Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4167: What the **** is this?

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I'm too lucky!

Just being bullied by him like that, he was left with no energy to prepare to eat his cooking.

But she quickly found herself a very reliable reason.

He is so strong and overbearing, how can she be allowed to say go?

She is not a compromise, but a temporary surrender, not to provoke his beard.

As long as he strokes his hair, he will become an obedient little sheep.

This is Fu Xiaowei's personal experience to teach her.

After Shen Ning waited a long time, Fu Shaobei came out of the kitchen, put the cooked dishes on the table, and asked her to eat.

With the idea of ​​not irritating him, she came to the table and sat down, glancing at the dishes on the table.

Four dishes and one soup, steaming.

Only, the corner of her mouth twitched.

What the **** is this black dish in front of her?

Seeing Shen Ning staring at the dish, Fu Shaobei's cheerless and indescribable face flew a rare touch of red.

He quickly picked up the dish and poured it into the trash can beside it.

"This tomato scrambled egg is not well fried, you try this soup first."

Is that tomato scrambled egg?

Shen Ning's eyes widened in surprise. Such a simple dish was actually made into that look by him. She really made silence for tomatoes and eggs.

This soup looks pretty good, at least there is no dark color, she picked up the spoon and scooped a little to taste.

The next second, she sprayed the soup out of her mouth.

Fortunately, Fu Shaobei was sitting next to her, otherwise she would have to be sprayed with her face.

"This, this, what kind of soup is this?" Shen Ning rinsed his mouth for a long time, still feeling bitter in his mouth.

She has no food in her stomach, otherwise she must spit upside down.

Rao is like this, she still can't stop the feeling of nausea.

"Crucian carp soup, isn't it delicious?"

Fu Shaobei frowned in confusion, but he boiled this soup strictly according to the recipe, and cooked it for more than an hour.

Shen Ning frowned and pursed her lips: "Try it yourself."

Fu Shaobei took a spoonful of soup with soup soup and put it into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he spit out with a wow.

Too ... too **** **** it!

What the **** is this bitter and astringent!

Fu Shaobei was so angry that he grabbed the recipe next to it, tore it in half, threw it into the trash can, and then went over to pour a whole bowl of soup into the sewer.

"What a deceitful recipe, really!" He flushed with a handsome face.

Because of his meticulous approach, there is no slight error.

Although he is the first time to cook, he believes that he is so smart, he can learn everything in one learning, although the fire of tomato scrambled eggs is because he has not mastered the eggs, he is full of confidence .

Shen Ning looked at his puzzled look and thought of something like: "Did you not cut the belly of the fish and put the whole fish in it for stewing?"

Fu Shaobei looked at her and wondered: "Yeah, do you still have a caesarean?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Ning couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

It looks clever on the surface, but it's actually a kitchen idiot!

Fu Shaobei was not at ease, but tasted the other two dishes, and felt that he could finally swallow it before pushing it to her.

"Well, eat these two dishes first."

Although he disguised it well, he still showed her a little embarrassment in her eyes.

I wanted to show her hand in front of her, but I didn't expect it to be broken.

One of these two dishes is fried meat with mushrooms, and the other is lettuce, which is the most common dish.

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