Empress: Your Majesty, please respect yourself, I don't want to be promoted

Chapter 146 The world is not in peace, why should the family do it?

After Lu Chen's words fell, everyone thought the remarks were ridiculous, but they didn't speak immediately.

Even Qian Yiqian, Zheng Zhong and others fell silent.

Gu Simiao did not betray the imperial court, but instead played a major role in eradicating the remaining disasters of the demon queen. Although this result is a great thing for the imperial court, it is quite a big deal for the people who deliberately used words to run on Lu Chen in the court before. Yu slapped them hard in the face.

It's not over yet.

Moreover, Lu Chen is a very evil person. What seems to be a matter of course, as long as he participates, there will be a shocking reversal in the end.

It was like this when the Empress was, it was like this when the Holy King was there, and it was still like this when Xia Yan was.

And this time Gu Simiao

Everyone who questioned and ridiculed him almost had his face swollen, and those so-called Holy Kings, Hu Yan and his ilk were killed.

So the matter of the woman's birth, not to mention that they don't have a solid theoretical basis to prove that what Lu Chen said is wrong, they can only refute it based on the experience of the past and present, even if it seems to be a certainty, they have to think carefully now. Think carefully about whether there is a loophole in this matter that they did not expect.

To avoid being slapped in the face again.

What's more, this is not a big deal, there is no need to argue with him who is now a very prosperous saint.

However, the ministers died down, but the Empress frowned inexplicably.

She gestured to the maid who was carrying the tray with her eyes, and then asked Lu Chen calmly when the maid came over:

"Lu Qing, what do you mean, a woman under the age of 18 cannot be considered an adult?"

Lu Chen took it for granted: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Although the world is different, the substances are different, and the laws of the world's operation are different, the basic structure of the human body is still generally the same, except that some people have more special existences such as spiritual roots that are closely related to the spiritual breath.

Before becoming a cultivator and stepping on the long road of seeking immortality, most ordinary people are similar to the human beings in Lu Chen's cognition, and some modern theoretical knowledge is still applicable in this world.

The modern knowledge and concepts in his mind are not worthless in this world of high martial arts, but due to differences in laws and material structures, they cannot be fully applied.

These are the conclusions obtained after the predecessor's twenty years of memory experience, plus his own cognition, have been thoroughly integrated.

Although it cannot be guaranteed that it is completely correct, Lu Chen is not afraid of taking responsibility.

That's it.

"That is to say."

There was a slight strangeness in the empress' voice.

"In your eyes, Lu Qing, am I still just a little girl now?"

After the words were finished, the maid had already walked up to the front with a tray, habitually picking up the milk on the tray and preparing to pour it into the empty wine glass of the Empress.

However, after seeing the milk bottle in her hand, the Empress immediately said, "Give me wine."

The maid froze for a moment, then hurriedly put down the milk bottle, picked up the fine wine at the side and poured it for the empress.

At this time, Lu Chen casually said: "Your Majesty is wise and powerful, and his mind is naturally far beyond human comparison. Moreover, His Majesty is the emperor of life and the supreme being in the world. Naturally, it cannot be judged by common sense, but."

Before she finished speaking, the empress interrupted with a blank expression while holding up her wine glass: "My mother and concubine once told me that any words in front of [but] are meaningless nonsense."

In words, for the first time, he showed Lu Chen the supreme might of an emperor.


Sensing a trace of dissatisfaction in the Empress' voice, everyone including Lu Chen was startled almost subconsciously.

Did Lu Chen's words just now offend His Majesty?

Thinking of this, Qian Yiqian, Zheng Zhong and others' eyes flashed lightly, while Liu Dongyang and Fang Ping frowned.

Jiang Chengdao looked at the appearance of the empress taking up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, and inexplicably narrowed her eyes, which were full of thoughtfulness.

Lu Chen felt a little baffled.

What's the matter? Before, buddy, you asked to reiterate the corrupt officials, proposed to reduce the emperor's expenses, and offered guarantees for the traitors. You didn't respond at all. Now you have finally made a serious remonstrance, but it has lowered the empress's favor?

Thinking of this, he didn't show a trace of panic because of the dissatisfaction expressed by the empress, and his face was still as calm as an old dog.

No, it's more stable than an old dog.

"Excellent mind does not mean that the body is mature. Your Majesty is now twenty-eight years old. Although he has begun to show his beauty and has the appearance of a mysterious girl, his internal development is not yet fully developed. Therefore, I think it is better for Your Majesty to consider the matter of the emperor two years later. .”

As soon as the words fell, the empress, who was drinking for the first time, gradually turned a blush on her cold face.

I don't know if I was drunk by the wine, or because of something else.

The eyes looking at Lu Chen were once again as usual, peaceful and safe.

There is no sense of imperial oppression.

"in this way."

She thought for a moment, then nodded slightly.

"As Lu Qing said, I will carefully investigate the matter of the woman's birth, and we will discuss it after the results come out."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent immediately, neither supporting nor opposing.

The emperor is the biggest in the world, no one dares to risk the safety of the emperor, Lu Chen has already said so, if they persist, they will ignore the safety of the emperor.

This is a great infidelity, whoever touches it will die.

Gu Simiao poured wine for herself, quietly watched the monarch and his ministers in front of her, without saying a word, but looked at Lu Chen with a hint of depth in her eyes.

Following the empress' decision, Lu Chen's remonstrance was passed.

As a result, the atmosphere became a little gloomy.


Liu Dongyang suddenly took a deep look at Lu Chen, and asked, "Mr. Lu, you don't seem to have a family either?"

Hearing a big boss mentioning himself, and it was a topic related to marriage, Lu Chen couldn't react for a while.

After a while, he turned his head, looked at Liu Dongyang, nodded and said:

"Well, I'm not married yet."


Lu Chen didn't intend to tell Li Yuanwai's matter, but said solemnly: "Now I just want to put all my energy on how to make the people live and work in peace and contentment, how to make the people of Great Xia peaceful and peaceful. If the people are restless every day, I will be happy." The day is restless, that's why, I really don't care about my children, since I can't take care of my family, I can't give happiness to the people next to me, why delay them?"

The moment the voice fell, the banquet had already had a somewhat silent atmosphere, but at this time, it became inexplicably low again.

A flash of admiration flashed in Liu Dongyang's eyes, then he shook his head and said, "I admire Lu's noble conduct, but I don't agree with Lu's views."

"As the saying goes, to start a family and start a business, the family is the first and the career is the last. With a family, the career will be more smooth and prosperous. Although a man does not suffer from being without a wife, he must not be without a wife. Otherwise, no matter how high the career is, it will be just a rootless apple. It's hard to last long."


Listening to Liu Dongyang's narration, Lu Chen inexplicably felt something was wrong.

Not only him, but all the courtiers looked at Liu Dongyang gradually became weird.

This word, why is it so like...

Immediately afterwards, as if to confirm the guesses in everyone's hearts, Liu Dongyang's tone suddenly changed slightly. After teaching Lu Chen and saying a few words intended to make him, a career fanatic, change his mind, he said slowly:

"Lu Geshi is a man of talent. He is talented and knowledgeable, and his character is even more noble. In the future, he will surely become a minister of the Zhu Kingdom who assists His Majesty in rejuvenating the Great Xia and creating a prosperous world. How can such a virtuous person not have a family inheritance? It just so happens that the old man has a granddaughter. Xianshu..."

Boom! !

When Liu Dongyang came to this point, a crisp sound suddenly came from not far away.

"Ah... sorry."

It was Gu Simiao who accidentally touched the precious porcelain cup on the table, causing it to fall on the solid floor, and it fell apart in an instant.

"My minister was careless and accidentally damaged the property of the palace. Please be punished by Your Majesty."

"No problem."

The empress responded lightly, then looked at Liu Dongyang expressionlessly, and said in an extremely calm tone: "I heard that Liu Aiqing's eldest granddaughter is not only beautiful, but also talented and talented. In time, she may become like Xiao Aiqing." The pillars of the people."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when he heard the emperor talk about his granddaughter, Liu Dongyang always felt that the air around him seemed to freeze.

There is a subtle sense of depression.

Liu Dongyang thought for a moment, then shook his head lightly, "Your Majesty praised you, Wei'er is just a little bit pretty, and she can't be called a national beauty. Although she has talent, she can't be compared with Xiao Shangshu and other outstanding people, so she can't be called Your Majesty." With such high praise, I just can't bear the fact that Lu Geshi is such an outstanding talent who has been alone, devoted to the country, but there is no one around him, and Lu Geshi is very talented and tenacious, so he is a good match. That’s why I had this idea.”

"Liu Aiqing is as humble and respectful as ever."

The empress praised softly, then turned her head and looked at Lu Chen.

However, before she could ask, Lu Chen resolutely refused:

"Thank you Liu Shangshu for your love, but I have made up my mind, the world will be completely stable, the Great Xia will prosper, everyone will have clothes and food to eat, and they don't have to do their best for the most basic survival, and they can spare energy to pursue other things. Before things, I will not think about life-long events."

Just kidding, how could he, a quasi-immortal with a system in his body who could ascend in situ at any time, plant mines for himself?

Naturally, the lower the risk of inner demons that might affect the Immortal Dao, the better.

Hearing Lu Chen's resolute refusal and feeling the determination in these words, Liu Dongyang was slightly taken aback, and then couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

He gets it.

Before realizing his ambition and assisting the emperor to create an unprecedented prosperity, he did not consider the major events of his life...

Lu Chen, this is... a dead end...

Almost every one of the goals he mentioned is extremely difficult to achieve, and in the pursuit of such lofty and ambitious goals, some people's interests are bound to be touched.

He knew that he had an upright personality, disregarded his relatives in official affairs, did not pay attention to official rules at all, and was sophisticated in his ways, so he could easily offend others and affect his family.

There is no telling when people will be gone.

That being the case, it would be better not to have such scruples from the beginning, to move forward bravely, and to die without regret.

What courage! What tenacity! What awareness!

I might as well!

When the empress sitting at the top heard Lu Chen's unhesitating refusal, she breathed a sigh of relief, but when she felt the unshakable determination in Lu Chen's words, her eyes trembled slightly .

A tangled look flashed in his eyes.

Only Gu Simiao looked as usual, enjoying the food while drinking. Although the delicious food made of all kinds of precious spirit birds and beasts on her table was consumed very quickly, her movements were extremely elegant, with the temperament of a lady. It is obvious at this moment.

Seeing that Lu Chen refused so firmly, Liu Dongyang had no choice but to give up and stop pressing.

After the successive marriage topics ended, the atmosphere of the triumphal feast gradually returned to normal, and finally, the curtain gradually came to an end amidst the complicated and unspeakable emotions of everyone.

At this time, it was nightfall, when the lanterns first came on.

All the courtiers bid farewell one after another.

Gu Simiao walked up to Lu Chen and said softly, "Huaiyu, you and I are on the same road. The mansion is not far from each other. You might as well go back together. It's good to have a companion on the way. It just so happens...I have something to tell you."

Lu Chen shook his head.

"Sorry, Ms. Gu, I have important things to do later. I'm going to the Zichen Palace to assist His Majesty with official duties. The girl kindly accepts it. Let's meet again next time."

Hearing this, Gu Simiao glanced subtly at the direction where the Empress left just now.

After a while, she sighed inexplicably.

"Okay, let's talk about it when you have some free time."


Lu Chen responded, then bowed his hands to her, took his leave and left, walking towards the inner palace.

Gu Simiao silently watched his fading back, until he completely disappeared into the night, then slowly turned and left.

After bidding farewell to Gu Simiao, Lu Chen, led by the eunuch, soon came to Zichen Palace.

At this moment, the empress, who had already changed into her dragon robe, was sitting on the dragon chair, concentrating on looking at the memorial on the table.

Immediately afterwards, the moment Lu Chen stepped into the hall, she put down the memorial in her hand and raised her head slightly.

"Here we come."

The moment Lu Chen's eyes met, the corner of the Empress's mouth slightly raised an imperceptible arc.

"My minister sees Your Majesty."

Lu Chen bowed slightly to salute.

Although they had only separated not long ago, they still had to have the etiquette when meeting the emperor.

"Lu Qing doesn't need to be too polite."

The empress waved her hand, then pointed to the stool beside the table that was specially placed by someone.

"Come, sit here."

Lu Chen looked at it, then frowned.

"Your Majesty, this...isn't very good..."

You're so close, are you a schoolgirl looking for guidance?

"It's okay, there are a few details, don't care."

After a pause, she added.

"The Holy King usually sits here when he assists me with official duties, so you don't have to worry about it, Lu Qing, just sit at ease."

"However, the Holy King has a noble status and has made great military exploits for His Majesty one after another, while the humble minister..."

Before finishing speaking, the Empress interrupted: "In my heart, you and the Holy King have the same meaning to me. They are both the pillars of my Great Xia kingdom. Therefore, you can do what the Holy King can do." You can do it, you can sit where the Holy King can sit.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen was speechless.

Stand shoulder to shoulder with the Holy King?

How can Lao Tzu, He De, be compared with this legendary general who is loyal and has made great contributions to the court?

Your Majesty, you think highly of me, don't you? !

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