Under the gaze of almost everyone, Wu Yue's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he was obviously at war between heaven and man in his heart.

He has already missed an opportunity. If he misses it again this time, his prestige will be greatly affected.

If this happens, one handsome person will cover up all the ugly ones. He will still be the shrewd and capable Wu Shangshu. Wu Aiqing in the empress's mouth. If he fails, it will be difficult to lead the team of the Ministry of Revenue.

While struggling, he raised his head inexplicably and glanced at the dragon chair on the jade steps.

Under the nine jade curtains that covered Tianji, the empress's expression was still invisible. It was as mysterious and unpredictable as ever. It was impossible to figure out the empress's thoughts through her expression.

But the next second, Wu Yue didn't know what he thought of, and a flash of enlightenment quietly flashed in his muddy old eyes.

Then he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "In that case, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will pay for the research and development expenses for new building materials!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be startled.


Their expressions were slightly absent-minded, and they were a little unable to react to Wu Yue's words.

After a moment, everyone's eyes widened almost simultaneously.


What the hell? That notorious iron rooster was very strict with the expenses of various ministries. He even had to ask the ministries of the outer court to purchase pens, inks, paper and inkstones. He always wanted to be stable in everything he did. He was more stable than an old dog. Actually...really voted?

Even Lu Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Does this iron rooster have such courage?

After reacting, Lu Chen smiled and then asked: "Wu Shangshu, I wonder how much research and development expenses the Ministry of Household Affairs can provide?"

Before Wu Yue agreed, he had already calculated it carefully in his head. When Lu Chen asked, he responded directly: "Within one month, 120,000 taels of silver! If it's not enough, I will think of another way later. In short, I will The government will try its best to squeeze out money to supply the Tiangong Department while ensuring all necessary expenses."

After a pause, he continued: "If the new building materials you mentioned, Mr. Lu, are successfully developed, they will surely benefit the world, and our Great Xia Dynasty will also usher in an unprecedented prosperous era. It is of great significance. I, Wu, Although I am not talented, I am still willing to contribute my modest contribution to His Majesty’s great aspirations for a prosperous age.”

"As long as I am still the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, even if it means selling iron, the Ministry of Household Affairs will fully support the research and development of Tiangong Division."

Hearing these decisive and heroic words, Lu Chen's smile suddenly deepened.

"In this case, it will be helpful to Wu Shangshu."

Wu Yue waved his hand.

"Shilang Lu's words are serious. They are all doing their best for the country, so there is no need to talk about hard work."

Seeing that the two of them were so harmonious, without any of the tense postures they had during the Carbon Coal incident, many courtiers frowned almost simultaneously.

Wu Yuetang, the Minister of Household Affairs, has always been impartial. The big boss who can compete with Liu Dongyang and Fang Ping for the last cabinet seat has actually begun to show signs of getting closer to Lu Chen. To many people, this is not a good idea. A piece of good news...

At this time, the empress spoke at the right time.

"Since Wu Aiqing has no objection, then the matter will be settled."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Even the Minister of Household Affairs had no objection, so it was naturally difficult for others to argue.

After the matter of the new building materials was settled, and seeing that Lu Chen finally retreated and no one else came out to make trouble, the empress turned her head and looked at a eunuch who was announcing the decree below.

"Wang Bao, declare the decree."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After receiving the instruction, Wang Bao immediately stepped forward and took out the imperial edict he had prepared in advance.

Now that the business is done, it's time to reward everyone for their merits.

The moment the imperial edict was revealed, Lu Chen's heart skipped a beat almost subconsciously. However, when he thought that the system had entered the next settlement cycle of only ten days, his eyes relaxed slightly, and then he and the others bowed in the direction of the edict. bye.

"The emperor carries the emperor, and the system says: Today, the right minister of the Ministry of Industry and the director of the Tiangong Department, Lu Chen, are working diligently, working tirelessly, conscientiously, and devoting themselves to the king's affairs... The new system is implemented in the Ministry of Industry, while caring for the people and saving expenses. Significantly improved the construction efficiency, completed the Wuji Palace project ahead of schedule, and ensured the smooth progress of the Xinyuan Ceremony. Later, he led the officials of the Tiangong Department to study coal and benefited the world. A perfect match, a reward of millions of gold..."

The series of rewards that followed made Lu Chen feel dizzy.

He didn't know how many gold and silver treasures the empress had rewarded, how much they were worth, and how many treasures of heaven and earth she had given. He only knew that there must be a lot, a lot!

Luo Xiaoyu, a little rich woman, will unknowingly double her wealth again.

As for food and other things, if there are five hundred households, there will be five hundred households. It will have no impact on him and there is no need to care.

After all, he has not yet gone to Xingping County to receive the title. It is conceivable that he has no interest at all in Xingping County Duke, a title that drives countless monks crazy.

And in terms of official positions.

Without any surprise, he was directly promoted from the right minister of the Ministry of Industry to the minister of the Ministry of Industry. He was promoted two levels in a row and officially became one of the six ministers, second only to the senior officials of the Three Pavilions and a proper temple boss.

Shangshu, who is in his early twenties, can be regarded as breaking the record of the Great Xia Dynasty.

With this rocket-like promotion speed, everyone still instinctively felt envious and jealous even though they knew that Lu Chen had outstanding political achievements and had the ability to serve as a dragon, and that Jian was in the emperor's heart and favored by the empress.

You must know that a few months ago, Lu Chen was just a fledgling boy, a mere seventh-rank official.

From the seventh grade to the second grade, it only takes a flick of the finger.

To him, promotion was as simple as eating and drinking.

They couldn't figure out how there could be such a prosperous official in this world.

Not to mention that they couldn't figure it out, Lu Chen himself was speechless.

How could there be someone as unlucky as me in this world...

But now that the matter was over, he had no choice but to calm down and get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind. After Wang Bao finished reciting the imperial edict, he bowed to the empress again.

"Wei Chen, thank you for your kindness."

The empress smiled slightly.

"Lu Qing, the Ministry of Industry will be handed over to you from now on. I believe you will make me see a Ministry of Industry that can truly benefit the world."

Lu Chen said seriously: "I am a humble minister, I am sincerely frightened."

After going down to court, before Lu Chen could leave the Wuji Hall, he was stopped by Xiao Li again, saying that the empress had something to discuss with him.

Seeing Lu Chen heading towards the Zichen Palace, Fu Huan sighed inexplicably, and the open-mouthed expression on his face gradually dissipated.

At the same time, an imperial edict came to the Tiangong Division and appeared in front of a group of Tiangong Division officials who were not qualified to participate in the court meeting.

Since rewards are based on merit, Su Ning and others who have made outstanding contributions to carboniferous research will naturally not be left behind.

In the end, Su Ning was awarded the lifelong honor of academician. In addition to the monthly salary as the director of the Tiangong Division, Su Ning also received an additional academician salary, and had privileges such as no need to salute when meeting second-rank officials and below, as well as the emperor's official status. He was awarded an honorary plaque and a reward of one thousand taels, etc.

Others also received varying degrees of reward based on their performance in carboniferous research.

"Weak minister, thank you for your kindness!"

The moment the shining silver official silver and honorary documents were issued, everyone could not help but burst into tears. They knelt on the ground and shouted from the bottom of their hearts:

"Long live your Majesty!".

At this moment, everyone was holding the documents in their hands tightly, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

At this time, they all had the feeling that years of hard work and persistence were finally bearing fruit, and they felt happy that all their efforts had paid off.

They have proved that the way they insist on investigating things is not a useless way, but a broad road that can benefit the country and the people and is valued by His Majesty!

This honor cannot be exchanged for any number of rewards!

The way of investigating things will also be carried forward from their hands!

At this thought, everyone suddenly felt that the spiritual power in their bodies began to stir wildly, constantly impacting the spiritual veins everywhere in the body...

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