On the outskirts of Qu'er Village.

Lu Chen sat cross-legged in front of a two-foot-high and three-foot-wide stone tablet that had just been erected, looking at the sad inscription on it, with no expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking, for a long time Speechless.

Beside the stele, besides the sacrificial objects hastily prepared, there is also a bloody cloth bag.

Behind him, only Fu Yu accompanied him silently.

Most of the other Xuanji Guards ended up in Prince Yu's Mansion.

To kill King Yu, the huge palace must be taken over by the government. Except for the things that can be directly proved to be illegally obtained and need to be returned to their original owners, everything else in it must be returned to the court. This kind of thing will inevitably involve various complications. It is impossible to do without a large number of manpower.

At the same time, Fu Yu also rejected Zhao Ping's "good intention" to send someone to help on the grounds that the royal family's property could not pass through other people's hands, and secretly ordered all the Xuanji guards except Fang Yu and other temporary magistrates to search the palace to find Everything suspicious.

And Fang Yu, the deputy magistrate, went back to the Yamen to handle official business.

No matter what, life has to go on, and the living have to work hard for their livelihood.

As a county magistrate, Fang Yu has to consider the people of the county no matter what happens. This is the duty of the county magistrate.

The sky gradually darkened.

Fu Yu suddenly raised her eyes, looked at Lu Chen's inexplicably desolate back, and couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Governor Lu, you can't come back to life after death, it's useless to think about it."

She walked to Lu Chen's side and said softly: "And you have killed King Yu, avenged the villagers of Quer Village and Gouer Village, and done everything you can for them. It is unique for the local people to achieve such a level, and it is enough to be ashamed, so why bother with it?"

Lu Chen shook his head.

"It's just asking for peace of mind. Even if they seek justice for them, what's the point for them who have already died tragically?"

"Death is death. Death is like a lamp being extinguished. No matter what happens after death, whether King Yu continues to go unpunished and kill the people, or pays for his life, what does it have to do with them? Can they still get any compensation?"

After a pause, Lu Chen slowly raised his hand and lightly touched the edge of the stele.

"Moreover, there is not only one King Yu in this world, nor is there only one Gou'er Village and Qu'er Village, but the tragedy that happened here happened to be encountered by me. Returning to justice, how can we seek justice for [Gou'er Village] and [Qu'er Village] in other places? What's more, the so-called justice is almost meaningless to them who have died tragically, and what the people need is not justice after the fact , but a secure life with food to eat and clothes to wear.”

"Before the fundamental problem is solved, there will definitely be more [King Yu] in the future, and more innocent people will die in vain. The people are the foundation of the country. One day, like the dynasties of previous dynasties, they will fall into a cycle of chaos and change, and there will be no redemption."

Hearing these rather profound words, Fu Yi was startled for a moment, subconsciously thinking.

After a while, she looked at Lu Chen quietly with a strange look.

As a top-notch cultivator who cultivated both saints and martial arts, and who has stepped into the Great Perfection of the Hollow Void Realm, and is only one step away from the Dao Guiyi Realm, Fu Yu not only has extraordinary combat power, but also has outstanding talents and learning. At her level , Dao Jing is stable, and enlightenment has become extremely difficult.

But just now, at the moment when Lu Chen's voice fell, she suddenly and clearly felt the Dao Crystal in her soul, which was as stable as a pool of stagnant water, slightly rippling.

Although she didn't comprehend anything, just this was extremely rare for her.

She walked to Lu Chen's side, sat down on her knees, and said softly:

"Governor Lu, what is your ambition to become an official?"

Lu Chen thought for a moment, then said calmly: "Build your heart for the world, and your life for the people."

In just one sentence, Fu Yu couldn't help but tremble.

Sure enough...

Coming from a poor background, she couldn't help shaking her head, and her voice softened inexplicably: "Is it really possible to realize this kind of ambition in this world that has hardly changed for thousands of years?"

"If you don't try it, how will you know?"

Lu Chen withdrew his hand, then stretched his hands back, supported the ground, raised his head, stared at the names engraved on the stone tablet, and said slowly: "Some things must be done by someone, no matter what the result is, Whether you succeed or fail, you can have no shame in your heart, the court, and everything in the world, so what else is there to worry about?"

Fu Ye was silent.

She could feel an indescribable determination from these words.

It is more difficult to change this world that has lasted for thousands of years than to change the day.

But even so, she still couldn't see a trace of fear and wavering from Lu Chen.

Terribly firm.

He seems to never know what fear is, as long as it is for the righteousness in his heart, he will spare no effort to move forward.

It was the same when the Empress Dowager ruled the court, it was the same when the sage king showed his ambition, and it was the same when King Yu slaughtered the people.

He didn't even hesitate.

It was as if no one or anything in this world could shake his will.

man! As it is!

This kind of ambition, which is almost impossible to realize, is probably only a fearless person like him who has the opportunity to realize it.

And if it comes true...

Fu Yu not only recalled that when she was young and had not opened her spiritual roots, her impoverished parents were bullied by village bullies and maliciously made things difficult by tax collectors. Finally, in a natural disaster, because of the inaction of the local government, the dignified county magistrate only knew Xiu ignored the people's livelihood, causing countless people to starve to death and still remain indifferent. Her parents also starved to death in front of her.

If this world dominated by cultivators who are dedicated to immortality can really become what Lu Chen wishes, everyone can eat and wear warm clothes, and don't have to be threatened by imperial power and evil cultivators all day long, how much would it be? good…

And Lu Chen who was able to do all of this, this unimaginable great merit...

At this thought, Fu Yi's heart trembled inexplicably, and then subconsciously asked:

"Governor Lu, do you want to become a saint?"


Lu Chen was a little confused by this inexplicable question, and turned his head to look at Fu Yu.



What is this TM all about?

Why is this woman suddenly asking such a stupid question?

Lu Chen couldn't help being confused.

What is a saint?

It is an eternal and eternal body built with supreme merit. Even if the world is annihilated and the three realms fall, it can still exist forever in the illusory emptiness, surpassing everything including the immortal emperor.

Immortals only live the same life as the sky, but saints last forever!

It is extremely difficult for a mortal to become a fairy, and it is almost impossible to achieve it, let alone become a saint.

Don't even dare to think about it.

Even such an eternal emperor like Shi Huang, Li Taibai and other amazing and brilliant people can only stop at the sub-sage in the end. Who dares to speak of becoming a sage?

Lu Chen also just wanted to rely on the system to take a shortcut and directly rank among the Immortal Kings, that's all, Fu Yu directly came to become a saint, who the hell could bear this?

Looking at Lu Chen's bewildered eyes, Fu Yu quickly realized it.

"Sorry, I'm lying."

She took a deep look at Lu Chen, then habitually brushed her hair by her ear, and said softly, "Forget what I just said."

Lu Chen: "..."

After a while, Fu Yu suddenly said, "Has Governor Lu decided how to explain this matter to His Majesty?"

"Just report it truthfully."

Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders and said calmly: "There is nothing to hide. If Your Majesty is furious because of this matter, Long Yan disagrees with my actions, and even wants to kill me in order to secure the royal family, then I will punish you, as the saying goes. No matter what His Majesty does, I will have no complaints."

Hearing this, Fu Yan's eyes trembled slightly.


Lu Chen suddenly opened his legs, and then slowly got up.

"It's getting late, and it's almost time for me to go back."

Fu Ye nodded and stood up.

Two chapters will be released first, and there will be another chapter later

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