Luo Jing, Purple Extreme City.

Xuanji gate.

As always, Lu Chen crossed the gate on time and walked in the direction of the Tai Chi Hall.

"It's about Lu."

As soon as he passed through the Sixth Section Corridor, a familiar voice sounded from his side.

Turning his head to look, he saw Qian Yiqian, Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, and Zhao Bingliang, Minister of Dali Temple, and several "good teammates" who often get together were looking at him with smiles, with a hint of meaning in their eyes, and at the same time, they were looking at him in an unhurried manner. come.

When they came to the front, Lu Chen saluted politely and said, "I have met Qian Shangshu, I have met Zhao Siqing, I have met Zheng Shilang..."

Qian Yiqian and the others just nodded indifferently, and then Qian Yiqian got straight to the point and said: "Lu Geshi, do you still remember what you said when you vouched for Gu Simiao in the court?"


Lu Chen said without hesitation: "If Miss Gu really betrayed the imperial court, I would like to be executed together with her."


Qian Yiqian and the others sneered at the same time, then shook their heads feigning regret.

Zheng Zhong took a step forward, looked at Lu Chen's calm eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Now that the 15-day agreement has passed halfway, Suzhou is still raging with war. If His Highness the Holy King hadn't personally led the troops to resist, I am afraid that Huguan, Suzhou, Tongguan and Liangzhou provinces have already fallen into the hands of the demon queen."

"If it weren't for Gu Simiao's great help, how could the Demon Empress make a comeback in such a short period of time and threaten the court?"

The implication is obvious, it is to accuse Lu Chen of mistrusting Gu Simiao, allowing the rebels of the Gu family to live a few more days, damaging the majesty of the court, and being accused and questioned by all parties for no reason.

Lu Chen glanced at him expressionlessly.

"I believe that Miss Gu did this to lull the demon queen and earn her trust, in order to completely wipe out the evil queen's disaster and stabilize the world."

Hearing this, several people laughed at the same time.

They didn't bother arguing with Lu Chen, they just looked at Lu Chen with foolish eyes.

The war in the barren state was so fierce, what's the reason?

If you say this, even a three-year-old child won't believe it, right?

If Gu Simiao is really a loyal minister, the old man's name is written upside down!

"Lu Geshi has a firm mind and is very comparable to others. I admire him."

Qian Yiqian boasted in a plausible manner, and then changed the subject, saying with some meaning: "Nowadays the world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, and an honest gentleman like Lu Geshi, who is sincere and trustworthy, is getting more and more serious. It’s less, I hope Lu Jishi can keep your original intention, keep the same appearance and look the same, don’t be moved by external things, and set a good example for the younger generation.”

Hearing this hypocritical reminder to keep his promise, Lu Chen couldn't help but twitch his eyes slightly.

This guy is indeed my good teammate...

Thinking of this, Lu Chen raised his hand, arched towards Qian Yiqian, and said calmly:

"Don't worry, Qian Shangshu, I can do anything, but I won't break my promise and become fat. No matter what, even if Your Majesty is magnanimous and forgives me, I will never live in mediocrity."


Zhao Bingliang gave Lu Chen a thumbs up.

"Lu Ke is true to his word. He is really a role model for the younger generation. I admire him!"

Zheng Zhong and the others also squinted their eyes and praised Lu Chen.

Afterwards, the few people and Lu Chen greeted each other casually, then walked towards the Taiji Hall quickly, and distanced themselves directly from Lu Chen.

At the moment when their backs were turned to Lu Chen, there were mocking smiles on their faces.

at the same time.

In the city of Suzhou thousands of miles away.

Jiang Chengdao tidied up his armaments a little, then rode the magic horse Jueying, and went to summon the Xuanwu Guard who had lost Fu Ye, who was almost equivalent to losing a half of his soul, and prepared to give it to the vanguard guard of the Cangling Army who had been completely disabled by him. The final blow, end the battle here as soon as possible.

Then, the commanding army marched towards the barren state, and recovered the barren state, the land that had become the shelter of the empress dowager Zhao.

To be honest, on the premise that he is too far away from the empress to use too much power of the Holy Spirit, even he is not fully sure to defeat the Cangling Army commanded by Gu Simiao.

Even if the vanguard of the Cangling Army was chased away like a dog by him.

In the world of warriors, although there is only one big difference in cultivation between Guiyi Realm and Dongxu Realm, their strength is vastly different.

In the case of almost the same hard power in other aspects, the ten caves are not an opponent of the unity, not to mention that Gu Simiao has fought many times with less, and finally wiped out enemies ten times his size The glorious record of fighting and killing, the absolute famous general of the world.

Therefore, it is not easy for him to crusade against the barren state.

Especially since the Empress gave him additional tasks...

In this battle, he didn't expect to completely eliminate the Queen Mother Zhao and regain the countless wealth she stole. After all, he couldn't use his full strength so far and he had no way to prevent the Queen Mother from escaping with the magic weapon of the fairy family.

It is enough to defeat the Cangling Army, take back the barren state, and remove the border threat.

And just when he held this idea, he led a group of Cangming troops out of the city gate of Suzhou, and was about to order the army to march——

boom boom boom~

In the thick snow and fog, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the northwest direction, from far to near.

Judging from the sound of horseshoes, the opponent should only have twenty riders.

Jiang Chengdao frowned slightly, then raised his hand, signaling the Cangming Army behind him to stop first.

Not long after, more than twenty white horses appeared in everyone's sight.

Looking carefully, almost every white horse carried a tall and tall soldier in the Cangling Army's standard armor and holding various weapons on his back.

The leader was a young woman riding a one-horned white horse, wearing a robe that was stained red by blood and turned brown, with only a little white visible.

Regardless of whether it is the leading woman or the group of cavalrymen, they have obviously experienced a fierce battle, not to mention blood stains all over their bodies, and the armor is also full of traces left by swords and swords hacking on it, and almost everyone has suffered. Injuries of different degrees, the dried wounds inside can be seen through the damaged clothes.

They soon found the Cangming army standing at the gate of the city, but they didn't stop at all, but accelerated towards Jiang Chengdao's position.

"Huh? Cang Ling Army?"

Jiang Chengdao frowned even deeper.

After a while, he turned his head slightly, and gestured to Su Ming, the newly appointed commander of the Xuanwu Guard, with his eyes.

Su Ming understood, and gestured to the others behind him, signaling the whole army to be vigilant.

After a while, the cavalry of the Cangling Army who suddenly appeared rushed to the crowd not far away.

"Stop whoever comes!"

Su Ming shouted loudly, and at the same time put his hand on the long sword at his waist.


The leading woman pulled the reins and made everyone stop.

Then she got off her horse and walked towards Jiang Chengdao alone without waiting for the others to react.

The other party obviously didn't come to trouble them, otherwise it would be impossible to bring only so few people here on the premise that Suzhou was guarded by the Holy King Cangming himself.

And he was not afraid of death, so he went forward alone.

In this world, no one dares to disrespect the power possessed by the Holy King.

"Who are you?"

Su Ming asked sharply.

The woman slowly raised her head, revealing a pair of cold eyes that were unspeakably tired, and she simply announced her name with her red lips parted and closed.

"Governor of the Barren State, General of the Cangling Army, Gu Simiao."

That's right, the person who came here was Gu Simiao who had just put an end to the turmoil in the barren state, left the barren state directly, and then rushed towards Luojing without stopping.

Hearing this, Su Ming couldn't help but startled.


Gu Simiao?

The Lord of the Barren State, one of the Eight Great Pillar Kingdoms of the Great Xia Empire, the youngest Peerless Pillar Kingdom ever?

what's the situation?

Shouldn't she be preparing the army in the barren state to help the demon queen win the world?

What are you doing here?

Jiang Chengdao was also taken aback, but it took only a moment for him to react.

"Oh? Gu Simiao?"

He raised his head slightly, looked at her for a while, and then asked in a deep voice, "What are you doing here?"

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

In any case, let's figure out the situation first.

Gu Simiao didn't say much, but with a wave of her hand, she directly opened the space out of thin air.

In the next second, blood-red heads fell rapidly from the cracked space.

These heads are male and female.

Some are hideous;

Some stared wide-eyed, with unwillingness and fear in their eyes;

Some are full of despair;

And among these heads, there were many faces that Jiang Chengdao was familiar with.

"This is…"

Jiang Chengdao fixedly stared at the heads of a beautiful woman and an old man placed in the most conspicuous places, his eyes gradually showed surprise.

Gu Simiao slowly put down her hands, and then said calmly: "The demon queen Zhao, the traitor Xia Houyan, Yuan Xu and more than a hundred of the demon queen's remnants have all been executed. Fortunately, this commander did not disgrace his order, and is going to Luojing to report to His Majesty , and return the treasury and various royal treasures that the Demon Empress looted, and I would like to ask my colleagues for your convenience."

That's right, what Jiang Chengdao was watching was the biggest threat to the reborn Great Xia, the Empress Dowager Zhao and Xia Houyan.

Jiang Chengdao never imagined that even he himself had no choice but to settle for the second best, and the Queen Mother Zhao, who only wanted to be expelled but not killed, would die in such an abrupt way at the hands of the biggest supporter who should have helped her win the country.

In the next second, he recalled inexplicably in his mind what the Empress had said to him when she told him to find a way to turn the traitor Gu Simiao into a loyal minister who died for the country in order to save Lu Chen, a unparalleled national soldier. Chen gambles everything on guaranteeing Gu Simiao.

When the entire court condemned Gu Simiao and asked to kill the entire Gu family, only Lu Chen firmly believed that Gu Simiao was a loyal minister, and everything he did was to completely eradicate the huge threat of the Queen Mother... …


Even if he was in the same mood, he couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

This Lu Chen, is it right again? !

Is Gu Simiao really a loyal minister?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head, and looked at the heads of Empress Dowager Zhao and Xia Houyan a few more times. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the remaining souls, he was even more shocked.

Lu Chen's eyes are too outrageous, right?

Could it be that besides being loyal, he also has unpredictable abilities? !

"What doubts does this general have?"

Seeing that Jiang Chengdao didn't say a word, Gu Simiao couldn't help frowning, and there was a trace of coldness in her voice.

"If you have any doubts, please introduce His Royal Highness the Holy King for me, and I will tell him personally."

Jiang Chengdao came back to his senses immediately.

He took a look at Gu Simiao's distressed appearance at this moment, and couldn't help being a little curious.

"General Gu has made such great achievements, His Majesty will definitely reward you generously, why rush for a while? Why don't you take a rest in Suzhou and see you tomorrow."

Gu Simiao shook her head without hesitation, and refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but I must return to Beijing as soon as possible, and please don't delay my time."

"Why is General Gu so eager?"

Gu Simiao inexplicably took a deep breath, her slightly pale lips moved, and at the same time as her lips and teeth touched, a softness flashed across her cold face inexplicably.

"Because, among Luo Jing, there is a person who is extremely important to me, waiting for my answer."

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