Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4152: Bo Shao came here in person

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Chen Mingli in the room also heard it, but was full of excitement.

Great, the Bo family is finally here. It must be that Bo's grandfather's condition has deteriorated, and Bo Gongzi sent someone to revitalize the teacher to inquire.

She wore a dress casually and ran out, ready to watch the excitement.

Shen Qingshan stuttered and said: "She ... she is in the next room, this girl has a big disaster, and I hope you will say something in front of the old man and the young boy, she is young and ignorant, saying that he is treating the old man. In fact, she does n’t understand medicine at all, and she has never studied medicine ... "

The young major interrupted him with a smile: "Secretary Shen, you are too modest. Ms. Shen's medical skills are very clever. Yesterday she gave the old head a needle, and the old head took the medicine she prescribed. Today, there has been an obvious improvement. Therefore, Bo Shaocai sent someone to pick up Miss Shen in the morning and continue to treat the old chief. "


Really improved?

Shen Qingshan opened his mouth wide enough to swallow a goose egg.

"You, didn't you say something wrong? Did the old chief really get better?" He was dizzy now, and some could not find the southeast and northwest.

Chen Mingli was also taken aback, and the excitement on her face quickly turned into disappointment.

Not really?

Could it be that I met a ghost early in the morning, and the impossible happened!

The young major nodded.

Shen Qingshan bit her tongue hard and finally got a sense of reality.

He ignored the image of himself and hurriedly ran to knock on Shen Ning's door.

Shen Ning came out of the room, she had been groomed and stopped, wearing a casual clothes, the whole person looked refreshed.

Seeing the young major, his face was no different, and he nodded lightly and said, "Let's go."

Shen Qingshan smiled with a flower on his face, how to see Shen Ning how to look good.

This daughter is really upset!

Show yourself in front of the old man wow!

He shrugged and stepped forward: "Xiao Ning, you must treat the old man well when you go to the Bo's house. You have to devote 120 cents to it. Do you know? Dad believes you!"

He also patted Shen Ning's shoulder with a loving face, completely different from the one who thundered last night.

Shen Ning's expression was still calm, indignant, and nodded.

"Dad, I'm decent, so rest assured, take a good rest."

She glanced sympathetically at Shen Qingshan's dark circles, and at the same time she glanced at Chen Mingli behind Shen Qingshan.

Chen Mingli seemed to be dumbfounded by Lei.

Suddenly, the door next door opened, and Shen Ruyun plucked out a head with a unkempt head. Before seeing anything outside, he shouted happily:

"Is the Bo family sending someone to catch Shen Ning? I knew that she must have cured the old man, and she was going to suffer bad luck!"

It is said that everyone except Shen Ning was black.

Shen Qingshan stared at her fiercely and shouted: "Nonsense, you shut up!"

The young major gave Shen Ruyun a glance, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, making Shen Ruyun shivering and his mind clear.

Looking at the scene outside, she couldn't turn around for a while and said: "What happened?"

The young major ignored her and said to Shen Ning very respectfully:

"Miss Shen, Bo Shao came to pick you up personally. He is waiting for you in the car. Let's go down."


Shen Ruyun opened her eyes suddenly. She thought for a while that Miss Shen was referring to herself, and she said busy, "Well, wait for me, I will change my clothes immediately, so I will see Boss!"

After talking about her chicken-like head, she shrank back.

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