Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Fu Shaobei did not go to the hospital again, but ordered the best helper around him to send the girl to his own hospital, live in the best ward, and use the best medicine.

The girl never woke up.

He didn't take this matter to heart, because he had a clear conscience, he could do everything he could and could not do, whether the girl could wake up was not within the scope of his consideration, and he was not very concerned.

He continued to engage in busy work until one day Peng Junkai called him and said that the girl was awake.

Fu Shaobei felt that he had to go to the hospital.

He wanted to tell the girl that he was not the perpetrator of the car accident, and that the real perpetrator had fled, perhaps the girl should know who wanted to harm her.

Although Fu Shaobei did not investigate, the sixth sense told him that it was not an ordinary accident.

The big truck appeared too abrupt, and that section happened to be a dead end of surveillance, and no video of the scene of the accident was taken.

It happened so suddenly that he had no time to write down the license plate of the truck.

But it's about his farts!

The girl and he never knew each other, but he paid all the medical expenses for her, he has done his best.

But when he saw the girl at the hospital for the first time, he was shocked.

Somewhere in the heart seems to be passing electricity.


This girl is ugly like a ghost!

But his eyes were firmly attracted by this ugly face, perhaps, he was not looking at her face, but her eyes.

Her face was surprisingly thin, her cheekbones were tall, her skin was yellow, but those eyes!

He could hardly find an adjective to describe the eyes.

It wasn't so beautiful, but he was firmly attracted to his eyes, and his heart lake that had been calm for many years was rippling, and it quickly became a huge wave.

The strong shock caught him off guard.

Fu Shaobei didn't know how he left the hospital, he only felt that he had been greatly impacted.

Sitting in the office, the floor-to-ceiling windows in front can overlook the entire city.

But he didn't want to work, and pushed all the files to the ground.

He was restless and he walked around the room like a sleepy beast.

What happened?

Fu Shaobei is not clear.

But he knew something had changed.

His sturdy heart seemed to be torn apart by something, and the fissure was getting bigger and bigger, and something was about to come out.

This strange and strong feeling made him feel palpitations.

He tried hard to calm down and devoted himself to work, but he couldn't calm down anyway.

His energy-intensive work was dull and boring, he only looked at two reports and left them aside, then stood up and strode out of the office.

His strange behavior shocked all the employees of the company, including Peng Junkai.

Is this boss swollen?

The workaholic Fu Shaobei is an idol in the minds of all the people in the company, because he seems to have never been tired after working.

He could still breathe out for twelve hours, still spiritual.

He also had a video conference with foreign minds all night, and he still appeared in the company the next day.

He did not take a day off for three full years.

"Workaholic" is the nickname given to him by everyone.

But this workaholic is out of order!

Fu Shaobei thought of this, a slight smile flickered at the corner of his mouth.

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