"The inheritance of our ancestors is the most important thing."

Li Zhiping looked like he hated iron and said coldly to Lin Yi: "In the face of family interests, anything can be sacrificed. Mr. Lin is also a talented person of the Lin family. He must think so. If you use all the Lin family's wealth, Do you think Mr. Lin will be happy if he comes to save Mr. Lin and ignores the interests of the family?"

Lin Yi's eyes did not change at all. He raised his head calmly and looked at Li Zhiping without fear:

"This is my Lin family's business, so I don't need the Li family to worry about it."

After a pause, he added: "Besides, I, Mr. Lin, always only seek a clear conscience when doing things, and nothing else. If the Li family master doesn't like it, then just keep it out of sight."

Having said this, he turned around directly.

"That's it for now, farewell!"

After saying this, without waiting for anyone to respond, he took steps without hesitation and left the restaurant.


After Lin Yi left, Li Zhiping snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "I kindly warned him not to act out of anger. As the head of the family, the family should be the first priority in everything, but he went his own way and didn't take my words to heart at all."

When everyone heard this, they immediately comforted themselves and said, "Master Li, please calm down. This Lin Yi doesn't know what is good and what is good. When disaster strikes, he will naturally know what is good about Master Li."

"At that time, he will definitely wake up and admit his mistake to the head of the Li family."

"Well, if the Lin family hadn't been in such a big mess and almost all of his father's generation had died, how could the Lin family have been reduced to the point where a person like this who has no sense of the overall situation and can only act based on his own ambitions should be the head of the family?"

"The former No. 1 family in Taihe has fallen to this level. It's really disappointing."

"The Lin family. Alas."

At this time, Li Zhiping suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Dafu.

"Except Mr. Zhao, this Lin Yi behaves so willfully and has no manners or qualities like a child of aristocratic family. From what I see, this son is definitely not a good match. If we get married to him, sooner or later he will cause trouble. For the long-term plan of the family, we still We need to discipline our children more, what do you think?"

Zhao Yuanwai pondered for a moment, and then sighed inexplicably.

"The words of the head of the Li family are reasonable, but the marriage between Yu'er and the head of the Lin family was decided before my father was alive, and now that I am over fifty, I have only one daughter, Yu'er, who has an extremely strong temper. Now that she has decided The head of the Lin family, I really can't interfere, so I can only let her go."

Hearing this, a subtle look flashed across Li Zhiping's eyes.

"Then what are your plans, Member Zhao?"

"I'm going to go to the Lin family and give some advice to the head of the Lin family."

Zhao Dafu shook his head and said helplessly: "If the Lin family master doesn't listen to my good words, then I have no choice but to let nature take its course."

Although the backers behind the Zhao family are somewhat capable, the Zhao family is essentially a new business family with an average background. It does not have as many rules and regulations as the aristocratic family, and the concept of the supremacy of family interests is not very strong.

Therefore, Zhao Dafu's situation is fundamentally different from Li Zhiping's.

After hearing what Zhao Dafu said, Li Zhiping was silent for a moment, and then cupped his hands towards him.

In the next few days, Taihe County became increasingly restless.

As the magistrate of Taihe County, Li Yongcheng officially issued a notice to designate more than 400 households to move to villages near Heishan to settle down, and they became the residents of Gu Simiao, the governor of Taihe County.

As for the specific candidates, the government will carefully verify the Taihe County household register, investigate the living conditions, property and other conditions of each household, and then make a judgment based on their comprehensive situation to determine the people who should most settle in the villages near Heishan.

The local powerful people in Taihe County showed their "sincerity" to support Li Yongcheng's decision to move the people to Montenegro to make up for the food shortage.

Immediately afterwards, news came out among the people that if they did not want to move to Montenegro and settle down, they would have to provide some money and food for the people who went to settle in Montenegro. As soon as this news came out, many people gritted their teeth or took out their family's money in great pain. Surplus grain and deeply hidden money and treasures can be borrowed from everywhere.

And those people who have nothing and can't really bring anything out can only close their eyes and wait for the unknown fate that is coming.

At this time, in Heishi Village, which is dozens of miles away from Taihe County.

"I'm talking about Dad Bao'er."

A rather tall man stood at the door of a dilapidated farm, squinting his eyes and looking at a one-armed peasant with a slightly stooped figure and only one hand not far away.

"Why are you so stubborn? I've said it all, as long as you promise to marry Bao'er to my second brother Pan as a concubine, I will help your family pay this mutual aid fund, and guarantee that you and my future uncle will not have to go to Montenegro." That hellish place is suffering, and I will also send some rice and noodles to your family during the new year and festivals, so as to be filial to your old man."

"You also know that in our countryside, you can ask for a wife with a dozen catties of rice. I am giving money and rice noodles. This deal is worth it! Let me tell you, it is me, Pan People value loyalty and affection, and are willing to give this price. If it is another family, let alone a mutual aid fund, they can provide dozens of catties of flour, and my name, Pan Fugui, is written upside down!"

The farmer who was called Bao'er's father had a cold look on his face when he heard this.

The dry lips opened slightly and slowly spit out one word——


Hearing this, Pan Laoer suddenly looked angry.

"Daddy Bao'er, I advise you to think about it carefully!"

His patience is obviously very poor. When he heard that the other party dared to let him go, he said without politeness: "I know that Bao Erniang was seriously ill before. All the money, savings, and surplus food in exchange were used up, but still failed to save Bao Erniang, and now your family is impoverished, not to mention mutual aid funds, even whether you can live is a problem."

"If you reject me, your family will have to gnaw the bark sooner or later. Even if I like Bao'er, I won't pay this price again. After all, my family's money and food are not blown by the wind, right?"

Faced with Pan Laoer's "good words of advice", Bao'er's father picked up the wooden stick on the side without hesitation.

"Are you leaving or not?!"

His response remained short and powerful.

Pan Laoer suddenly shrank his neck when he saw Bao'er's father with a cold look on his face and a fierce look in his eyes, as if he was about to take action.

Ever since he fell in love with the well-known beautiful woman in Heishi Village, he has inquired about the family's situation carefully. He naturally knows that Bao'er, who looks honest and honest, has served in the army, killed people, or died from the battlefield. The fierce guy is back.

Although he had a broken arm, his murderous look left no doubt that if he was offended, the consequences would be disastrous.

A hero doesn't want to suffer immediate losses, so Pan Laoer decided to avoid the edge for the time being.

So he took a few steps back.

But he didn't give up.

Then he rolled his eyes and spoke again:

"Father Bao'er, the government's announcement has already spread throughout Taihe County. Given your family's situation, if it weren't for me, Pan Laoer, I would have been transferred to Heishan by the county magistrate to feed food. As long as you go to Heishan, you will become a Your family will be ruined by the food of Taihe County Duke. I advise you to think clearly about the pros and cons!"

"Now I am the only savior of your family. You don't think about yourself, don't you think about my uncle? You are so determined to go your own way and don't think about your uncle. Are you worthy of Bao Erniang who is still dead?"

Seeing Pan Laoer mentioning his son and his deceased wife, as if he remembered his wife's entrustment before his death, Bao'er's father couldn't help but his shoulders trembled, and a hint of hesitation quietly flashed in his fierce eyes.

The hands holding the stick relaxed slightly.

Seeing this, Pan Laoer was immediately overjoyed.

However, it seemed that it was too early for him to be happy.

Just when he was about to take advantage of the victory, a rather thin figure suddenly walked out of the farmhouse.

It was a boy who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old.

He was wearing a patched but clean Tsing Yi, his hair was tied up, and he was holding a thread-bound book in his hand. He was dressed like a scholar, but his thin face was full of coldness and bright eyes. , but it was full of anger.

"Pan, shut up!"

He walked to his father and glared at Pan Laoer.

"My sister, Chu, will never be a concubine for a rogue like you in this life. You must give up!"

Just as Chu said these words categorically, a small and beautiful face quietly poked out from the corner not far away.

The moment the words fell, Pan Laoer's expression suddenly changed.

He looked at Chu with an ugly expression.

"Brother, you can't say that..."

He tried to get closer, but what he got in return was even stronger anger.

"Pan, please keep your mouth clean!"

Chu loudly said: "I want to find your brother-in-law and go back to your wife's mother's house. There is no brother-in-law here. If you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will fight you hard now!"

As he spoke, he subconsciously wanted to grab the stick from his father's hand.

Naturally, Chu Zhan would not let his son be violent.

Seeing that his son was so determined, while feeling very relieved, he clenched the wooden stick in his hand again.

"Pan Laoer, listen to me!"

He spoke coldly.

"Although our family is poor, even to the point of desperation, no matter what, we will never betray our daughter. Even if we starve to death, die outside, or jump from Montenegro, we will never let our daughter be anyone's concubine!"

Hearing this, Pan Laoer's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.


He opened his mouth, but Chu Zhan suddenly raised the wooden stick in his hand, and the veins in his hand suddenly exploded.

"I'll say it again!"

Chu Zhan's eyes were fierce, fixed on Pan Laoer who was not far away.

"Get out of here!"


Faced with Chu Zhan's gaze, Pan Laoer couldn't help but tremble. He took a few steps back again, but he didn't dare to look at Chu Zhan again.

I don't even have the guts to stay here anymore.

"Ignorant of good and evil!"

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly:

"I'm kind enough to help you and give you a way to survive, but you're treating me like this, hmph! I want to see if you can still be as arrogant as you are now when the official documents come down, and you will definitely regret it..."


Before he could finish his words, a three-finger-thick wooden stick suddenly flew past his ear and landed directly on the earth wall behind him.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and the wooden stick was embedded directly in!

Along with the strong wind, an angry voice suddenly sounded.


Pan Laoer's pupils immediately shrank when he reacted, and then he quickly turned around.

"You...you wait for me!"

After saying these harsh words, Pan Laoer ran away and soon disappeared.


After driving Pan Laoer away, Chu Zhan's body suddenly softened and he almost stumbled to the ground.

Fortunately, Chu Yanji on the side was quick and stretched out his hand to support him.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Chu Zhan shook his head.

"Dad is fine."

With that said, he stood up, then walked over and closed the courtyard door tremblingly.

Despite his tough attitude and fierce look just now, in fact, that stick had already exhausted all his strength.

He is not a martial arts master, just a pawn who luckily survived the battlefield.

Although the various wounds left by the battlefield and the sequelae of a broken arm did not kill him, they also caused him to suffer from hidden injuries. His body was already almost exhausted. The reason why he did not go to Jiuquan with his wife to get together, but It’s just a matter of holding on for a breath for a pair of children.

Looking at his father's back, Chu couldn't help but feel a little unbearable.


At this moment, a soft voice suddenly came to mind from behind.

"Otherwise, my daughter should go to the Pan family to be a concubine..."

Following this voice, a girl dressed as a village girl slowly walked over.

"Shut up."

Seeing his daughter coming over and hearing what she said, Chu Zhan frowned.

"Don't say such stupid things! Since my father drove away the man named Pan, there is no way he will come back again. I, Chu Zhan, will never do anything to disgrace my children in this life!"

Hearing this, Chu Baoer couldn't help but feel a sore nose and her eyes were slightly red.

"But dad, if our family can't get the mutual aid money and is driven to Montenegro..."

"Then go and settle in Montenegro!"

Chu said without hesitation:

"Anyway, we have sold the land, and the buyer is about to come and take possession of this house. Our family has nothing here. In this case, it is better to go to Montenegro to find a way to survive."

After a pause, he didn't know whether to comfort his sister or to comfort himself. He continued: "Besides, maybe Taihe County Duke will be kind to the people of the fiefdom and won't squeeze us like those noble lords. If this is the case, go to Montenegro. Maybe it’s actually a good thing.”

"No matter how bad the situation is, it won't be worse than it is now. In this case, it's better to take a gamble."

Seeing that his son was so open-minded, Chu Zhan's serious face suddenly relaxed slightly, revealing a smile.

"You're right, there must be a way to reach the mountain, Bao'er, don't worry."

Despite the relief from his father and brother, the worry in Chu Baoer's eyes did not diminish.


Chu put away the thread-bound books, turned and walked towards the house.

"No matter what, with brother Wei and father here, you will never be wronged, Bao'er. Just relax. What's more, didn't the government say that this mutual aid fund will eventually end up near Montenegro? No matter what happens to the people who have settled down, they still have a mouthful of food to eat, and they will definitely not starve to death. In this case, what is there to worry about?"

Hearing this, Chu Baoer tilted his head and thought for a moment, then nodded in understanding.

The two entered the house one after the other.

However, they did not notice that the moment their backs were turned, the smile in Chu Zhan's eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by a deep feeling of powerlessness and sadness.

There was a hint of apology in his eyes when he looked at Chu.


After a moment, he sighed inexplicably.

Settling down in Heishan and becoming the residence of a powerful person is not as simple as Chu said.

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