reluctantly stood up from the ground. Then, he did not go to Ling Yun and others, but went straight towards the huge body. Go.

He had to take a break every time he walked for a while. The short distance of a few hundred meters took four hours.

And when he came to the front and rear of the broken body, he circled around the broken body, and finally stopped at a faint blue wound.

The smell was similar to human blood, but the fishy smell was more pungent, irritating his nasal cavity, and the blue-gleaming flesh and blood tissue also made him feel nauseous.

After being silent for a while, he sat down on the ground, summoned four skeletons with all his strength, and directed the skeletons to start digging from the wound.

After another hour, the four skeletons successfully removed a spherical stone with a diameter of three meters and a glowing blue light from the remains.

Huh~! Xiaojin, is there a safe place nearby?

Seeing that the stone was successfully dug out, Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself.

Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, walk 20 meters west. You can hide under a tree. The terrain is hidden and you can avoid moving corpses.

Hearing this, Qin Tian asked two skeletons to help him up, and then walked westward step by step.

The tree was beside a creek, and its roots grew out of the creek bank in disorder, cutting off a small space on the creek.

Qin Tian walked straight into the stream and took shelter under the tree roots.

The stream was cold and almost up to his waist.

He was now weak and couldn't help but shiver a few times, and then asked the skeletons to carry the stone.

Putting his hand on the stone, he took a deep breath and said, Xiao Jin, analyze the extraction plan.

Yes! Analysis begins. Analysis completed!

A blue screen appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes. A blue human figure appeared on the screen. Red lines poured out from the blue human figure's dantian and wandered in the meridians.

He drove the extremely thin power in his body, followed the path of the red line, and drove it to the palm of his hand.

Then, fierce fire surged out from his palm and quickly covered the stone. With a click!, a thin crack appeared on the stone, and the power in it was drawn out by supernatural powers.


Qin Tian let out a long breath, only to feel a coldness spreading from his hands, constantly wandering in his meridians, and finally gathered in his Dantian.

The energy in the stone was quickly transformed into supernatural powers in his Dantian.

It's like a person who has been hungry for a long time and is suddenly full. The feeling of satisfaction is really refreshing.

Qin Tian was immersed in this feeling and slowly closed his eyes, but suddenly he felt a burst of coldness appear on his forehead. To his surprise, the coldness seeped in quickly and then went down along the meridians.


Qin Tian screamed and almost lost his mind, but quickly regained his composure. Thinking that the last time he absorbed the giant bird's stone was like this, he was no longer surprised.

It was useless for him to be surprised. At this moment, he couldn't stop at all.

After a long time, when he slowly opened his eyes, he threw away the transparent stone first, and after feeling that no more coldness poured into his body, he immediately asked: Xiao Jin, the energy material in the air just poured in again. ?”


Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips, but felt that the supernatural power in his dantian had been completely restored, so he didn't care about anything else, went directly to the shore, and then waved his hand to summon more than a hundred skeletons.

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