"Liu Shangshu is overly praised."

Lu Chen waved his hands and said rather helplessly: "I have little talent and experience. I am in a high position just because I was lucky. I happened to do something. I was lucky enough to get this high position because of His Majesty's wrong love. I still have a lot to learn from Liu Shangshu." You, a mature and mature leader of the country, ask for advice, please Liu Shangshu, please don’t do this to me.”

"Ha ha."

Liu Dongyang smiled and said: "Shang Shu Lu is indeed as humble and respectful as ever."

The words are full of appreciation.

After Liu Ruowei greeted Lu Chen, she looked curiously at the young man in front of her who was about the same age as herself, but already had power and achievements that countless cultivators could not even imagine.

After some polite greetings, Lu Chen said to the two of them: "Liu Shangshu, Miss Liu, please sit down."

With that said, he walked towards the main seat without hesitation.

Although Liu Dongyang was highly respected and held a high position, for him, who was also a minister, there was no difference in his official position. There was no distinction between superiority and inferiority, so he naturally did not need to give up his position.

In the entire court, the only one who needed to give up his throne was the Empress.

It's just that every time he gave up his seat, the empress would consciously sit in another seat.

After everyone sat down, Lu Chen took the initiative to ask: "Liu Shangshu came here at this time, right?"

Liu Shangshu nodded.


As he said that, he turned his head, looked at his calm-looking daughter beside him, and said rather helplessly: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, Mr. Lu. Although I can barely be said to be full of knowledge in this life, the only thing I can use is... There is only the study of sages. Although I have dabbled in other studies, they are all necessary to deal with official affairs. They are not even half-knowledge, let alone proficient. Unlike you, Mr. Lu, who is not only proficient in classics, but also masters the studies of sages. Learn the true essence, and be all-inclusive, master all kinds of knowledge, and use it to govern the country and bring peace to the people.”

After a pause, he said with emotion: "I never imagined that a small way of studying things could actually contain such miraculous power. It could even turn decay into something magical, and even harmful things like pebbles could be transformed into something magical. It has become a good thing that has benefited all the people in the world. Later, the Tiangong Division collectively realized the Tao, and their cultivation levels skyrocketed. The worst ones all broke through a whole small realm. Si Ye Su Ning even directly broke through a big realm. Now I don’t have it either. I dare to assert that knowledge that is not in the mainstream, such as the study of objects, is just a trail..."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly.

Damn, he gets angry when he mentions this.

The Tiangong Division's collective enlightenment happened when the Empress issued a decree to reward everyone in the Tiangong Division.

The sky above Ziji City changed that day.

The collective enlightenment of so many people actually caused a strange phenomenon in the world. For the thousand-year-old dynasty of Daxia, it was considered a first for the world.

As a result, one of the officials from the Tiangong Department who realized enlightenment that day was absent.

That's right, the only one who was absent and not enlightened was Lu Chen.

What's more, he was obviously the one who contributed the most to the research and development of charcoal, and he also provided the main ideas. As a result, the research results came out, and after the charcoal was turned into a treasure, his cultivation level remained almost unchanged. Su Ning and the others But each breakthrough was more powerful than the last.

Su Ning is even a master of the Xuanming Realm, just like someone who was already gifted and had an epiphany after years of accumulation, so powerful.

And Lu Chen himself has no hair at all.

If he hadn't had the system by his side and the opportunity to be directly promoted to Immortal King, he would have been depressed to death.

When Liu Dongyang talked about this, a look of expectation quietly flashed in Liu Ruowei's eyes.

Practitioners of the way of studying things can do it, but what about practitioners of the way of medicine...

For a normal monk, the temptation to achieve a breakthrough is extremely tempting, especially on the path he longs for.

Lu Chen's achievements in the Tiangong Division were obvious to all, and even Liu Ruowei had to put aside her original prejudices.

"If you are a little girl who also practices medicine, you are a master of medicine."

Liu Dongyang said slowly: "Her attainments in this Tao are comparable to those of sages, or even better."

He kept telling Lu Chen about his daughter's situation.

To put it simply, he just hoped that Lu Chen could help his daughter get out of the predicament. He didn't ask for enlightenment, as long as he could help her get rid of the current bottleneck.

Hearing what Liu Dongyang said, Lu Chen couldn't help turning his head, glanced at Liu Ruowei, and then said to Liu Dongyang: "I'm sorry, Liu Shangshu, I have dabbled in medicine, but not deeply, and I have never been immersed in it. It's just Knowing some simple medical principles may not be able to help your daughter."

This is not to shirk, he really doesn't understand.

After all, he was not a medical student before time travel, and the medical knowledge in his mind was limited to daily life and descriptions in some novels.

What's more, this world is not Blue Star. Who knows how much that medical knowledge can be used.

So for some things, it’s better to get vaccinated first and not give people too much expectations.

"It doesn't matter."

Liu Dongyang waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Everything is determined. Lu Shangshu, just do your best. No matter whether this matter can be accomplished or not, I will support you."

Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately realized that Liu Dongyang was forced into a corner by his daughter.

Also, judging from the persistence of cultivators in this world towards the great road, it is not surprising at all that some people are paranoid.

"Since you said so, Liu Shangshu, then... let me have a few words with your daughter."

Lu Chen turned his head again, looked at Liu Ruowei, and asked softly:

"Miss Liu, I don't know, what is the problem you are encountering?"

Faced with such a direct question from Lu Chen, Liu Ruowei thought for a while, but did not answer immediately. Instead, she looked at Lu Chen closely and asked crisply:

"Master Lu, before my little girl expresses her confusion, could you please answer me a question?"


Lu Chen smiled slightly and said casually: "Miss Liu, what do you want to ask?"

Liu Ruowei was silent for a moment, then glanced at Liu Dongyang who looked confused, and then bit her lip.

"Master Lu, my little girl heard that you once openly advocated in the court that "all the ways of heaven and earth, as long as they benefit the country and the people, are the great ways", that is to say, in your eyes, the ways are not superior or inferior. There is no difference in priority between the way of sages and the way of investigating things, they are just different divisions of labor, right?"

As soon as he said this halfway, Liu Dongyang's expression changed instantly.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes suddenly condensed, and then the spiritual power in his body exploded instantly, forming a spiritual force field around the entire hall in an instant. While sensing the surrounding wind and grass, it also completely isolated internal and external sounds.

When Liu Ruowei finished speaking, his expression relaxed slightly.

But after just a moment, he frowned and glared at Liu Ruowei.

This girl...is really spoiled by herself!

However, Lu Chen opened his eyes slightly.


There is no superiority or inferiority in the Tao, nor is there any dignity or inferiority?

This kind of thinking... seems pretty good...

After reacting, a bright light quietly bloomed in his eyes.

This girl...is a bit interesting...

While thinking this, the way he looked at Liu Ruowei gradually became more subtle.

That look was like seeing a half-brother.

I wish I could chop off the chicken head and burn the yellow paper on the spot.


Liu Dongyang glared and yelled angrily.

But before he could say a lesson to this reckless daughter, Lu Chen suddenly stretched out his hand and blocked it in front of him.

"Liu Shangshu."

He looked at Liu Dongyang with a smile on his face, and his words sounded like spring breeze slowly.

"Your love didn't say anything wrong, she just asked an ordinary question, didn't she?"

Hearing this, Liu Dongyang suddenly choked.

Ordinary question?

How the hell is this ordinary? It's obviously very fatal, right?

After stopping Liu Dongyang, Lu Chen turned his head, looked at Liu Ruowei, and said very gently: "Miss Liu, why do you ask that?"


Liu Ruowei didn't look at her father's desperate wink at her and responded directly: "I think the future of medicine that I have been pursuing all my life may lie with you, Mr. Lu."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen was startled. (End of chapter)

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