Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 905: Worthy of being chosen by the Empress Dowager

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Su Jin said: "You are too anxious. The auspicious time has not yet arrived. When the auspicious time arrives, the bride will naturally arrive."

She secretly worried, only hope that the wedding ended early, the emperor and the girl Shen entered the cave early, and until that time, the big rock in her heart would fall.

"Auspicious time!"

With a loud Annunciation, the drums began to sound, and all the people in Xitang stood up and looked out the door with their necks.

I saw two rows of costumed damsels coming in, and then, a bright red reflected everyone's eyes, like a ray of sunlight, illuminating the entire Xitang.

Supported by the two maidens, a figure with a red head covered in a red scarf and a big red silk double silk thread and Xia Lu appeared in front of everyone's eyes. She stood in a very beautiful posture, like a willow like a willow, like a fairy.

Although everyone could not see her face, but only seeing this charming and charming figure, one can imagine that the face under the red towel is unparalleled in the world.

The civil and military officials could not help whispering secretly.

"Isn't it said that the queen selected by the emperor is a civilian girl? But looking at her manners and dignity, where she looks like a girl who came out of the civilians, she is more striking than everyone's show!"

"Yeah, I heard that she is still ugly. She can't be ugly anymore. Oh, I really want to see if the face under her red towel is as ugly as the legend."

"I also heard that she is a lame ..."

"Nonsense, can the limp stand so straight, so beautiful? Uh ..."

The man's words choked into his throat, because all of them saw that the bride in red dress moved gently, one foot high and one foot low, and went limply forward, and it turned out to be a lame.

"Ah!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaim a pity.

Such a beautiful posture is really a lame!

What a pity!

Chu Shaoyang also stood in the crowd, and when the bride in red appeared for the first time in front of him, he seemed to be acupunctured, and the whole person froze.

For a moment, it seemed like the time was reversed, back to the day when he and Shen Ning worshipped a few months ago.

She was also wearing a dazzling red wedding dress, but he only looked at it, turned away in disgust, and even did not worship her, sent someone to send her into the new house.

He suddenly discovered that the slim figure in red looked so much like Ning Er!

impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

How could she be Ning'er?

Ning'er has long been married to Dongqin as a prince, she will not appear here anyway!

Chu Shaoyang desperately told himself, but his eyes were fixed on the girl in red, and his eyes clenched, his blood boiling.

image! It's so similar!

At that moment, the girl in red moved, she walked lamely forward, and there was a pitiful sigh around her, but she didn't seem to hear it, and she didn't ask for the help of the court lady, she walked there Long red wedding blanket.

The vocals around him calmed down suddenly.

Everyone looked intently at the bride who was lamely walking on the hi blanket. They felt sorry, sympathy, and appreciation for the girl.

If it is changed to someone else, I am afraid that it will have fallen down in the criticism of everyone. Where else has the courage to show their own regrets under the eyes of everyone?

This girl is worthy of being chosen by the empress dowager!

Although she did not see her face, her courage had won the admiration of most people present.

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