"Yu Feng..."

The moment the wind energy in the air gathered to the extreme, the old man who was like an iron tower suddenly clasped his hands——

"The sky changes!"

The wind pattern seal suddenly shone brightly, and the powerful wind spells were fully activated!

Hush! !

The huge hurricane with a huge range swept towards the location where Lu Chen and Fu Yu behind him were located, with a terrifying power that could destroy everything in the rumbling noise.


Facing the huge hurricane, which was extremely destructive and could not be stopped at all, Tao Ji roared unwillingly, and then threw himself at Lu Chen at all costs, trying to take Lu Chen away by force.

Even if Commander Fu cannot be kept, at least the unparalleled Governor Lu must be kept.

However, just as he made a move, Lu Chen, who had kept his eyes closed all the time, suddenly opened them.

He raised his head slightly, watching the terrifying hurricane approaching not far away, but there was no trace of fear in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he first stopped the operation of the dragon-elephant circle, and at the same time stood up slowly, holding the extreme sword tightly with both hands.

"Extreme way!"

At the same time as two words came out of his mouth, Tao Ji was already close in front of his eyes.

However, the moment Tao Ji was about to take Lu Chen away.

However, a burst of dazzling light burst out from the sword of the extreme way again, and the mysterious and ancient magic formula was suddenly launched again under the boiling of his blood and spiritual power at all costs——

"Derived from nothing!"

Boom! !

The moment the ancient secret method was activated, Tao Ji's tall body seemed to have hit an extremely thick wall, and was directly bounced away by the huge rebound force, and fell heavily to the ground.

And the place where he hit unexpectedly showed a colorful appearance, and then like a stone falling into the water, the force of the hit spread rapidly to the surroundings in bursts of ripples, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

Tao Ji got up quickly, and looked at Lu Chen who was standing with a sword not far away in a daze.

"Governor Lu, you..."

Lu Chen shook his head, but did not speak.

In other words, he was unable to speak at all in the great pain of his body constantly collapsing.

His spiritual power has long been exhausted. At this time, he is completely relying on his flesh and blood to forcibly gather his spiritual power to maintain the extremely huge consumption of the ancient secret method. His whole body feels like being torn apart by countless strands of violent madness, which is extremely painful.

When he just maintained the dragon-elephant magic circle, he already clearly felt that his vitality was rapidly passing away, and he was about to reach the limit.

And the ancient secret method activated now consumes no less than the Dragon Elephant Formation.

Even more than that!

If there is no accident, no matter whether this spell can stop the hurricane coming at a high speed, he will definitely die suddenly due to the forced overdraw of his spiritual power.

Then, soar up in place!

And as long as he becomes an immortal immediately, whether it is the men in black in front of him or the monks hiding behind who cast spells, to him who has become an immortal king, they are all ants and can be killed with a flick of a finger.

In other words, as long as he dies here, not only will Fu Yu not die, but all the Xuanji Guards will be preserved.

Everything will be settled.

This is the best outcome and there is nothing to hesitate about.

Just do it!

After a while, Lu Chen suddenly raised his hand, facing Tao Ji.

Following his movements, a spiritual shield invisible to the naked eye suddenly appeared behind Tao Ji out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual shield was suddenly divided into two, two into four, and four into eight at a very close distance...continuously splitting at an exponential speed.

In the end, under the powerful reaction force of each other, the countless spiritual shields instantly formed a powerful momentum, knocking Tao Ji into the air before the hurricane hit.

That's right, the essence of this ancient secret method is the most basic and simplest spiritual shield, but it can allow the spiritual shield to be generated anywhere, infinitely extended, and it can be split infinitely. The enormous power unleashed suddenly achieves various purposes.

Whether it is offensive or defensive, or restraining the enemy, it has a very powerful effect.

Of course, the consumption of spiritual power is also extremely astonishing.

Even for the Empress herself, it is difficult to activate and use this ancient secret method with ease, let alone Lu Chen, who is not the master of the Extreme Sword, and his cultivation is not as good as the Empress.

Therefore, the price for Lu Chen to use the secret method is also extremely high.


While Tao Ji was out of the path of the hurricane, the skin on all parts of Lu Chen's body suddenly cracked, and the flesh and blood continued to squeeze and twist, directly splashing out bunches of blood arrows, instantly dyeing the official uniform on his body into a mournful red .

Two lines of blood and tears fell from the corner of his eyes again, making Lu Chen's vision instantly blood red.

Consciousness is becoming more and more blurred, and the vitality of the body is close to exhaustion.

But even so, Lu Chen, who had become a blood man at this time, still stood steadfastly, staring straight ahead at the surging hurricane that seemed to swallow everything.

The harsh wind pressure was blocked out by the infinitely derived huge spiritual shield, and countless dust and gravel rubble stuck to the surface of the shield, making the scene in front of him even more blurred.


Lu Chen panted heavily, and every time he exhaled, there was a touch of bright red.

He slowly stretched out his hand, continuously pouring the spiritual power that he paid a huge price into the sword of the extreme way.

Bang Bang Bang! !

He kept expanding and splitting the spiritual shield as much as possible to firmly protect everything behind him.

And when he finally opened his spiritual shield to the area that could cover Fu Yu Dujie behind him, the huge whirlwind that covered the sky and the sun was finally close in front of him, and then slammed into the area that was constantly emitting colorful lights. On the streamer's shield.

Boom! ! !

The sky-shattering bang suddenly sounded, and the powerful impact of the hurricane raged wildly on the surface of the shield, breaking through five layers of shields in an instant, until the eighth layer, its impact gradually weakened, but it was still able to continuously break through the shield blocking.


The moment the ninth layer of shield was broken, Lu Chen suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood arrows, staggered, almost fell down, his face was visibly lethargic.

"Your Excellency!"

Tao Ji, who had just got up, saw this scene, and immediately cried out loudly, and then ran towards Lu Chen with all his might.

When the other Xuanjiwei heard this shout, their hearts skipped a beat. When they turned their heads to look at Lu Chen, they saw an unforgettable scene in their lives——

However, Lu Chen stood up again and stretched out his hand tremblingly towards the place where the hurricane was raging in front of him.

"Tian Yan!"


Layer after layer of shields were continuously formed, blocking the extremely destructive hurricane outside,

In an instant, two completely different scenes formed inside and outside the shield overflowing with light.

On one side, the surface was completely destroyed by the hurricane, flying sand and rocks, and lifeless, while on the other side, the vegetation was flourishing and full of vitality.

Lu Chen stood alone in front of the desperate hurricane, and his crooked body oozing blood was firmly burned in the hearts of every Xuanjiwei.

How heroic!

However, there is a limit to flesh and blood after all.

No matter how strong Lu Chen's will is, he forcibly fights against the body's self-protection mechanism to prevent himself from fainting. Now that he only has the cultivation level of the Condensation Realm, after using two extremely expensive ancient secret methods in succession, his body has already reached the point of complete exhaustion. On the verge of collapse.

The moment another layer of shield was generated, Lu Chen's trembling hand finally fell powerlessly.

The flame of life, which was already on the verge of exhaustion, became weaker and weaker.

Seeing this scene, almost all the Xuanji Guards could not help but shrink their pupils.

"Master Governor!!!"

All the Xuanji Guards cried out in mourning at the same time, the eyes of the majestic seven-foot man were filled with tears.

But their mournful cries fell in Lu Chen's ears, as if they sounded the clarion call of victory.

Is it finally over?

The power faded like the tide, and the consciousness gradually fell into what seemed to be eternal darkness. An indescribable coldness continued to invade the whole body, and the sense organs in all parts of the body were gradually failing

Feeling all this carefully, a relieved smile hangs on Lu Chen's mouth.

There was even a hint of excitement in that faint smile.

However, at this moment


An incomparably crisp sound, which had not been heard for a long time, suddenly sounded in Lu Chen's mind.

Lu Chen was shocked suddenly.

An ominous premonition suddenly surged deep in my heart.

The next moment, as if to confirm his premonition——

"This settlement period is over, and the status of the host's official position is being checked"

"The detection is complete, and the change of the host's official position in this cycle: no change.

Abnormal behavior detection"

"The detection is complete, and the abnormal behavior of the host in this cycle: 3%."

"The analysis is over, and the system rewards are being distributed."

Hearing this, Lu Chen immediately glared: "Dog system, I # %#@*¥¥\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;##¥ @!"

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