Including Lu Chen's adjutants Wang Qi and Zhang Xuan, almost all the officials of the Ministry of Industry were shocked after reading the content of the document, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

Don't blame them for making a fuss, it's really that the so-called new regulations are too appalling.

The content of the document is not complicated, there are only a few aspects, and three of them are the most important. Every new regulation related to it almost challenges everyone's cognitive limit——

The first aspect is to adjust the proportion of project expenditure.

Originally, most of the project funds for each project of the Ministry of Industry were used to purchase the materials needed for the project, such as spirit stones, wood, and talismans. Basically, whichever was the most expensive and famous was bought.

Just like the Longquan Lingshi and Longquan Mithril of the Duke of Yan’s Mansion, and the Tianqing spells of the Duke of Zhao’s Mansion, it doesn’t matter whether their effects are twice as effective as ordinary spirit stones, mithril, or spells, or whether the extra effects can be used. , Or whether there is a replacement, let alone buy it with your eyes closed, no matter what the cost, cost performance or the like.

The remaining small part is other expenses such as labor service meals and building camps, and this small part of the expenses has to be adjusted by the officials of the Ministry of Industry such as the chief officer and assistant officials.

How much rations can really fall into the stomachs of the working people can be seen from their porridge with clear soup and little water.

As for travel expenses, doctor's consultation fees and soup and medicine fees when you are sick, you don't even need to think about it. Throughout the ages, there has been no such concept at all.

Taxation is the duty of the people.

I have never heard that the government has to pay for the labor of the common people. When the superiors are kind or in a good mood, they can at most reduce labor and rest for the people. Or if you want to send troops to attack, that's okay.

So even if it is a good harvest year, the life of the people in Daxia may not be easy.

Lu Chen's new regulations clearly stipulate that in the future, the labor expenditure of the Ministry of Industry must account for more than 15% of the project expenditure, including labor rations, resettlement expenses, round-trip fares, medical expenses, craftsmen's salaries, etc.

Where is this TM enlisted for labor? Is this doing good deeds?

Where would the government be so unreasonably nice to the laboring people? Is it true that the government's money is blown by the wind? The masters are not enough points, so just throw it to those Guizhou leaders?

Moreover, Lu Chen also set standards for workers' clothing, food, and housing, such as three meals a day, each meal must have at least two soft steamed buns and a bowl of thick porridge, drinking water must be boiled, etc.

The clothes should be made of linen, the place to live should be clean, and at least one bedding should be prepared for every two people.

After such a toss, how many money are left in the hands of these officials?

The second aspect is management.

From today onwards, officials are not allowed to beat and scold labor labor without reason, and once discovered, they will be dismissed and investigated.

At the same time, the working hours of the servants were directly cut in half, from the original nine hours to four and a half hours. Extra remuneration was paid for the excess working hours, which was paid out of the project funds, and one day was off every six days of work. Freedom of movement, no one should be embarrassed.

In addition, in the camp where the servants rest, set up a sounding array that can connect to the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry. If you are bullied by officials, or have any grievances, you can trigger this array to file a complaint. The Ministry of Industry must accept the case as soon as possible and find out the truth. Into the provisions of the Ministry of Industry.

Not only that, Lu Chen also set various indicators in all aspects.

For example, in terms of safety, the number of deaths and injuries of servants cannot exceed a certain number, and they will be dismissed for investigation; in terms of skills, the damage of materials used to arrange formations cannot exceed a certain percentage.

This alone is enough to make the scalps of all the officials go numb.

The third aspect is the procurement management of the Ministry of Industry.

From now on, the projects under his jurisdiction will no longer purchase the required materials from a certain supplier, but will set indicators according to the needs of the project, set a reserve price, and adopt a bidding system, as long as the requirements of the indicators can be met He will buy materials from whichever one has the lowest price.

At the same time, the management and control have been strengthened in the procedures of procurement, acceptance, storage and storage.

The new regulations formulated by Lu Chen overthrew almost all the original regulations and changed them all over again. Management and optimization were strengthened in every aspect. It is completely different from the previous regulations that can save the minister of the Ministry of Industry as much trouble as possible.

According to this method, not only Lu Chen, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, but also the workload of his subordinates, such as the Lang Guan, the chief, and Yuanwai Lang, will have to be doubled several times.

practice? Fix that!

Under Lu Chen's hands, if he wanted to be an official, he would do practical things honestly, and if he wanted to improve his cultivation through cleansing, he would go back and forth from wherever he came from.

He has no idlers under his command.

"I know what you are thinking."

Lu Chen leaned on the back of the chair calmly, and said lightly: "Today, I am here to tell you clearly that the content of the new regulations in the document is true, and as long as I am here one day, I will work as a day-to-day worker." Minister of the Ministry, he will spare no effort to implement it, no matter who these regulations will make unhappy, which big person in your eyes will be offended, and what resistance will be encountered, this official will not back down."

Hearing this, the faces of the officials changed slightly.

Although it is said that the new official took office three fires, but the fire of this new senior official from the Ministry of Industry is too outrageous, right?

Is this going to burn them up, these petty officials who are purely for food?

At this time, Wang Qi beside Lu Chen suddenly frowned, then hesitated for a moment, then put down the document in his hand, and reminded Lu Chen in a deep voice:

"Lord Lu, the New Yuan Ceremony is coming soon. Isn't it inappropriate to make such a big move suddenly at this time?"

Zhang Xuan on the side also nodded and said: "Brother Wang is right, Master Lu, I know that you are unparalleled in kindness and righteousness, you care about the people, and you can't bear to see the people suffer, but there are priorities. The most important thing for the Ministry of Industry is His Majesty's Xinyuan Ceremony, what do you think, can you wait until the Xinyuan Ceremony is over before writing to His Majesty?"

"Otherwise, if the New Yuan Ceremony is delayed and His Majesty's prestige is damaged, His Majesty will definitely be furious and blame His Excellency. Please think twice."

Hearing this, the officials couldn't help but cheer up, and then looked at Wang Qi and Zhang Xuan as if they were seeing saviors.

However, Lu Chen shook his head for their proposal.

"It is precisely because of the importance of the New Year's Ceremony that this official has to do this, and it must be done."

Hearing Lu Chen's response, the two were immediately puzzled.

"Master Lu, why is this?"

Lu Chen said indifferently: "The Grand Ceremony of the New Yuan Dynasty is an important ceremony for Your Majesty to announce to the world that from the beginning of the new Yuan Dynasty, she will inherit the way of heaven, obey the subjects, and rule the world with the dignity of the emperor. It is majestic and sacred, and it is very symbolic. significance."

"Such a grand ceremony must not be stained. From ancient times to the present, it is ominous for those who harm the people. If you know that hard work is harmful to the people, so that hundreds of people starve to death in the Wuji Palace and turn a blind eye, it is equivalent to letting The New Yuan Grand Ceremony is held in their bones, and His Majesty prays to heaven and earth as if stepping on their bones."

"Such bloody and cruel, will certainly not be able to strengthen our Great Xia's national fortune through the New Yuan Ceremony, but will further weaken the country's power. For the sake of Great Xia, this official must take care of such [nosy affairs]."

After the words fell, the two understood immediately, but their brows did not loosen.

"But, Mr. Lu..."

Wang Qi was still a little hesitant, and wanted to persuade a few more words.

However, Lu Chen shook his head again, and then said with an unquestionable expression: "I have made up my mind, please don't say more, besides, I have my own considerations in my actions, so there is a reason for doing this, so you don't need to worry too much. Just do it."

When he said this, his eyes shook inexplicably.

It seems that his heart is not as confident as the surface.

I don't know if he was too lazy to explain, or if he couldn't think of an excuse for a while.

After hearing this, Wang Qi and Zhang Xuan tried their best to persuade them, but there was nothing they could do if Lu Chen insisted on doing so.

Unless His Majesty speaks in person, no one can stop Lu Chen now.

After all, in terms of project procurement, expenditure allocation, overall personnel planning, etc., as long as the right servant of the Ministry of Industry is in charge of the project, he has the right to decide all matters of the project.

Who made the Ministry of Industry now only have a servant and no minister?

The imperial court is only responsible for giving money and asking for results. The specific work process is the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry. As long as the tasks of the imperial court are completed on time and quality is guaranteed, the imperial court generally will not trouble the Ministry of Industry.

On the contrary, if you can't complete the task assigned by the court, then you have to talk about it in the early court.

"I know you have concerns."

Lu Chen looked around, and then said solemnly: "But your worries are completely unnecessary. This new regulation is my own handwriting, and it is also my own idea. After the implementation of the new regulation, no matter what happens Regardless of the final result, any consequences will only be borne by this official, and have nothing to do with you, and I will definitely explain the situation to His Majesty, and will never implicate you."

Hearing this, the officials couldn't help but relax slightly.

Just don't have to worry about them.

The faces of Wang Qi and Zhang Xuan also softened.

They were not afraid of taking responsibility, but they were worried that Lu Chen's so-called new regulations would ruin him. Just now when Lu Chen said that he knew it well, the reason why he did this actually had other deep meanings, they actually felt relieved a lot .

Although they couldn't figure out what Lu Chen's purpose was for those servants who were so horribly nice, they almost had no idea, but they believed Lu Chen's explanation.

The reason is simple.

Since Lu Chen became famous, the incidents related to him have become more and more evil, and in the end he always took advantage of it inexplicably.

With such a glorious record as an endorsement, his unreasonable decisions and actions probably have some special deep meaning in them, and the reason why they can't see through it is because they know too little about Lu Chen , or to put it bluntly, they were too blunt to understand the deep meaning behind Lu Chen's move.

So, even though they didn't understand, they still chose to believe in Lu Chen, shut their mouths honestly, lowered their heads, and carefully read the new regulations that Lu Chen made that day, and at the same time began to think about whether there was something hidden in it. The key to what they can't comprehend for a while.

Later, at Lu Chen's insistence, the new regulations were implemented.

About three quarters of an hour later, several petty officials took the documents and walked in front of a group of nervous servants.

Immediately afterwards, they read aloud the content of the new charter in the document in their respective regions.

The literacy rate of the common people in Daxia is extremely low, so the announcements are basically meaningless, and any orders or orders from above are basically relayed by others, just like now.

After listening to the content recited by the little official, all the working people were stunned in place, unable to recover for a long time.


At this moment, a scream suddenly sounded from the crowd.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the direction of the sound, and suddenly saw that Zhao Dahu, who had talked with Lu Chen before, was rubbing his thigh in pain, but there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

"It's real! It's not a dream!!"

His words instantly awakened everyone like a dream.

"it turns out…"

A skinny servant stared wide-eyed, his face full of disbelief: "Isn't it just a dream..."

What responded to him was the bone-piercing pain brought about by the incomparably real cold wind around him.

Soon, more and more servants responded.

In the ears, it seemed that the words about the new regulations that those "big shots" read in public just now sounded again.

From now on, officials are not allowed to wantonly beat and scold the people involved in labor...

The meals provided by the government must have at least two fresh soft steamed buns and thick porridge...

send clothes...

Provide a warm shelter like those tents...

If you are sick, you can use the government's money to see a doctor and get medicine, and you can pay back the travel expenses when you come here. After the hard labor is over, you can pay the travel expenses back...

Safety is the priority, if anyone is killed by freezing and starving, those evil officials can't afford to walk around...

Sound array...


They couldn't help being shocked as if they were in a dream.

For them, these so-called new regulations are simply the best super benevolent government.

In this world, is there really a New Deal that is good for them?

They instinctively couldn't believe it.

But now...the facts are in front of us!

Those petty officials who are usually domineering will not tease them with such things, they will only humiliate them in the simplest and rude way to vent their negative emotions.

To put it simply, if you are in a bad mood, just beat them up until they are in a good mood.

After a brief silence, a group of working people suddenly burst into cheers.


"Long live the court, long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live the Ministry of Industry!!"

After cheering for a while, they turned their heads almost at the same time and looked at the main tent not far away.

They have realized at this time that all of this must have been written by the senior official who angrily scolded a group of corrupt officials at the construction site the day before yesterday.

Only he could be so sincerely thinking about ordinary people like them.

"Lu Xianggong is eternal!"

Zhao Dahu yelled loudly, kneeled heavily on the ground, and bowed vigorously towards the tent.

Seeing this, the others also knelt down one after another.

"Lu Xianggong, Lord Wandai!"

In just a moment, a large area of ​​the huge construction site fell to its knees.

These simple people, the only reward they can think of at this time is to quickly get a longevity tablet and put it in the main hall after returning home, and at the same time leave behind the ancestor's instructions. , Never stop!

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