Killing the Demon Queen's party feathers is undoubtedly a great contribution to the current imperial court, no amount of rewards can be overstated.

And it's military!

You must know that the Great Xia was conferred with military merit. If there is not enough military merit, no matter how great the official is, how high the reputation is, or how powerful the power is, it is impossible to confer the title.

Not even the lowest baron.

And with this great contribution, Gu Simiao can even be directly promoted to a first-rank duke in the same place, and there is still a kind of real seal and hereditary replacement, becoming a new nobleman above her father, Glorious lintel.

But she did not hesitate to emphasize Lu Chen's huge role in this incident, and proposed to share the credit with Lu Chen equally.

With this point, the position of duke of the state will be gone, and the food town will have to shrink a lot.

At most, only one county magistrate can be caught.

How emphatic is this!

How. Makes people envious, jealous and hateful!

At this moment, the courtiers looked at Lu Chen with jealousy.

Although Lu Chen risked everything in order to take care of his family, and took huge risks to get the reward, the courtiers still envied and hated it.

That's the duke!

Although at most he will only be a county magistrate, but he is also a real nobleman, a high-class nobleman who can be hereditary, live with the country, and be kind to his descendants for generations!

The privileges and resources enjoyed by the nobility, even a monk with a weak heart, cannot remain indifferent to it.

After all, becoming a noble is of great help to practice.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that the fate of the country is shared is enough to drive countless monks crazy, but most of them are warriors who can be knighted by virtue of military exploits, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate both saints and warriors, and few people can establish enough to obtain hereditary successors. The great merit of the title is something that people dare not expect extravagantly.

But now, there are people who have the opportunity to obtain the title of County Duke as a civil servant.

How could they not be jealous when they saw this scene with their own eyes?

And when he heard that Gu Simiao actually wanted to give credit to himself, Lu Chen was so moved that his tear glands were about to burst, his face flushed suddenly, and he looked so excited that he couldn't control himself.

To be dismissed from office would be as difficult as heaven, but now you give me a title that is even more difficult to remove? !

Damn, the ghost knows whether the title is considered an official in the system's judgment.

If it’s not okay, at worst, it’s a windfall, which happens to leave an extra inheritance for this little rich woman, Luo Xiaoyu. Anyway, the empress’s favor for him is unbelievably high. Don't worry if you have too much, what you love.

But if it counts, he will almost never want to be promoted to immortality by being dismissed in this life.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's mind was running fast, constantly thinking about how to rationally push away this great achievement that has driven countless monks crazy.

However, before he could speak, the Empress said simply and neatly:

"Okay! Gu Aiqing is really selfless and profoundly understands righteousness. I admire him so much. Since this is the case, I am the beauty of an adult. This credit belongs to Lu Qing. Lu Qing also has a place in today's triumphant scripture."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's eyes widened and he subconsciously shouted:

"Your Majesty can't!"

The empress turned her head, looked over, and stared at Lu Chen, but there was no surprise in her eyes.

Obviously, Lu Chen's reaction was completely in her expectation.

But in desperation, Lu Chen couldn't find any justifiable reason at all.

After all, what Gu Simiao said was reasonable and well-founded. According to her, she really played a big role in this matter.

You must know that Queen Mother Zhao and all her party members are an extremely dangerous force.

Don't look at them being chased away by the Holy King Cangming like a dog in mourning, but that's only because the power of the holy relic is extremely domineering, and the Holy King Cangming who owns the holy relic is too powerful.

The power of a saint is an extraordinary power that surpasses the power of immortals.

The Holy King is strong, but it doesn't mean that the Queen Mother Zhao and the others must be weak.

What's more, the Empress Dowager Zhao must have a lot of cards to save her life. The fairy family treasure that allowed her to escape from the hands of the Holy King is just one of them. She must have other unpredictable spiritual treasures in her hands. Xia Houyan, the former commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army, is also extremely powerful, and he has many masters under his command.

If you are not fully prepared, even if you don't turn over, it will be difficult to kill the always cautious and suspicious Queen Mother Zhao.

So he tried his best to keep the Gu family, and the part of the military resources that Gu Simiao saved was very important.

Even if it was unintentional, under the constraints of the system, it is not easy to shirk this credit.

You have to find a reasonable excuse.

But it wasn't until the CPU in Lu Chen's mind was almost dry and smoking that he said loudly: "Who should deserve the credit? Who should get the credit? How can we divide the credit? Besides, the minister is far away in Luojing. He didn't participate in the battle in the barren state at all, and he didn't even kill an enemy. He just did what he should do in the court. How can we count on the great achievements made by General Gu and the Cangling Army? This is absolutely impossible!"

"According to the law of Great Xia."

Regarding Lu Chen's refusal, Gu Simiao obviously had expected it long ago, and directly said lightly: "Whether you participate in the war or not, even if it is thousands of miles away, as long as it is the key to the victory or defeat of the war, with it Those who are related can be regarded as the hero who led the soldiers of the court to defeat the enemy."

Hearing this, the corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched.

This woman... seems to be much harder to deal with than the Empress...

Immediately afterwards, before he could open his mouth to refute, the Empress seemed to have been inspired by something, and she narrowed her eyes and took over the words: "Back then, all the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty thought that Gu Aiqing had betrayed the court, and even I thought so, and I was going to punish you." When you killed the entire Gu family, only you, Lu Qing, firmly believed that Gu Aiqing did not betray the court and kept the Gu family."

"So, the connected person that Gu Aiqing mentioned just now is only you. If you are not qualified to receive credit, who else in this world is qualified?"

These words were like a sharp knife, directly piercing Lu Chen's back.

Your Majesty, I am so loyal to you, why do you backstab me again and again?

No, this TM is a bright thorn, right?

At this time, Gu Simiao said again: "Don't say anything about what should be done about Lu Ji. This matter is not within your scope of responsibility, but you took the initiative to take over this matter. It can be considered that it is your responsibility." After I made a judgment on the situation in the barren state, I took action to protect the Gu family, so that I can kill the demon queen without any worries, so..."

"In this battle, Lu Ge has contributed a lot to you!"

These words were like a final word, making Lu Chen's ears ringing.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but when the words of forceful argument appeared in his mind, the system's prompt sounded at the same time.


The empress suddenly stood up, jumped off Long Zhu lightly, and walked up to Lu Chen.

"I know that Lu Qing, you have always abided by your duty and never coveted power, but it should be yours, it is yours, and no one can take it away, and you can't take it away. Pushing what belongs to you is not what a gentleman wants. Because, since Lu Qing has your share of the credit, you should continue to do it well, but don't make things difficult for Zhen and Gu Aiqing."

Hearing this, Lu Chen was immediately "moved" and burst into tears.

And the surrounding courtiers saw the scene where Lu Chen was trying his best to push away the crazy military achievements, while the majestic Emperor Daxia and the Zhu Kingdom general, one of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms, kept feeding military achievements into his mouth. Their eyes were almost jealous. Spit out fire.

At this moment, almost all of them were hard.

The fist is hard!

I owe 2k, I will make it up tomorrow...

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