Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Madam Bo is quite satisfied with a few words, but this does not eliminate her dislike of Shen Ning, thinking that the other party is pleasing her.

"What else?" She asked quietly.

"Your recent sleep is not good and you will often suffer from insomnia. Often, insomnia is the whole night. You can only sleep for two or three hours when it is dawning. But fortunately, the time is not long. It will soon be effective, and if it is delayed for a long time, it will not be cured. "Shen Ning said the truth.

Mrs. Bo was surprised and opened her mouth slightly.

It's all right!

She has often been insomnia lately.

People who have never suffered from insomnia will not know how unpleasant the insomnia taste is and how much they torture people.

Before, she ate well and slept soundly, so she looked very young.

But these days, her sleep quality has seriously deteriorated. She wakes up and looks in the mirror every morning. She sees that she is obviously emaciated, and there are two or three fine lines hidden in the corners of her eyes, causing her to have to cover it with fat powder.

If she continues to suffer from insomnia like this, she is afraid that she will soon enter the ranks of her peers.

Mrs. Bo was a beauty when she was young, but all the beauties did not try their best to retain their youth and beauty. Mrs. Bo has always claimed to be better than others in this regard.

She is almost sixty years old, but she seems to be in her early thirties. No matter where she is, she is the most eye-catching person.

Even the young girls don't want to overwhelm her.

But when I thought that Shaohua would grow old soon and become wrinkled and goose-headed, Madam Bo shuddered.

Although she knew that this day would come sooner or later, was it better the later?

So after listening to Shen Ning's words, she was almost excited immediately.

"Yes, you are right. Is there any cure for my insomnia?" She asked bluntly, completely forgetting that the other person was the one she hated and hated the most.

After asking the exit, she secretly hated, why did she suffer from insomnia, not all thanks to this girl!

Since I saw this girl, she felt like a big rock in her heart, making her uncomfortable to eat and sleep. When did this girl get away, far away from the thin family, no matter how big, this big piece of her heart The stone will move away, and she can sleep well.

"My wife's illness is not serious, it is not difficult to cure, and I don't need to take medicine or injections. Waiting for me to make a medicine pillow. Pillowing this medicine pillow when you sleep at night will greatly help your insomnia." Shen Ning thought for a while.

"Thank you so much."

Mrs. Bo pulled the corner of her mouth lightly.

Shit medicine pillow!

She screamed in her heart, but it was just a trick of rivers and lakes liar.

Mrs. Bo is well-informed. It can be said that this kind of medicine pillow and other promotional products are commonplace. They are all exaggerated things. The cowhide has been blown up to the sky, but it has no effect at all.

One of her friends in the circle especially believed in this kind of thing, and often gave her some magical health care products, such as medicine pillows and Aibao. It is called a smallpox, and it can cure all diseases.

But the results prove that all of them are deceptive!

Her friends in that circle were not only cheated of money, but also delayed her illness.

This lesson is not deep.

After that incident, Mrs. Bo became even more disbelief in such overblown things.

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