As the imperial place where the emperor used to summon important ministers and work, the Zichen Palace in the middle of the night is still resplendent and bright, with lights on all the time.

Usually at this time, the Empress had already gone back to Ziwei Palace to take a bath and rest, even when the Holy King Cangming entered the palace to assist the emperor in handling official duties.

But now, there are still voices in the Zichen Palace, and the empress in a red dragon robe is discussing something with Lu Chen seriously.

"Lu Qing, what do you mean is that from now on, the clan's salary will no longer be a fixed amount, but will be changed to half of the annual income of the fiefdom local government without increasing tax items?"

Lu Chen nodded and said, "That's right, I intend to link their income with the income of the local people, not like before, no matter how the people live, it will not affect their salary."

"As the so-called blessings are shared, difficulties are shared, the clan rests with the country, and shares the national destiny with the court, then it should share the responsibility with the court. For the court, the people's life is rich and the tax increases, and life will be better. On the contrary, If the common people have no means of living, the imperial court cannot collect taxes, and the treasury runs out of money, life will become more and more difficult, and the clan should be like this."

Hearing this, the empress suddenly became contemplative, constantly analyzing the pros and cons of Lu Chen's unprecedented suggestion.

After all, it is a major event involving the reform of the ancestral system, and it can affect the whole body, so don't be careless.

After a while, her eyes became brighter and brighter.

At this time, Lu Chen said again: "At the same time as the restructuring, the rights and obligations of the clan should also be adjusted accordingly, such as lifting some restrictions on employment, strengthening supervision of them, limiting land property, reducing the number of guards to a minimum, and not allowing them to have people like Yu The king's power of life and death must be achieved [the prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people]. Otherwise, if they are allowed to harm the people and plunder the people at will, as in the past, there will be no point in reforming the system. Stealing and stealing."

As soon as these words came out, the Empress frowned again.

Will the force of this reform be too fierce?

It is necessary to reduce the salary of the clan and cut off their power.

This is to beat them to the ground with a stick. As for whether they can get up, it depends on their ability

Wouldn't they have to fight desperately like this?

And the person who made this suggestion must not be regarded by them as a life and death enemy?

But after thinking about it, the empress suddenly understood why Lu Chen said that.

Indeed, reforming the clan support system will cause their income to plummet in the short term. If they do not weaken their authority at the same time, they may try their best to squeeze the people and recover this loss from the people.

There are hundreds of thousands of clans in the world, not everyone is as rich and gifted as King Yu, and most of the clans still have to rely on the court to support them.

If it becomes like this, it will be counterproductive.

So, the person who proposed this.

Thinking of this, an extremely reliable figure from childhood to adulthood could not help appearing in the empress' mind.

"Brother Huang, I have to trouble you again."

The moment this thought flashed across her mind, she felt a lot more relaxed.

"Any more? Lu Qing."


Lu Chen smiled slightly, and continued: "In terms of human nature, things that are easy to get are always not valued and cherished. Since the salary of the clan is linked to the local government, or the local people, a reward and punishment system must be established. A standard will allow the salary of the semi-adult income to fluctuate further."

Hearing this, a subtle look appeared on the Empress' face.

"How to reward? How to punish?"

Lu Chen said: "If the people benefit, they will be rewarded, and if the people are harmed, they will be punished."

Is that so?

Lu Qing, as always, you have the common people in your heart.

The empress couldn't help sighing in her heart.

"for example."

Lu Chen continued to talk eloquently: "If the local people are not starved to death, a certain coefficient will be increased as a reward. Otherwise, a certain coefficient will be confiscated. Unscheduled unannounced visits will be made. If the people complain about the clan, they will be punished. Otherwise, they will be rewarded, etc. .”

"Set up Xuanjiwei stations in various places, so that they can monitor the local people's livelihood, clan income and living conditions, and if necessary, use picture symbols, phonograms, or even projection symbols to record evidence. The imperial court analyzes the relationship between the clan and the local government through the annual income situation Is there any trickery, if there is, once verified, the house will be ransacked immediately and questioned."

"The proceeds from the confiscation after the event can be used as part of the station's operating expenses and Xuanjiwei's extra bonus in addition to salary, and those who have made great achievements will be rewarded."

Plans came out from Lu Chen's mouth one by one.

In short, there is one purpose, to guide the clan as much as possible, and directly link their interests with the interests of the people. If the people are better off, the clan will be better off.

At the same time, because it is a fixed share of expenditure, no matter how many township generals, auxiliary country generals, or Fengguo generals there are, they can only be divided into half of the local revenue.

If there are many people, everyone will get less points, if there are few people, everyone will get more points.

No longer affects court tax revenue.

"Of course, in addition to this, there is a more critical issue that needs to be resolved. If this issue is not resolved, our Great Xia will still be doomed to be overthrown."

Hearing this, the Empress's expression suddenly became extremely dignified.

After thinking for a while, she understood what Lu Chen was talking about.

"Is it a problem that the clan and gentry don't pay grain taxes?"

"That's right!"

Lu Chen nodded his head heavily, and said in a deep voice: "Any citizen of Great Xia has the obligation to pay grain taxes. There must be no situation where they only enjoy rights and interests without paying."

"It has been nearly a thousand years since Emperor Taizu Hongwu established the country. The world of Great Xia is no longer the era of poor people's livelihood, withering cultivators, and frequent spiritual disasters as it was a thousand years ago. In today's Great Xia, monks have exceeded Millions, relying on the national policy of monks not paying food, I don’t know how many people took the initiative to donate land to monks. These people continued to annex land through various means, and almost controlled more than half of Daxia’s cultivated land, but none of them were handed over to the court. This is simply plundering the wealth that should belong to the imperial court and the world!"

"The people who need to pay taxes have fewer and fewer fields, and the tighter the national treasury, the heavier their burden will be, which will further lead them to invest their land, intensify mergers, and further reduce their annual income, forming a vicious circle. If this continues, There will come a day when the common people can no longer afford the money needed for the normal operation of the imperial court, and then when the national treasury has been in deficit for years, the imperial court will not be able to pay the army, have no money to relieve disasters, and cannot give salaries..."

"Your Majesty, at that point, when the imperial court cannot function normally, can this world still be ruled by the Great Xia? That's why the tax system has become so bad that it has to be reformed."

The empress was silent.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly shook his head and sighed.

"What I saw and heard in Yu and Sui prefectures was shocking. The local officials were either busy with dogs, or slack in political affairs. Under the rule of Li's mediocre officials, it is miserable, but these two states are middle-level state capitals, and the people's livelihood is already so difficult, I can't imagine what kind of purgatory the low-level state capitals must be."

"In my opinion, the plight of the people in the two prefectures can almost be regarded as the epitome of Great Xia. If drastic reforms are not carried out, the prosperity that His Majesty expects will always be a castle in the air. No matter how hard you try, the so-called The ZTE will only be short-lived like the first emperor."

Hearing this, the Empress finally spoke slowly.

"I am not ignorant of the disadvantages of the tax system, but this matter is of great importance and involves a wide range. A little carelessness will lead to huge turmoil. It must be solved slowly, and it cannot be rushed."

The empress's reaction was as expected by Lu Chen.

It is impossible to do such a big thing as tax reform.

After all, if you want to reform the tax system, you must face the entire gentry class, and face the officials and officials who have inextricably linked with the gentry class.

This is the elite class of Daxia.

And the matter of reform has never been a simple matter.

To get rid of the old evils, a new system must be replaced, and the implementation of the new law requires the help of officials at all levels and a solid and reliable team.

Her roots are still too shallow.

And he, Lu Chen, is too upright, never forming a party for personal gain, and basically has no foundation. Well, those acting county magistrates in Yuzhou who drive ducks to the shelves can barely be regarded as his team, but they have just stepped into the officialdom, and they are too immature , can't make any waves at all.

As long as the empress is not stupid, she must know that now is not the time for a complete reform.

However, Lu Chen was a little surprised by her attitude that she had clearly planned for a long time ago.

"I naturally know that the reform of the tax system is not easy, and the millennium-old evils of Great Xia cannot be wiped out all at once. I also don't intend to do it overnight and cause chaos for nothing."

Lu Chen said lightly: "It's just that there are some things that need to be prepared in advance."

Hearing this, the Empress couldn't help but move her eyes.

"For example?"

"For example, the clan support."

Lu Chen slowly raised the corners of his mouth, "As long as we find a way to tie the clan, which only has certain privileges but no real power, with the people and the local economy, and make it the fundamental interest of the clan, will the clan still be as close as it used to be? If the well water of the gentry does not violate the water of the river, then it may be possible."

After a pause, he continued: "Furthermore, the fixed salary will make the clan lose their aggressiveness, and there is no upper limit. The floating salary that can be clearly changed through hard work can stimulate the potential of the clan, and at least it can create some value for the court. Instead of being raised as a pig by the imperial court all day long, you will know nothing but sensuality and extravagant consumption of the country's luck."

After the words fell, the empress couldn't help but groan.

"Is it the fundamental interests of the clan to make the people and the local economy?"

A moment later, a gleam of light flashed quietly in her bright eyes.

"This is the real sharing of national destiny"

After expressing emotion, she suddenly raised her head, took a deep look at Lu Chen, and then said softly: "Lu Qing and Yuzhou's party have gained a lot more than I imagined."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but startled.

After reacting, he sighed quietly.

"If possible, I would rather get nothing."

As soon as these words came out, the Empress' eyes dimmed slightly.

After a moment of silence, she spoke:

"When Lu Qing goes back tonight, draw up a charter. Remember, don't submit it directly to the cabinet, but send it directly to me."

Lu Chen nodded.

Seeing Lu Chen responding, the empress was slightly relieved.

Then she seemed to suddenly think of something, and asked Lu Chen: "By the way, the characters, symbols, and grids that Lu Qing wrote with charcoal on the manuscript just now are the ones that can quickly calculate complicated data without relying on calculation chips. law?"

"Oh, this one."

Lu Chen nodded.

"This is a number that Weichen has figured out by himself. There are also calculation symbols and tables. Through some methods, efficient calculation and overall planning can indeed be achieved. If Your Majesty is interested in this, Weichen can teach you."

"Then trouble Lu Qing."

The Empress replied without hesitation.

But I didn't ask if it was difficult to learn.

After finishing speaking, she stood up directly, walked to Lu Chen's side, and looked at the manuscript on his desk.

"Sit down, Your Majesty."

Lu Chen got up and asked the empress to sit down.

The empress said "Yes", but she didn't refuse, she walked to the place where Lu Chen was sitting just now and sat down.

"Your Majesty, look, this symbol looks like a rolling pin. I equate it with one, and the one next to it is two."

"A single number is from 0 to 9, a total of ten. Other numbers, no matter how big, are composed of these numbers. For example, if 1 and 3 are juxtaposed together, it means one hundred and three. Add a 2 in front, that is 213, also known as two ratios. Ah bah! It’s two hundred one thirty three.”

Lu Chen took out a blank piece of paper, wrote on it with a pen, and explained it attentively.

Listening to Lu Chen's patient explanation, although the empress focused most of her attention on the white paper in front of her, and was constantly digesting this refreshing knowledge in her mind, the warm breath that she felt from time to time still made her feel short-lived. Absent.

After a while, she exhaled heavily, calmed down, and carefully appreciated the charm of this new science called mathematics that Lu Chen talked about.

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