The fact was just as Lu Chen expected.

When he asked about other people, he found out that the old men and their families among the people were killed, but he was the only one who survived. The woman was humiliated and was about to be slaughtered by the soldiers of the Qingzhou Guard. Rescued by Yuzhou Wei, the child witnessed his father being killed and his mother dying of humiliation...

Almost everyone hated the Qingzhou Guards who were imprisoned in the prison car not far away. In their hearts, they only had the obsession to seek justice for their loved ones. As long as they could see those Qingzhou Guards executing them, even if they were allowed to die. , they are also willing.

Not even afraid of death, they are naturally not afraid of searching for souls either.

After listening to everyone's stories, Lu Chen fell silent.

His heart was so heavy that he felt like he couldn't breathe.

"I know."

After a long silence, he slowly spoke.

There was a trace of indescribable fatigue in his voice.

"I will draft a memorial when I get back later. I will report it to Your Majesty tomorrow morning. As long as this matter is true, these villains will definitely be punished as they should."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked happy.

Immediately afterwards, Xi'er, the elder sister of the two sisters who spoke first, suddenly asked: "Sir, may I ask what punishment those beasts will receive if they are found guilty?"

As soon as she asked, her sister Yue'er next to her continued: "Please don't misunderstand me, sir. It's not that we sisters don't trust you, sir. It's just that... we want to confirm the fate of those beasts. If we can't see them beheaded in public with our own eyes, , we sisters... we can’t be reconciled even if we die!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly darkened.

Yes, even if Lu Chen upholds justice for them, if in the end they are just punished without any pain, how can their can they rest in peace?

"Do not worry."

Lu Chen said in a deep voice:

"Knowing the law and breaking the law will be punished with an extra level of crime. These beasts who kill people and take credit for their merits are punishable by death at the very least."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, sir!"

The two sisters bowed to Lu Chen at the same time.

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Zhang Yu.

"Chang Yu, please settle them first. As for these suspects, they will be escorted directly to the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

"Yes! Lord Governor."

Changyu responded loudly.

At the same time, inside Donghua Pavilion.

Yan Song, who was about to leave his shift, was squinting his eyes and looking at the uninvited guest in front of him.

The right minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Cao Siming.

"I wonder what the reason for Mr. Cao coming here is?"

Cao Siming saluted Yan Song, and then said straight to the point: "I beg Mr. Yan Ge to bring justice to the Qingzhou Guard!"

Yan Song said calmly: "What justice do you want?"

Cao Siming solemnly said: "I hope for justice that will allow the soldiers of the Qingning Army to settle down and continue to serve the court loyally and kill the enemy, that is, to preserve the overall situation."

Hearing this, Yan Song just coughed twice.

"Before that, tell me first, what is the relationship between Qingzhou Guard Commander Tang Bin and you?"

Cao Siming's eyes swayed slightly.

"Mr. Yan Ge, this is a small matter and has nothing to do with the overall situation."


Yan Song shook his head.

"That's the big picture."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Siming frowned.

"What do you mean by Mr. Yan Ge's words?"

Yan Song sighed inexplicably.

"Shilang Cao, you are a smart man. You must understand what I said. You don't have to pretend to be confused in front of me when we meet each other."

After a pause, he continued while stroking his long beard: "When you are in an official position, family affairs and state affairs are nothing but interests. Everything should be done if it is in line with the interests, and stop if it is not in line with the interests. I think this sentence should not be used. Can I remind you?"

Hearing this, Cao Siming's brows suddenly furrowed even deeper.

"Mr. Yan Ge, are you really unwilling to fight for the overall interests of the court?"

Faced with this direct question, Yan Song just lowered his eyes, walked to the Taishi chair aside, and sat down expressionlessly.

"There are some things that can be fought for, and those that should be fought must be fought for, but there are some things that cannot be fought for, and there is no need to fight for them."

His withered right hand tapped back and forth on the coffee table, making a regular sound.

"Officials should think twice before acting, and..."

"Although the Great Xia Dynasty is not ruled by one family and one surname, if someone can control the universe and the world with supreme power, this world may not be owned by one person."


Not knowing what he thought of, Cao Siming subconsciously took a step back, his expression changing.

"Servant Cao."

The five fingers of Yan Song's right hand stopped waving.

"That's all I've said. As for how you decide, that's your own business. I have no right to interfere."

As he said that, he slowly picked up the teacup on the side and said calmly: "It's getting late. If there is nothing else, Minister Cao should go back first. Now that the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel is high, Minister Ye hates Lu again. In the morning, Your Majesty is suspicious of me. If Minister Cao is interested in this, he might as well think carefully about what should be fought for, what must be fought for, and what cannot be done after returning home."

As soon as these words came out, Cao Siming completely understood that Yan Song, the chief minister of the dynasty who had been in power for more than ten years, could not be counted on.

So he stopped talking nonsense.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yan Ge, for your advice. I will visit you another day to express my thanks and take my leave."

Yan Song coughed twice and said softly: "Servant Cao, walk slowly."

Cao Siming turned and left.

Looking at his leaving figure, Yan Song shook his head inexplicably.

"It's a good knife, but it's a pity."

He murmured to himself with emotion, and then moved his gaze slightly away to look at the gradually darkening sky outside. His cloudy old eyes gradually became darker.

"What is the world like for one person? It is decided by one person's words. How can others interfere? All the saint kings are ants, and their arms are like chariots. What is their power? If they don't leave a useful body, how can they plan for great things?"


The next day, morning.

Without any hesitation, Lu Chen stood up the moment the big pilgrimage ended.

"Your Majesty, I have this memorial."

Seeing how impatient he was, Cao Siming's face suddenly darkened, and a hint of gloom quietly flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Chengwan's face didn't look strange at all. He had obviously expected this, but he still asked knowingly: "Please speak, Mr. Lu."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lu Chen stood up, and then with a serious face told what happened when he was off duty yesterday.

As he told the story, the officials had different expressions, and many of them looked thoughtful, as if they were planning something.

But until Lu Chen finished speaking, no one stood up to interrupt or stop. Everyone became an excellent audience and listened silently to Lu Chen's statement. Even Qian Yiqian, who was the most noisy in the past, now It was as if they didn't hear anything and didn't react at all.

"I would like to convene a joint trial of the three departments, which will be presided over by the Criminal Department, Dali Temple and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. A group of military attachés from the Governor's Office will also participate in the trial and try the case together!"

At the end of the sentence, Lu Chen bowed again and spoke sincerely, obviously intending to be serious to the end.

As soon as he finished speaking, Cao Siming came out directly.

"Your Majesty, I object to what Lu Shangshu said."

He first expressed his attitude directly, and then said: "The temple only discusses major world affairs, and everything must be based on our country and the country of Daxia, with the overall situation as the priority. Now Yuzhou is not the only army that is suppressing the rebellion in Tianlan Province. Wei, Suizhou Guard, Qingzhou Guard and other Qingning Army Guards are also fighting bravely against the enemy and fighting to the death against the rebels. Regardless of whether the matter is true or false, at this critical juncture, if the court wants to If you want to punish the Qingzhou Guard for a trivial matter, the guards fighting on the front line must be mentally unstable and have no intention of suppressing the thieves."

"If the rebels are given a chance to breathe, they will definitely become rogue thieves and cause harm to all provinces. They may even come back one day, causing endless troubles."

When he said this, his eyes became extremely solemn, and he looked concerned about the country and the people.

"Wei Chen is not defending the guilty. If the facts are true as Lu Shangshu said, Wei Chen will never intercede for these scum. However, there are priorities and priorities. The top priority is to quell the rebellion in Tianlan Province. Therefore, the morale of the army must not be shaken, otherwise the army will have no fighting spirit. How can the two guards of Yu and Sui suppress the thieves? Therefore, Wei Chen suggested that this matter be shelved for the time being, and we can wait until the matter of Tianlan Province is settled before we discuss it."

As soon as these words came out, all the courtiers looked at Cao Siming.

Immediately afterwards, before they could think about Cao Siming's words, Tang Yue, the left minister of the Ministry of War, came out with a wat board in his hand and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I believe that what Cao Siming said is reasonable. Now the war in Tianlan Province has reached a critical point. At that time, the bandits will be eradicated and the world will be at peace. No matter what happens now, we should focus on suppressing the bandits. We must not put the cart before the horse. Your Majesty, please be clear."

Another third-level boss stood up, and the expressions of the others finally changed.

The atmosphere today is a bit off...

As the second-in-command of the Ministry of Personnel and the second-in-command of the Ministry of War spoke out in opposition one after another, their people also came out one after another.

Jiang Chengwan looked at the scene in front of him expressionlessly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"That's what you mean."

Her red lips parted slightly, and she spoke slowly, unhurriedly:

"For the sake of the so-called overall situation, the court should let them do whatever they want, right?"

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