Hearing what the empress said, Lu Chen couldn't help but have a complex expression.

"The...stage of my minister and His Majesty..."

He repeated the empress's words, and he couldn't help flashing through his mind with chaotic thoughts.


The empress nodded lightly, her eyes becoming more and more blurred when she looked down.

"Today's Great Xia is full of waste, just like a blank sheet of paper, and Lu Qing and I are the ones who write and paint. Lu Qing, I am looking forward to it. The picture scroll of mountains and rivers that you and I will draw together with your heart-to-heart should be What an astonishing masterpiece."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Chen's heart suddenly became clear.

He raised his head slightly, stared at the back of the Empress Miaoman, and said solemnly: "It is a great honor for me to be able to paint with Your Majesty. From now on, I will definitely work with Your Majesty and work hand in hand to help Your Majesty paint the masterpiece in my heart." excellent work."

Upon receiving Lu Chen's response, the Empress smiled immediately.

"Lu Qing, come closer and come to me."


Lu Chen walked over as he said.

And when he walked to the side of the empress, the empress suddenly took a deep breath, then stretched out her small hand, and grabbed Lu Chen's palm.

? ? ?

The incomparably warm touch made Lu Chen unable to react for a while, and asked subconsciously, "Your Majesty, what is this?"

"What's wrong?"

The Empress pursed her red lips.

"Didn't Lu Qing just say that he would go hand in hand with me? Repenting is not what a gentleman does."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's eyes twitched suddenly.

Fuck? Was the meaning of the word originally physical in Middle-earth?


The empress spoke again, and at the same time slowly raised the extreme sword in her hand.

"If you have anything to say, let's talk about it later. The auspicious time has come. Lu Qing, please help me cast spells."

Seeing the extreme sword in the hands of the empress, Lu Chen immediately understood.

It turns out that it is the same as before, to let him transfer the spiritual power in his body to enhance the effect of the extreme secret method.

Let me tell you sooner...

Scared me!

Now that the empress said so, Lu Chen didn't say anything more. He silently extracted the spiritual power in his body as much as possible, passed it into the empress' body, and fused it with the holy spirit power in her veins.

A moment later, bursts of holy golden light suddenly appeared on the empress's body, and a sacred aura emanated from her whole body, which made people feel an urge to worship.

Like a goddess coming to the world.

And when the spiritual power extracted by Lu Chen with all his strength merged with the Empress' Holy Spirit Power, the Empress seemed to feel something suddenly, and a look of surprise flashed across her face.

The Jidao sword in his hand trembled constantly, and even made a crisp sound like a dragon's chant.

seems to be excited.

"this is……"

She turned her head inexplicably and looked at Lu Chen, only to find that there were little golden debris floating on the surface of his body.

However, Lu Chen himself closed his eyes tightly because he was too concentrated, so he didn't notice anything around him.

At the same time, in the cities of Yuzhou and Suizhou thousands of miles away, in the homes of farmers, the three characters "Lu Xianggong" engraved on the surface of the longevity tablets that are carefully wiped and cared for every day are strangely strange. There was an imperceptible golden shimmer.

In just a moment, a look of understanding appeared on the face of the empress.

After a while, she took a deep look at Lu Chen, then stopped being distracted and focused all her attention on her eyes.


The spiritual power gushed out, and all the majestic power was submerged in the sword of the extreme way.

In the next second, the extreme secret method suddenly activated.

Numerous fingernail-sized runes flew out from the sword of extreme dao, forming mysterious circles around the two of them in an instant, and at the same time, the crape myrtle platform under the two of them suddenly burst into purple light that soared into the sky.

Roar! ! !

Nine divine dragons flew out from the cracks in the space at the edge of the formation, roaring, circled upwards along the purple beam of light, went straight to the sky, and finally collided above the sky, and the huge explosion resounded through the sky in an instant.

Rumble! !

Dazzling purple light flew out, and swept away in all directions under the blessing of an extremely terrifying force, and finally formed huge dragon-shaped magic circles high in the sky.

The magic circle is running, echoing the big circle on the Ziwei high platform.

At this moment, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared in the sky of all Zhili prefectures in the seventy-five provinces of the three capitals of the Great Xia.

Then the image of the empress holding Lu Chen's hand appeared in the light curtain out of thin air.

In an instant, an extremely majestic and terrifying coercion suddenly surged out from the light curtain, rushing towards all living beings below indiscriminately.

At this time, all the areas shrouded by the supreme holy power, no matter the people in the world, the shopkeepers of restaurants, the sellers of groceries, the farmers who cultivated the land, the beggars for food, and countless subjects were suppressed by this coercion, and then at the same time He raised his head and looked at the light curtain high in the sky.

"I am the Emperor of Great Xia, the supreme being in the world!"

The empress' majestic voice rang in everyone's ears instantly.


People suddenly knelt down, bowed their heads towards the image of the Empress high in the sky.

Although the New Yuan Ceremony is not common, it must happen once every few decades at most. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the subjects of Daxia to experience similar scenes.

However, they have never been so intimidated by the emperor's coercion that they can't straighten their feet like they are now.

However, some cultivators in Tsing Yi or strong attire changed their expressions slightly after seeing the clear images in the sky and feeling the extremely heavy pressure on their bodies, showing obvious surprise on their faces.

"Emperor? New Yuan Grand Ceremony?"

In a private room in Bozhou, a middle-aged monk stared at the sky in amazement.

It took him a while to calm down.

"It's such a terrifying power, it can actually carry out the Changing Yuan ceremony to such an extent, the current Holy One...it's amazing..."

He is not the only one who has such thoughts.

At this time, in the area covered by light curtains in various parts of the Great Xia, almost all the "big men" who are talented, distinguished, and powerful with high cultivation bases are as amazed as the middle-aged monk.

Naturally, they are all people who have seen the world, and some have even experienced more than a dozen New Year Ceremonies, but even so, it is still difficult to maintain the calmness of the past after seeing the light curtain unfolded by the empress.

You must know that in the past, except for the founding emperor and the first three monarchs, the other emperors used the Xinyuan ceremony to display images in mid-air. Most of them were blurred, and only a rough outline could be seen. Unable to unfold, the sound is intermittent.

Even imaging is so difficult, not to mention directly lowering the Supreme Monarch through the formation.

And the empress's performance at the New Yuan Grand Ceremony at this time actually made people feel a little shocked when the Taizu emperor founded the country.

Even after Emperor Guangwu returned to the country, he used the New Yuan Grand Ceremony to declare to the world, the scene seemed to be slightly worse than before, even Emperor Guangwu was like this, let alone other people.

"The hero is coming...?"

This idea has emerged in many powerful minds.

"Could it be that... after three hundred years, the great Xia country, which has already fallen, will rise again in the hands of Qiangu Mingjun?"

"If that's the case... it seems that we have to make plans early..."

"By the way, who is that stupid boy next to the emperor? Why did he hold his hand for a ceremony to announce to the world? Could it be that he is the emperor of today's emperor... No, he is wearing a third-rank court dress and a high-ranking person, no It might be the Emperor."

"Hiss! The emperor brought a courtier with him at such an important ceremony? And he even held his hand?"

"This holy family is so terrifying!"


At this time, the most important ceremony of the New Yuan Ceremony has reached its climax.

The empress showed her majesty and majesty to the whole world through the ceremony of changing the Yuan Dynasty.

Although the announcement she made with a solemn face was no different from that of previous emperors. After all, it was a discourse under the fixed pattern of etiquette, which was nothing special. A level like no other.

You must know that the effect of the Yuan Changing Ceremony is directly linked to the strength of the emperor himself.

This kind of strength is not just cultivation, but a comprehensive strength, including cultivation, will, luck, talent and many other dimensions.

Although the performance of the Changing Yuan Ceremony may not directly prove that the emperor is a hero with great talent and boldness, as long as the emperor can show a strong force in the New Yuan Ceremony, the emperor's prestige can directly rise several steps.

like now.

However, the emperor before the Great Xia, when he changed his Yuan Dynasty, was able to clearly show his dragon face, which was pretty good for the subjects of the Sancheng government in the seventy-five provinces of the three capitals of the Great Xia to see it, but the empress directly showed her His face, which has already shown its glory, was clearly displayed in front of tens of millions of subjects in all the ruling places.

And with the terrifying supreme power, countless subjects subconsciously worshiped him.

How excellent is this? How powerful? !

While the empress showed her supreme majesty, Lu Chen, a young official in his early twenties who had been held by her all the time, was also worshiped by countless subjects and enjoyed the treatment second only to the empress.

It can be said that the scenery is infinite.

After announcing the change of Yuan Yongchu with extremely solemn words, the empress suddenly took Lu Chen's hand and raised her fingers together to the sky. After briefly introducing Lu Chen's identity and name, she directly declared :

"From today onwards, I and Lu Qing will create an unprecedented prosperous world, so that all my subjects in Great Xia can enjoy peace and prosperity forever!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen's already extremely high prestige was pushed to the extreme in an instant!

This is the New Year's Eve!

An important ceremony that an emperor can only hold once in his life.

Comparable to Taishan Fengchan!

And at such an important ceremony, the empress, who clearly possessed supreme authority, took a subject by the hand and solemnly announced to the subjects of the world side by side with him. It was like telling the world that he, Lu Chen, was the most important subject of the empress. The only existence that can be trusted unconditionally.

Throughout the ages, no courtier has ever received such honor!

Today, Lu Chen created this precedent!

This day is destined to be recorded in history.

And from this day on, the name Lu Chen has been deeply engraved in the hearts of various forces and many great powers.

No one dared to ignore such a terrifying existence that could gain the emperor's trust.

From this moment on, Lu Chen's influence has surpassed all the courtiers in a true sense. His every move will have a profound impact on the future of Great Xia.

At this time, Luo Jing was on the promenade in front of the Wuji Palace.

All the civil and military members had different expressions, and all of them were pensive.

Even Yan Song, who was as steady as an old dog, couldn't help clenching his fists at this moment, and the pupils of his cloudy old eyes kept trembling.

Even if he behaved like this, let alone others.

The empress's trust in Lu Chen has far exceeded their imagination.

Impossible to shake!

It can be said that the current Lu Chen is the number one favorite in all ages. Faced with such an existence, anyone who comes over will feel a deep sense of powerlessness. At the court level, he no longer has any opponents.

Even the idea of ​​struggle is difficult to arise.

How terrible this is!

But Xiao Yun, Gu Simiao, and the commander of Xuanjiwei, Fu Wei, who had just arrived not long ago, were staring at the light curtain with a slight frown.

To be precise, he was looking at the clasped hands of the Empress and Lu Chen.

Your Majesty, to have achieved such a level...

In front of the subjects of the whole world...

After that, several people looked back almost at the same time, and then looked at each other in a very tacit understanding, with some kind of silent message in their eyes.

At the same time, Jiangdong Province, Xuanyang City.


A pretty girl suddenly opened her mouth wide, looked at the light curtain suspended in the sky with a look of surprise, and said to an old man with white beard and hair and immortal demeanor beside her: "Master, look quickly, Your Majesty is actually standing in front of everyone!" All the subjects of the world show their love..."

However, before she finished speaking, the old man frowned and said sternly: "Don't talk nonsense, that's His Majesty expressing his favor and trust to Chen'er!"

Hearing this, the girl's eyes suddenly widened.

She was very surprised and said:

"Chen'er? Master, are you talking about that adult named Lu Chen?"


The old man nodded slightly, with a nostalgic look on his face.


The girl was even more surprised.

"Master, do you know Mr. Lu? What is your relationship?"

"Morning child"

The old man pondered, with an inexplicable flash of apology in his eyes, and at the same time he said slowly: "He is the third disciple of the teacher, and also your third senior brother."

"Third senior brother?"

The girl opened her mouth, almost enough to put an egg in her mouth.

"I actually have such a powerful Third Senior Brother? How is this possible?!"

The old man smiled and said nothing.

While the old and the young were chatting, in Manzhou, thousands of miles away.


A burly young man with a seedling knife on his back suddenly gave a sound of surprise.

He squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the young man intertwined with the empress in the light curtain high in the sky.

After a moment, his eyes narrowed even more.

"Hey! Isn't this my stupid little brother? Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for a few years. This little guy is so good that he even hooked up with the emperor. It's interesting."

With the help of the empress's own grand ceremony, Lu Chen brought the extremely high-profile Lu Chen into the eyes of the world, and was remembered by countless people. Many people who had intersected with Lu Chen also realized at this time that this once stubborn boy was already at this time. What an unattainable existence.

Swish! !

The light curtain in the sky disappeared instantly with the end of the Changing Yuan ceremony, and the coercion that made people kneel down subconsciously also disappeared without a trace.

With the end of the New Year Ceremony, a new era finally slowly kicked off.

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