
Jiang Chengwan suddenly let out a sigh and put down the memorial in his hand.

"What a powerful vortex of fire spiritual energy... Did a powerful person with fire attributes achieve enlightenment and breakthrough near Ziji City? Or..."

While muttering to herself, she slowly stood up, walked to the window, frowned and looked at the looming red clouds outside the window.

Feeling the slight heat in the air, she subconsciously summoned the Jidao Sword, and then poured her spiritual power into it, with a hint of vigilance flashing through her sharp eyes.


The sword of Jida gradually bloomed with milky white light, and powerful spiritual pressure began to spread to the surroundings. Soon, the entire Zichen Palace was filled with dense talismans. With just a thought, the powerful protective formation would be activated instantly.

Although her own strength is far inferior to the two Guiyi Realm masters, Fu Huan and Gu Simiao, with various magic weapons, as long as she remains vigilant, even the Guiyi Realm masters cannot do anything to her.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report."

It was the voice of the chamberlain, Xiao Li.

Jiang Chengwan's expression relaxed slightly, then he held down the Jidao Sword and turned his head to look at the door.

"come in."


Soon, Xiao Li walked into the main hall with light movements, then bowed and saluted properly, and then said softly: "Your Majesty, there is news from Ziwei Palace, Miss Chai Hongyu Chai is awake."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengwan couldn't help but be startled.

Um? Chai Hongyu?

Almost instantly, a red figure standing in front of Lu Chen appeared in his mind, willing to endure the extremely painful torture of the soul-searching technique for him.

The next moment, she suddenly felt nervous.

In Lu Qing's heart, Chai Hongyu, who even risked her life for him, must be an extremely special existence...

After a moment, she sighed softly in her heart.

The huge spiritual power gradually returned to the body, and in the blink of an eye, the huge Zichen Palace returned to calm.

"When did this happen?"

"Just now."

Jiang Chengwan nodded, took the Jidao Sword back into space, then hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Go to the Tiangong Si Yamen and tell Lu Qing. If he intends to visit Ziwei Palace, then you can help him lead the way. .”


After Xiao Li left, Jiang Chengwan's expression gradually became complicated.

The majestic emperor of the Great Xia Empire, the supreme one with supreme power, had an obvious look of confusion on her face.

But the struggle is a struggle, and what needs to be done still needs to be done.

"Someone is coming."

She called out softly, and soon, several women in palace attire came in.

"My servant is here, what are your orders?"

Jiang Chengwan put his hands behind his hands, his expression returned to normal, and he said calmly: "Show off to Ziwei Palace immediately."


Several chamberlains responded at the same time, and then got ready in full swing.

Not long after, the dragon flying in mid-air rose from outside the door of Zichen Palace. With the blessing of the Divine Movement Formation, it quickly flew towards Ziwei Palace. In just half a stick of incense, it stopped firmly at Ziwei Palace. Under the Zhu family of Weigong.

And at the moment when Long Chu landed——

Boom! !

Along with a thunder in the daytime, the sky above Ziji City suddenly began to change.

The originally white clouds suddenly turned red at this moment, and countless fire spirits gathered crazily, making the entire sky seem to be on fire, like a red lotus shining in the world, beautiful and dangerous.

call out!

It only took a moment for the celestial phenomena to suddenly change, and a loud phoenix cry suddenly sounded, resounding throughout Luojing in an instant.

The fire clouds like raging flames gathered quickly, and in an instant, a huge flaming bird was vaguely formed. A pair of sharp fiery red eyes looked down at the earth, making every Luojing person feel an inexplicable sense of depression. My feet felt like they were filled with lead, making it difficult to move.

Seeing such a strange celestial phenomenon, Jiang Chengwan, who had just stepped off the Dragon Boat Festival, frowned slightly.

"Is it really a breakthrough in enlightenment..."

Then she decisively gave the order to immediately activate the Tianyan Formation in the palace, and at the same time summoned the Xuanji Guards in Beijing to protect the surroundings of Ziwei Palace.

With such a celestial phenomenon, Chai Hongyu's level of enlightenment will definitely not be low.

Considering that he could not be disturbed during his enlightenment, Jiang Chengwan did not go back in after removing the servants from Ziwei Palace, but waited quietly in a small pavilion outside the palace.

Time passed quickly, and many Xuanji guards, including Zhu Yong, were quickly in place.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen's rather eager figure gradually appeared in Jiang Chengwan's sight.

Seeing that Lu Chen arrived immediately, Jiang Chengwan's little hands under the dragon robe involuntarily grabbed the hem of the skirt.

"Call Lu Qing over."


The palace maid behind him responded and walked quickly towards Lu Chen.

Not long after, Lu Chen was brought over.

"His Majesty."

As soon as Lu Chen stepped into the pavilion, he bowed to Jiang Chengwan.

Jiang Chengwan waved her hand, indicating that he didn't need to be polite, then pointed to the stone bench beside him and said softly: "Lu Qing, please sit down."

Lu Chen was not very polite this time, he just thanked him and sat down where Jiang Chengwan pointed.

The maid on the side poured tea for Lu Chen very discerningly.

"Lu Qing."

Jiang Chengwan asked softly: "Miss Chai is already awake. What do you think is the best way for me to arrange her?"

After saying that, her body became inexplicably tense.

"Should we recruit her to serve as an official in the name of Zhao'an, or should we let her go free?"

Lu Chen thought for a moment.

"Let's see what Miss Chai has planned."

To be honest, he didn't really care about this kind of thing.

After all, whether Chai Hongyu serves the court or travels around the world, it has no impact on him.

"Is it……"

Jiang Chengwan groaned, with no sadness or joy on his face.

"Also, if Miss Chai doesn't want to serve the court, I can't force it, but..."

As she said that, she subconsciously leaned forward, placed her hands on the stone table, and placed something heavy on it. At the same time, her bright eyes stared at Lu Chen, and asked in a serious tone: "If Miss Chai wants to I will follow Lu Qing and be with you wholeheartedly from now on. I even want to become a Taoist partner with you because we share the same goals. What should you do, Lu Qing?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen was obviously stunned for a moment.

In his mind, he subconsciously recalled the fiery red figure that desperately stood in front of him when he was forced into a desperate situation by the assassins of the powerful family when Fu Huan was undergoing a tribulation.

And, two months ago, when Chen Cang inspired people and set off a wave of rebellion, and attacked him in the court, Chai Hongyu, who was still a rebel, unexpectedly stood up and was shocked.

Unlike the Empress and Fu Hua, although they both experienced life and death, Chai Hongyu was desperate for him, even at the cost of her own life.

But the former was a show he made in order to achieve the conditions for immortality. All the differences between them made Lu Chen's heart gradually become complicated.

At this time, Jiang Chengwan said again: "Lu Qing said before that if you meet a like-minded woman of the right age, you will not be unable to consider lifelong events. This girl Chai... seems to be your ideal partner, Lu Qing, right? And Lu Qing has already arrived to get married. age, so..."

Having said this, she lowered her eyes subconsciously.

"If Miss Chai is interested, Lu Qing, you won't refuse, right?"

Even she herself didn't notice that when she said these words, her tone became a little lower, and she was completely different from her usually vigorous and resolute self.

After saying these words, Lu Chen also fell silent. The two faced each other face to face, silent for a long time.

The celestial phenomena are still changing, the giant birds in the sky are becoming more solid, the air is getting hotter, and fine sweat gradually breaks out on the face of the palace maid on the side.

But Jiang Chengwan's small shoulders trembled slightly, as if shuddering.

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