Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 994: Forget it, bear it

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Her unconscious attachment made Mochuan feel sweet, because only whole-hearted trust and attachment would make her fall asleep and make such a move.

However, he is a man, holding her in her arms every night, but can't do anything. It is the biggest pain for him.

Mo Chuan lowered her eyes slightly, her blowable face was close at hand, and her sweet breath blew straight to his face. The two rows of long and curled eyelashes covered her bright eyes and she slept. Yan Tian is quiet and feminine, and her full and ruddy lips are very attractive.

His throat rolled involuntarily, and a fire rose from the bottom of his heart and quickly burned all over his body.

heat! His whole body was hot and uncomfortable, and this kind of inedible taste was really tormenting.

Mo Chuan felt that he could no longer hug her like this, otherwise he did not know when he could bear it and could not control it.

Mo Chuan's hand rested gently on her shoulder and pushed her away a little, but she grumbled dissatisfiedly with her eyes closed, snuggled tighter into his arms, and hugged him tightly with both arms waist.

He suddenly became petrified as if he had been acupunctured. He didn't dare to move.

When I moved, I was afraid that I would wake her up. It was rare to see her sleeping so sweetly. How could he have the heart to disturb her?

Forget it, bear it!

Mo Chuan's body was tight and tight, stiff like a stone, and his arm was resting on his thigh, so he didn't dare to touch her.

But Rao is like this, he is still feeling uncomfortable and is about to explode. He blamed Zhang Taiyi for a **** dog ​​in his heart. Get close to her!

If she had thought of the way to lead the snake out of the hole, she could take the ghost grass to relieve the poison of the snake, and he would not suffer this crime.

This night, Shen Ning's sleeping was very fragrant and extremely deep. When she finally woke up and opened her eyes, she was startled.

Mo Chuan's eyes widened wide, just before her, staring at her momentarily.

"You ... why are you looking at me like that?" She was still confused, blinking her eyes, and then found herself lying in his arms, oh, no, she was wrapped around him like an octopus.

She froze for a moment, then blushed, and she quickly released her arm around his waist, unable to help but complain: "Why don't you push me away!"

Push her away? He wanted to push her away, but she hugged so tightly that he was reluctant to push it away.

So he was tortured all night like a torture.

"Your girl usually looks slick, but she didn't expect to be honest at all after she fell asleep." Mo Chuan exhaled, he was finally relieved from the torture, but felt that she had left his arms and let He lost again.

"Did I hit you after I fell asleep?" She blinked and looked at him suspiciously.

"What do you say?" Mo Chuan leaned diagonally on the bedside, seemingly smiling, half-open clothes, showing a solid half of the chest, the lazy taste is difficult to describe.

She never thought she loved beauty, but she was shocked by the beauty in front of her.

Speaking of it, she had also grinded with his ears several times, but never found him as seductive as today, making her blush.

"How could I know." Her guilty contemplation shook her head, and she couldn't help aiming at his open shirt again.

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