
Lu Chen exhaled a foul breath, and then slowly opened his eyes.

In the next second, he slowly raised his hand, stared at the palm of his hand, opened and closed his five fingers slightly, and felt the substantive spiritual power that gradually calmed down in the spiritual veins, which can only be clearly felt by practitioners who have cultivated above the Guiyuan Realm , sighed inexplicably.

"Is that so..."

Just now, when he cleared his mind and cleared his mind, the spiritual power in his body suddenly fluttered wildly, and then surged and solidified without warning, just like when he accidentally broke through to the three-talented state in Yuzhou.

After a while, he shook his head, put away his thoughts, and left the meditation room.


The moment the door opened, the cold moonlight rushed towards his face, sprinkled on him, and covered him with a layer of holy silver.

Before you know it, night has fallen.

In the night sky, the stars twinkled slightly, and several auroras quickly cut through the night sky and gradually disappeared into the distant sky.

The bright moon lives in it, which is like a peaceful picture of the stars and the moon.

Lu Chen didn't step over the threshold in a hurry, but raised his head slightly, watching the vast deep space quietly.

At this moment, his heart calmed down like never before.


Suddenly, there was a raving whisper from the side.

Under the incomparably quiet night, this noise seemed a bit abrupt.

Lu Chen came back to his senses, turned his head to look, and suddenly saw Luo Xiaoyu's petite body curled up, leaning against the vermilion load-bearing pillar, his eyes were slightly closed, and he fell into a light sleep with a naive face, he didn't know what to do What a beautiful dream, with a faint smile on his lips.

Seeing Luo Xiaoyu's appearance, Lu Chen quickly realized that this girl probably remembered what he said today, and has been waiting for him here to prevent him from being disturbed by outsiders, and then she stayed for a whole day.

Well, very much like this stubborn girl.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen stretched out his hand and gently touched her temple with his index finger. A simple calming technique made her fall into a deep sleep.

At this time, even if there is thunder outside, she can sleep like a pig.

They don't even move it.

Then Lu Chen bent down, picked her up by the waist, put her on his back, let her lie on his back, and finally walked slowly towards her bedroom.


I don't know if she sensed Lu Chen's breath, but Luo Xiaoyu's small hands tightened slightly while she was sleeping soundly.

"Cousin...Xiao Yu doesn't want anything..."

She whispered in Lu Chen's ear, words that only Lu Chen could hear:

"As long as I can stay with my cousin...that's fine..."


Lu Chen paused slightly.

After a while, he sighed softly, a complicated look gradually appeared on his face, and then he took another step.

The moonlight fell on the two of them, dragging a long shadow behind them.

In the cold night wind, the shadows of the two drifted away in the slight sway.


There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, Lu Chen left the house on time as usual and walked towards Xuanji Gate.

Then when he just walked to Suzaku Street, he "coincidentally" ran into Gu Simiao who was wearing a unicorn suit.

After saying hello to each other, the two walked side by side again.

"Say it, Huaiyu."

Walking on the hazy Suzaku Street in the early morning, Gu Simiao took the initiative to speak.

"In two days, after the end of the rest, our title documents and spirit seals will be officially issued. Your Majesty's grace allows us to choose any food town within the scope of the county seat. When are you going to go there?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly remembered this matter.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Gu Simiao's reminder, he would have forgotten about the matter of ennobling the city.

After all, for him, being knighted or something is really not a big deal.

He is the county magistrate of Shifeng, and he can own 800 households, which is equivalent to the population of three or four villages.

This is already extremely high knighthood treatment.

You must know that most of the clans that come from the royal family do not have food, but can enjoy the support and privileges of the court, and can set up a certain number of guards. The establishment of tax purposes is up to the canonization, and it only needs to be reported to the government.

Lu Chen thought for a while, and then replied: "Recently, the business is quite heavy, and I don't think I have much time to go there. Let's go again when I have free time."

Hearing this, Gu Simiao couldn't help chuckling.

"Everything is business-oriented, it really looks like you, Huaiyu."

Lu Chen didn't answer.

"I'm going to Taihe County in a few days."

Gu Simiao said softly.

"Huaiyu, when you served as the governor of the two states, you managed Yuzhou and Suizhou in an orderly manner, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. You must have a good understanding of the way of governing. If I want to completely change the people's In this predicament, where should we start?"

Hearing Gu Simiao's mention of Shiyi, Lu Chen suddenly thought of the reason why the empress suddenly asked to change the fiefdom when she rewarded Gu Simiao as the Duke of the county for her meritorious service.

It can be seen that Gu Simiao's senior sister has indeed become her obsession.

Apart from martial arts, what she wants is probably to fulfill the wish of the senior sister who gave her life to save her.

If it was before, Lu Chen would probably just say a few irrelevant words to deal with it, but now, he is thinking seriously, constantly searching for information related to Taihe County in his mind.

Although he doesn't know how to live in a high position, he knows a basic truth.

No matter at any time, we must distinguish between the enemy and ourselves and the interests of all parties.

Moreover, in this position, if you really want to do something, you have to have more and more friends and fewer and fewer enemies.

For Gu Simiao, a great general who is loyal to Daxia, he still has to be very close.

Seeing that Lu Chen was deep in thought, Gu Simiao didn't speak again, so as not to affect his thoughts.

After about a cup of tea, Lu Chen's eyes gradually regained focus.

"People have all kinds of things, and things have myriad forms. When an official governs, he should make the best use of the situation, adapt measures to local conditions, and seek development according to local characteristics. Don't follow the old ways and don't know how to adapt. Otherwise, you will make a wrong step and cause endless harm."

His eyes were calm and he talked eloquently.

"From my point of view, since the land in Taihe County is barren, not much food can be grown, and people's livelihood is poor, then we might as well change our thinking and look away from farming and focus on other places."

"As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. Taihe County is located in the capital city. Although it is not a major traffic route, it is still under the feet of the emperor. Miss Gu can go to the court and invest in the construction of a traffic route in the name of Taihe County. The road directly leads to the capital, or leads to other rich counties, such as Xingping County, with the help of the prosperous capital of the capital..."

"Then build a road to Xingping County."

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, Gu Simiao suddenly interrupted.


Lu Chen couldn't react for a while.

"Well, Miss Gu, although Taihe County is closer to Xingping County than the capital, Luojing is the real place in the world, prosperous and prosperous, with countless development opportunities, and Xingping County is also considered rich, but It is completely incomparable with the capital."

"I did a quick calculation."

Gu Simiao said lightly:

"My money is only enough to barely build a road leading to Xingping County. As for other counties, those monks who have always had their eyes on the top and have always been at odds with warriors, I don't want to deal with them, and I can't trust them."

After a pause, she suddenly took a deep look at Lu Chen, and said word by word:

"Huaiyu, I only trust you."

Hearing these heavy words, Lu Chen couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

Why do these words sound so familiar?


Lu Chen shook his head, not entangled in the problem of road construction, and then continued:

"Let's do this in advance for the road builders, let's talk about it later."


Gu Simiao nodded, and then continued to listen to Lu Chen's chat with a correct attitude like a novice entering the officialdom.

However, Lu Chen didn't notice that there was an imperceptible bright smile hidden deep in the corner of her eyes.

"Every place has its own characteristics. If you want to develop, you can't get around these characteristics."

Lu Chen said slowly:

"Miss Gu, I think you also know that the reason why Taihe County is an inferior county is because the county seat is located near Heishan, where the land is full of coal, so barren, it is difficult to grow food, and this coal is from Taihe County. One of the characteristics."

"I don't know Miss Gu, do you know anything about this charcoal?"

"Know a thing or two."

Gu Simiao replied softly:

"This charcoal is black in color, hard and brittle, and can be burned. It is somewhat similar to charcoal, but because it is a naturally occurring harmful stone, it is named charcoal, but charcoal is easy to ignite. It is colorless and odorless when burned, and it is harmless to the human body. It can be used as a heating material, but charcoal is not only difficult to ignite, but also emits a pungent yellow and white smoke when it burns. Coal is useless."

After she said the common sense in her mind, curiosity gradually appeared in her eyes.

"What's the matter? Huaiyu, you specifically mentioned charcoal, but what's the name of this thing?"

Lu Chen shook his head.

"have no idea."

He gave a catch-all answer.

"However, in my eyes, there has never been anything useless in this world. Since everything exists between heaven and earth, there is a reason for its existence. It's just that our understanding is shallow and we haven't discovered its magical effect."

This is the truth.

The nature of this charcoal sounds a bit like coal, but after all, this world is a high martial world with spiritual power and supernatural power. Its operating laws and the nature, composition and laws of matter are not consistent with the blue star in his memory. .

The cognition and common sense in his mind may not necessarily apply to this world.

Not to mention that he, an ordinary person in modern society, cannot remember how to make soap, how to make cement, how to refine gunpowder, how to make sugar, how to extract salt... Even if he has read novels, he may not remember it. And even if he understands the necessary knowledge for time travel, he may not be able to use it.

The ghost knows if there is any substance in this world to make these big killers.

Of course, although the two worlds are different, they are not completely devoid of similarities.

For example, substances such as wine, salt, and iron still exist, and their properties are similar to what he knows.

Some of his modern knowledge, way of thinking beyond the age, and experience in modern society are not completely useless, but some things need to be explored and cannot be accomplished overnight.

So this charcoal, he didn't dare to say that it was black gold.

Gu Simiao immediately understood what Lu Chen meant.

"Huaiyu, what do you mean... this charcoal is useful and can be sold for money?"

Although it is a little unbelievable, after all, coal is recognized as a harmful thing, and it is found in many places. Where there is coal, the land within a radius of ten miles becomes wasteland, and the land farther away is also extremely barren. Which place is this thing? Unlucky, if anyone says that this thing is useful and can even be sold for money, it is estimated that many people will not believe it.

Even if they were asked to bet on handstand diarrhea, they would dare to bet.

But Gu Simiao didn't laugh at Lu Chen's whimsy, but looked at Lu Chen seriously.

"There are definitely uses."

Lu Chen nodded and said, "It's just that I'm not sure about the usefulness of this thing, whether it can make Taihe County rich."

Gu Simiao frowned slightly.

"Huaiyu, what do you think charcoal can be used for?"

"Of course it is used to burn."

Lu Chen took it for granted.

"Although charcoal is convenient for heating and has many advantages as a combustible material, it is not easy to make and the cost is not low. However, charcoal can be found everywhere in Taihe County, similar to stones on the side of the road. If you really want to dig it, it is estimated that it will take decades. They can’t be dug out, and the cost is low. If they can be used, not only will Taihe County have an economic lifeline, but people everywhere will also have a cheap and easy-to-use heating item.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed with emotion, and then continued: "In this way, they will no longer have to spend the winter like a catastrophe, freezing to death by the roadside due to lack of clothing and food as before. "

Hearing this, Gu Simiao's eyes quietly flashed a touch of respect and strangeness.

This man really cares about the common people as always.

After a while, she gently shook her head to shake off the distracting thoughts in her mind, and then reminded with some hesitation: "The poisonous smoke produced by burning coal, if you don't pay attention, it will kill people."

"People can't give up eating because of choking. If there is a problem, they should find a way to solve it, not escape."

Lu Chen said calmly.

"Every year in the cold winter, I don't know how many people freeze to death on the streets, but the benefits of coal are obvious, the cost is low, and the burning time is long. If it can solve the problem of poisonous smoke produced by coal burning, this thing will immediately become the welfare of countless people. , to benefit the common people."

"How can the imperial court turn a blind eye to such a treasure that is beneficial to the country and the people? When I go to court, I will speak to your majesty, implore your majesty to order, and immediately invest manpower and material resources to study how to turn waste charcoal into treasure."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Simiao's beautiful face gradually became complicated.

Well, it was originally a matter of land exchange between the two counties for development, but now it has directly become a matter for the court.

As expected of Mr. Lu for the country and the people, he really has his style.

Although no matter what the result is, she is the one who benefits, and at most she can act as if nothing happened and there is no harm to her, but Lu Chen's doing this makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

The interest in chatting suddenly disappeared.

Before they knew it, the two passed through the Xuanji Gate and walked all the way to the gate of the Taiji Hall.

The two calmed down at the same time and stepped into the hall together.

However, I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lu Chen always felt that when passing by a group of courtiers, they looked at him a little strangely.

Especially Wang Gan, who had been at odds with him before, looked at him with an indescribably weird feeling.

As if something terrible happened.

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