The moment the Jidao sword burst into bursts of golden light, all the Xuanji guards felt their bodies warm up, and then the spiritual power that had been violently consumed in the fierce battle was quickly replenished, and the spiritual veins filled up again.

At the same time, the wounds on his body also continued to heal under the entanglement of golden light.

"Wait, do you want to trap this official in injustice?"

Lu Chen, who was bathed in the golden light, stepped forward and said expressionlessly: "Greed for life and fear of death, fleeing before the battle, such a villain's behavior, is it a man's doing? If I do it, even if I escape by chance, there will be no one." How can you live in this world?!"

Hearing this, everyone trembled suddenly.

A wave of heat rose rapidly from the depths of his heart, his eyes were slightly astringent, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Li Xuan turned his head and looked at the Xuanji Guard Qianhu Tao Ji who had just ordered them to protect Lu Chen from leaving.

"My lord can't!"

Tao Ji's face panicked, and he said anxiously: "How can the governor be in danger with a body of ten thousand gold?"

"In this world, only His Majesty is the body of ten thousand gold."

Lu Chen said solemnly: "Except for Your Majesty, no one can die, and the same is true for this officer."

"But, my lord governor..."

"No but!" Lu Chen raised his footsteps, walked forward slowly, and said righteously: "Commander Hefu has been helping me with all his strength during this time, even if it is such a disgraceful thing like killing the royal family, I also support this official with no complaints or regrets, so much love and righteousness, how can this official allow you to die at the hands of thieves and live alone?"

Hearing this, all the Xuanji guards were all moved.

There is no such thing as benevolence and righteousness!

If Lu Chen followed Tao Ji's advice and left them to run away, although they wouldn't say much, they wouldn't even complain in their hearts. After all, since ancient times, monks have been more valuable than warriors, and they are vulgar people. It doesn't matter if you die, but if a monk dies unfortunately, it is a big loss.

But a thorn was inevitably planted in the deepest part of their hearts, and their identification with Lu Chen would only be pure superiors and subordinates.

But Lu Chen chose to stay and live and die with them!

At this moment, Lu Chen's status in their hearts is comparable to the Holy King Cangming who is like a god in the hearts of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the holy land!

"If you don't forget your original intention, you will always be there."

Lu Chen walked to Tao Ji's side, facing the cold light not far away, his face was full of determination.

"If the official abandons you today and ignores the commanders who abandon the talisman, tomorrow, it is possible to abandon the people, abandon the righteousness, and even abandon your majesty. At that time, even if the official survives, he will no longer be the current official. What is the difference between this and death?!"

"I've made up my mind, so don't talk too much!"

The moment the words fell, Tao Ji's face was full of shock.

He could clearly feel that in Lu Chen's words, there was a death will to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

Subconsciously want to stop.

But the corner of his mouth muttered a few times, but nothing came out.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly raised the extreme sword in his hand, gathered all the aura in his body into it with all his strength, and activated the ancient magic circle engraved on the blade to the maximum extent——

"Extreme Dao·Tianwei!"

boom! !

Accompanied by a crisp roar, the air around Lu Chen suddenly boiled violently.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely domineering and supreme coercion suddenly gushed out from the blade, enveloping all the men in black not far away in an instant.


All the men in black felt their bodies sinking, and the surrounding air seemed to suddenly gain weight, pressing heavily on them, making their originally free movements suddenly slow down.

Caught off guard, some people even found it extremely difficult to swing their swords.

In a duel between masters, a flaw can determine the outcome.

The supreme coercion unleashed by Lu Chen with all his strength instantly revealed huge flaws to many men in black.

Naturally, Xuanjiwei would not let go of this opportunity, and directly bullied him, with sword flowers flying in his hands.



A cold light flashed, and more than thirty men in black only had time to let out a shrill scream before falling heavily under the sword of Xuanjiwei.

However, just when Xuanjiwei was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, suddenly an incomparably majestic spiritual force gushed out from behind the group of men in black.


The moment the two forces intertwined, there seemed to be something violently rubbing against each other in the air, making piercing and unpleasant sounds.

In the next second, the stiff movements of the men in black who had been suppressed by the coercion suddenly recovered a lot, and then they gritted their teeth, tightly clenched the long sword in their hands and lifted it up.


The sharp blades collided, Xuanwuwei's long sword was blocked, and a group of men in black barely blocked Xuanjiwei's offensive.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen suddenly realized that among the enemies are not only warriors, but also monks who are good at controlling aura and performing various spells!

Even the same Saint and Martial Cultivator as Fu Ye!

Xuanjiwei are all masters with extraordinary skills, but they are still warriors in essence, and most of them don't know magic skills. Only Fang Yu and Fu Yu, who are all-rounder in civil and military skills, are good at spiritual skills.

As for formations that are more profound than spiritual techniques, only Fu Yi knows how to do them, and her level of formations is unbelievably high.

I don't know how she did it. Others need to construct a spiritual circuit, burn an inscription, etc. to cast a formation, and she can successfully perform it with just one movement of raising her hand.

His strength can be called terrifying, the number one person in the Cangming Realm under the Holy King absolutely deserves his name.

But now, Fu Yan was busy preparing for the tribulation, and had no time to set up the augmentation circle for them, and the combat power of Xuanjiwei was immediately reduced.

Now the only one who can barely act as a warlock is Lu Chen who is holding the sword of extreme dao.

The enemy does not know how many...

at this time--

Boom! !

A dazzling purple thunder suddenly fell from the sky and hit Fu Yu's position heavily.

The second catastrophe officially begins!

"The Rock Cracks the Sky!"

At the same time as the catastrophe fell.

A strong spiritual force suddenly erupted from behind the man in black. Immediately afterwards, the ground nearby trembled violently, and sharp thorns shot up from the ground, rushing towards Lu Chen like a turbulent wave. Waiting for the position where the people are rushing to.

"Protect the governor!"

Tao Ji shouted loudly, and at the same time raised the epee in his hand high, and slashed hard in front of him.


A heavy bang suddenly sounded, and the ground thorns surging in front of him were instantly torn apart by the force surging out of Tao Ji's great sword.

The earth temporarily returned to calm.

But in the next moment, there were bursts of extremely sharp piercing sounds in the dark night sky. Su Yi and the others instantly sensed the abnormalities around them, and hurriedly joined other companions, and came to Lu Chen's side in one stride.

"Finished formation!"

The three held their swords in one hand, and opened the small buckler with the other.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Suddenly, a series of extremely sharp wind blades appeared in midair, and they fell towards the position where Lu Chen and the others were located at an extremely fast speed.

Su Yi and the others hurriedly used their swords and shields together, quickly swung the sharp blades in their hands, and swung away all the flying wind blades. If they couldn't block them, they would use their bodies to resist, so as not to hurt Lu Chen at all.

Their movements were very fast, their hands kept leaving afterimages in the air, and the wind blades blocked by the grid kept flying around, but none of the wind blades could fall in front of Lu Chen.

But such a violent movement not only consumes a lot of spiritual power, but also places a huge burden on the body.

Just as they blocked the extremely dense wind blades, a trace of lethargy appeared on their faces.


The three of them kept panting heavily, their faces covered with fine sweat.

Looking at the three Xuanji guards who were desperately protecting him, Lu Chen couldn't help but see a complex look in his eyes.

He really wanted to say to them: Brothers, in fact, you don’t have to work so hard, as long as I die, we will win.

please relax a little bit

Shaking his head, Lu Chen shook off the meaningless thoughts in his head, then stretched out his left hand, holding the sword in both hands, his consciousness was connected to the sword spirit of the extreme sword, and touched the extremely powerful ancient formations one by one.

At the same time, the three old men hiding behind the man in black suddenly frowned.


The tall old man spat.

"Miscalculation, I didn't expect this guy to have that incredible horse, and he didn't have the slightest plan to escape, and I don't know what this guy is thinking, a dignified monk, he wants to live and live with these vulgar Qiu Ba Death, Mr. Xue and the others' advance arrangements are in vain."


Another old man snorted coldly.

"Sure enough, a lunatic is a lunatic, and it cannot be treated with common sense, but this is also good. He chooses to stay here and struggle to the death, which can save us some effort."

"Hehe. That's right."

At the end the old man smiled slightly: "Send a voice transmission to Old Ghost Xue and the others, let them attack from behind, and completely cut off their back path."


Li Shuangping who followed behind nodded.

After some arrangements, the three old men who were obviously strong suddenly looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then clasped their hands together.

Following their movements, a spot of light suddenly appeared under the feet of the men in black, and then gradually formed spells.

Seeing this scene, the face of Xuanjiwei who was fighting with it couldn't help but suddenly darken.

The monks who have been hiding behind those black-clothed warriors are not only good at magic attacks, but also can launch mysterious formations.

These men in black are not weak in the first place, and if they add the formation boost, their combat power will definitely be greatly improved, but they don't have the blessing of the commander's boost formation.

They couldn't hold on until Fu Yu's Tribulation ended.

Even the triple catastrophe couldn't last.

As soon as they thought of this, their expressions became more and more serious.

But even so, they will never take a step back.

Xuanwuwei has never had a tradition of retreating. Even if there is no hope of victory, they will fight to the last moment.

And just when they were determined to fight to the death——

"Extreme Dao Dragon Elephant!"

Accompanied by a cry that was almost gritted and forcefully squeezed out between the teeth, all the Xuanji guards were suddenly surprised to find that layers of milky white halos appeared under their feet.

Sensing the strangeness under their feet, everyone couldn't help trembling while trying to swing away the enemies in front of them with their sword blades.

This is a magic circle? !

The next moment, it seemed to confirm their guess.

An incomparably mysterious energy body burst out from the magic circle under their feet, and poured into their bodies in an instant.

Everyone only felt their bodies lighten suddenly, and the serious burden on their bodies caused by the desperate battle with the enemy just now obviously dissipated a lot at this moment, and their physical functions were actually several percent stronger than in their heyday. I felt an explosive force circulating in my hands.

At this moment, all the Xuanji guards felt inexplicably that they were omnipotent at this moment.

Boom! !

A Xuanji guard swung his sword with all his strength, and actually split the man in black in front of him with his sword in half!

The soaring power made him startled slightly.

Even if it is a magic circle, such a powerful boosting effect, even a talisman commander can't do it.

With this in mind, several Xuanjiwei who had repelled the enemies in front of them subconsciously looked back from the corner of their eyes.

Fu Ye was crossing the catastrophe, so it was absolutely impossible for her to be distracted and cast a magic circle for them.

Now among all of them, there is only one monk.

However, as soon as they saw the monk's appearance, they suddenly trembled, and their faces were full of shock.

Tao Ji and the others widened their eyes even more, and suddenly exclaimed:

"Governor Lu!!"

However, at this time, Lu Chen was holding tightly with both hands the hilt of the extreme sword that suddenly became extremely heavy for some reason, his exposed skin was almost covered with blue veins, and his eyes were full of pain.

The sword of Jidao continued to emit bursts of golden light, but it couldn't block the blood and tears constantly flowing from his eyes.

In the stern blood, his originally elegant and easy-going face now looked particularly ferocious, obviously enduring some kind of extreme pain.

To emphasize, I am not short!

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