Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 972: Borrow a knife to kill

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"You girl is not sleeping yet, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Mo Chuan opened his eyes and looked at her slightly annoyed.

Shen Ning was startled and complained: "So you are pretending to be asleep!" It caused her to shrink her hands and dared not to move at all, when her hands and feet were numb.

He smiled: "I really fell asleep, but if you keep staring like this, even the wooden man will be awakened."

There was a sentence he didn't mean to say. In fact, she was in his arms, how could he sleep soundly, even if she didn't move, he breathed the sweet fragrance from her in his sleep, how could he be indifferent.

"You are not sleeping, what are you thinking?" He pulled out her hair.

Since she didn't want to sleep, he would talk to her. In fact, even if she didn't say anything, it would be nice to just look at her.

Shen Ning's eyes rolled, and she was indeed thinking about something.

"Mochuan, you said Ye Yema went to Chang Princess Mansion, can you find out what happened?"

"I don't know." Mo Chuan shook his head. "But in any case, I will never let go of the person who poisoned you. If I catch him, I will decelerate him into five corpses!" He gritted his teeth.

Shen Ning said: "I think Ye Tuma must not find any clues. If you want to separate the five horses, you have to find the murderer."

"You don't believe in Ting Xuan's ability to handle things? As long as she can catch the girl who secretly changed the poisonous snake, Ting Xuan must have a way to pry her mouth open."

"Alas, I'm just afraid Ye Yema found only a dead man, and the dead man's mouth is the most secretive." She sighed quietly.

Mo Chuan's pupil shrank: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you think, the girl who stole the poisonous snake will definitely not be the real murderer. At most she was instructed or bought to do this, and this real murderer? , His mind is indeed clever enough, actually can think of this seamless method to harm people, no matter whether the snake bites you or me, this matter can not be separated from the princess after investigation, this is a scapegoat. The killing by borrowing a knife can be said to be very good. Since he can think of using such a method to harm people, how can he leave a live mouth for people to track down? So I guess, the result of Ye Yema ’s inquiry must be nothing. Famous girl, either you have to escape, or you are dead. "

After Mo Chuan listened, his heart suddenly sank.

He had great hopes for Ye Tingxuan, but he heard Shen Ning said, and felt that every sentence was reasonable.

"Then let the real murderer escape like this? He almost hurt you. If I let him go like this, how can I be reconciled!" Mo Chuan gritted his teeth hard.

"I'm just guessing, maybe Ye Yema has found the girl now, and I'm questioning the result."

Mo Chuan couldn't help but shook his head: "Ning'er, if it's really as you expected, then he must find nothing."

At this moment, the door of the temple suddenly sounded twice, and the sound of Xiaosi sounded.

"The emperor forgives sins, Ye Yema has an urgent request to see the emperor."

"Ting Xuan is here?"

Mo Chuan immediately got up and glanced at Shen Ning. He knew that Ye Tingxuan must have had a result there.

"Let him wait for the temple, I will come right away."

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