The empress suddenly mentioned the problem of women's fertility, and everyone was a little caught off guard. After reacting, they couldn't help looking at Lu Chen in surprise.

This guy... actually hit the mark again? !

But after only a moment, the surprise in their eyes faded away.

They are already numb, and they always feel that anything related to Lu Chen, even if it is against common sense, even if it breaks their cognition, it seems that it is not unacceptable now. To everyone's surprise.

Whether it's luck or strength, the facts are there, it's just so evil.

In the next second, they didn't know what they thought of, and everyone turned their heads inexplicably, and looked at Wu Yue, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, who was consciously delighted to save a huge amount of expenditure for the treasury, with inexplicably weird eyes.

The land near the Black Mountains cannot grow any food, and the coal has no value. These lands are almost all owned by the imperial court. The empress is so supportive of Lu Chen, she will definitely issue a decree to strengthen the control of the Black Mountains. His judgment is correct again, Tiangong Division has really developed harmless coal, much money would it cost?

And this money has nothing to do with the national treasury, and all of it will fall into the empress' private pocket...

At the thought of this, everyone couldn't help but tremble.

However, when they thought of the poisonous gas when the charcoal was burning, and the teachings of the sages and sages, no harmless coal had ever appeared in thousands of years, everyone shook their heads and calmed down quietly.

No matter how powerful Lu Chen is, it is impossible to change his fate for Shi Tan.


The Queen's voice sounded again.

"Lu Chen, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, has a pure nature, is as meticulous as a hair, has insight into numerology, and has saved countless people. His merits are immeasurable, and he has made great contributions to the court. He is specially given a seventh-level merit tablet, a pair of plaques for the family of good deeds, and three hundred catties of high-quality spiritual stones. Millions."

Hearing this, Lu Chen just smiled lightly, as calm as ever.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Ron."

He is not worried about being promoted to a noble because of this matter. Political achievements are not like military achievements. As long as you kill the enemy, you can make meritorious service. , if the empress wants to increase her official status with this, he can completely refuse.

Following Lu Chen's order to thank him, this turbulent morning finally came to an end.

After the court ceremony, Lu Chen had just left the Tai Chi Hall and was about to walk towards the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry, when Fang Ping suddenly came over.

"Servant Lu."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Chen didn't respond. Gu Simiao and Xiao Yun, who had just walked out of the gate of the Tai Chi Hall, were about to quicken their pace, but they paused slightly and walked forward in unison.

After a while, Lu Chen turned around and bowed to Fang Parallel.

"Why did Mr. Fang find the next official?"

Fang Ping coughed lightly, then looked around from the corner of his eyes, and at the same time activated his spiritual power, quietly and slowly building a simple barrier around him.

"Lu Shilang, are you sure about Tiangongsi, or about the coal?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen shook his head lightly.

"It can only be said that it's up to people to do things, and it's good to be ashamed of your heart."


Fang Ping sighed, hesitated for a moment, and then sighed slightly.

"If that's the case... then I'm a little impulsive, this time."

Lu Chen shrugged.

Please, when was I not impulsive before? It's just that somehow it became a foresight.

But of course he couldn't say that.

"Problems have to be resolved. What Wu Shangshu said is actually true. The money and grain that Miss Gu took back from the demon queen is only enough to stabilize the situation. Now the country is in a difficult situation. Under the thousand years of evils, the court's financial resources are almost exhausted. If you don't Open up new sources of income as soon as possible, and it is still difficult for Daxia to get out of the predicament of chaos and replacement."

He spoke softly, without haste, and there was a certain force in his voice.

"And for some reason in the past few years, the winter has been getting colder and colder every year. In this severe winter, nearly 20,000 people died of freezing in the capital city alone, and more than 50,000 people were disabled by frostbite. There is an urgent need for something to replace the increasingly expensive Charcoal is used as a heating material for the common people, so if you want to get the best of both worlds, charcoal is the best choice for the lower officials."

Fang Ping held his hands behind his back, and said in a puzzled way:

"Not to mention that the modification of carbon charcoal is as difficult as climbing the sky. Even if it can be successful, and carbon charcoal can benefit the people, there will always be people who do not adapt to the changes and reject new things and new environments, especially the beneficiaries of old things, not to mention here It is Luo Jing, the interests of all parties are complicated, and the situation is completely different from Yuzhou, so you should act carefully and not rush for success."

"Lu Shilang, although you seem to be reckless, but the old man knows that you are actually as careful as a hair and have a strategy in mind. You are definitely not a reckless person. You must be aware of this and have weighed the pros and cons. Why..."

Hearing this, Lu Chen could not help but twitch his eyes slightly.

Aren't gods not reckless people! I am reckless, okay? !

Does this old man have some strange misunderstandings about Lao Tzu?

Immediately afterwards, before Fang Ping could finish speaking, Lu Chen said in a deep voice:

"It is impossible to break the situation if you stick to the rules and follow the trend. Someone must break the rules, change the status quo, cut off the rotten flesh, and let the flesh and blood regenerate. Now that His Majesty trusts the next official so much, the next official must be worthy of this trust. As long as it is beneficial The matter of Great Xia, even if the body is smashed to pieces, the lower officials will do their part."

Hearing this, Fang Ping quietly looked at Lu Chen with respect.

Anyone who dares to be the first in the world is worthy of respect no matter what the result is.

Although it is just a small Tiangong Division, but in his eyes, this is very likely to be a signal, a signal similar to the Tiance Mansion prepared by the Holy King Cangming to change the world.

Although I can't see through the real role of the Tiangong Division, and I don't know whether this organization led by Lu Chen and only responsible to the emperor contains the energy that can make everyone look at it, but judging from Lu Chen's previous decisions, it can be seen It is definitely not easy for Lu Chen to promote Tiangong Division so forcefully.

Fang Ping slowly raised his hand and arched towards Lu Chen.

"Gao Yi, Minister Lu, I admire you."

Lu Chen swerved to dodge, and then responded: "Master Fang is too serious, I just did what I was supposed to do, and I shouldn't be like Mr. Fang."


Seeing that Lu Chen refused to accept the gift, Fang Ping didn't say much, just smiled.

"Since that's the case, then the old man should also do his part for Lu Shilang."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help looking at him curiously.

Fang Ping didn't make a fool of himself, but said bluntly: "The old man's career has been ups and downs for decades. He has been a teacher, a magistrate, a magistrate, and a government envoy. When he was demoted, he also imitated the sages to teach and preach. Barely managed to teach without discrimination, after many years, I dare not say that the world is full of peaches and plums, but there are still quite a few former students and old officials who can show their hands."

Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately understood what Fang Ping meant.

This guy is trying to pimp. Oh, no, it's a referral.

Fang Ping continued: "Among the old man's students, there is a special talent who specializes in partial fields. You like to explore the origin of matter. Although his temper is a bit weird, he may be able to help you, Lu Shilang. I will write a book later. , let her enter the capital, if Lu Shilang thinks she is useful to Tiangong Division, then let them stay."

"If it's not useful, Lu Shilang, you don't have to worry about the old man, just let her go back and forth wherever she comes from."

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly felt like someone would give him a pillow when he dozed off.

Old Fang is pretty good~

What is the most lacking in Tiangong Division?

Not money, but talent, professional talent!

If what Fang Ping said was true, then the protégé he was talking about was probably Tiangong Division's Timely Rain.

You know, in this world where the way of sages and martial arts are so popular, it is quite rare for a cultivator who focuses on the "little way". At least in the Ministry of Industry, which should place the most emphasis on technology, there are few people who have the potential to invent and create. of officials.

Not even one.

Fang Ping is equivalent to giving him an opportunity to open up the situation...

With this in mind, Lu Chen saluted Fang Ping.

"Thank you, Mr. Fang. No matter what the result is, the next official owes Mr. Fang a favor."

Fang Ping chuckled lightly, and said: "Lu Shilang has made a fool of himself. You and I are all doing our best for the country. How can there be such a thing as human affection? Moreover, this is nothing to this old man. It's not a big deal. Lu Shilang doesn't have to be like this."

Lu Chen didn't comment on this, but saluted him again with a solemn expression.

"In this way, there will be Mr. Labor."

"No trouble, it's just a matter of little effort."

After some courtesy, Fang Ping turned and left.

The yamen of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Sixth Ministry were not in the same direction, and soon the two turned their backs to each other and walked towards their respective yamen.

Looking at Lu Chen's back that was drifting away, Gu Simiao and Xiao Yun did not catch up, but looked deeply at Lu Chen's back, until his figure completely disappeared, they took another step and left Tai Chi temple.

After returning to the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry, Lu Chen simply processed some official documents, then stood up and walked outside.

He was an engineering department before, and he was very familiar with the affairs of the Ministry of Industry. He was promoted to be the right servant of the Ministry of Industry. Under the working state of sudden death and desperate work, he has in-depth contact with specific local government affairs and has quite rich administrative experience.

Therefore, he is not only very efficient in handling the official affairs of the Ministry of Industry, but also perceives some intriguing things.

It's just that he is always summoned by the empress to the Zichen Palace from time to time, so that he basically has no time to inspect projects in various places. He just simply walked around in various departments, bureaus, and institutes to learn about the specific operations of the Ministry of Industry and the construction status of various projects. Didn't know much about it.

And because most of his thoughts were thinking about how to be dismissed from office and promoted to immortality, he didn't care much about many things. Even if he was vaguely aware of it, he just turned a blind eye and let those "good teammates" give him Mine.

In addition, the empress was too reassuring of him, and basically would not interfere with the affairs he was in charge of, so that he became the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, which was just an extra high-ranking official for the Ministry of Industry, and there was not much change in essence.

But now, he is a little concerned about this department that is in charge of the world's fortifications and has great potential for him, a being with modern thinking.

After leaving Ziji City, he took two scribes specially assigned to him by the Empress to assist him with his work, and walked towards the Wuji Palace, which was located about a mile east of Ziji City.

The Promise Palace has always been a place for the imperial court to hold important events, such as the upcoming New Yuan Ceremony to announce the emperor's pro-government.

At this time, thousands of craftsmen and labourers, under the supervision of some officials from the Ministry of Industry, are working hard to repair the places that were damaged during the battle between the Cangming Army and the Forbidden Army, and under the command of the formation master, use spirit stones, spells, and spiritual equipment Waiting for things to build various mysterious magic circles.

"Hurry up!"

"That one over there, if you continue to be so slow, believe it or not, I will beat you to death with a stick?!"

"If your majesty blames you for not being able to complete the project because of your cheating and cheating, one of you will count as one, and you will all die!"

"Hurry up, don't be lazy!"

"Using the toilet? It's only been working for two hours, what a shitty toilet! I think it's fake for you to go to the toilet, but laziness is the real thing!"

"Stop talking nonsense and go work for me!"


In front of the fast-repaired main hall, the harsh shouts of officials can be heard endlessly.

From time to time there was the sound of whips being whipped.

A group of people conscripted into labor labor were doing heavy physical work while bearing the scolding of the officials. While their eyes were full of fear, resentment flickered in the corners of their eyes.

Some officials who were obviously not from the Ministry of Industry were scribbling on the sidelines, recording something.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

He walked directly behind a fat worker from the Ministry of Industry, saw him waving the long whip in his hand for no reason at all, and immediately said coldly:

"This lord has great authority."

Hearing the voice behind him, the official was stunned for a moment, then turned around.

The next second, after seeing the purple robe on Lu Chen's body, his body trembled, and he quickly knelt down on the ground.

"It's unseemly for the little one to not know the adult is coming. I hope the adult will forgive me."

Although I don't know what kind of official Lu Chen is, but the person in the purple robe must be a high-ranking official, and the high-ranking official's tone is so unfriendly, no matter what, first admit his mistakes and make amends, there will be no mistakes in the end.

As the saying goes, don't hit people with smiling faces when you reach out, those big people say they are easy to get along with, but they are actually easy to get along with.

As long as you give them enough face and satisfy their official authority, they will not embarrass the people below.

This is also the way of the little people.

However, Lu Chen's expression did not ease at all, but looked at him indifferently.

"Is this what you usually do?"

Hearing this, the official couldn't help being a little confused.

Hasn't it always been like this?

Is there any problem?

The movement here quickly attracted other people. They looked over at the same time. After seeing the purple-robed official who suddenly appeared, everyone hurriedly put down their work and walked towards Lu Chen.

"Answer the officer's words!"

Lu Chen's words suddenly became a lot harsher.

A lot of cold sweat flowed out of the official's face.

"Small... I don't understand what you are referring to, my lord? Please tell me clearly."

"not understand?"

Lu Chen smiled coldly, and then stopped looking at him, but turned his head, looking at the officials who were constantly gathering, and the craftsmen who were looking at him curiously.

Explosive update tomorrow

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