Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4143: Got caught again

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Shen Ruyun took out his mobile phone and called a car to pick them up.

They endured the guard's white eyes at the entrance of the villa, and sat and waited for more than half an hour before finally seeing the car. They were as happy as the lost travelers in the desert saw the oasis.

Back in the room, the two were so tired that they couldn't move in a single step, and their bones were scattered.

Shen Qingshan was circling in the room, anxiously waiting for news.

Suddenly surprised to see the two come back like this.

Chen Mingli fell to the bed like mud on the beach, and she didn't have the strength to speak. Shen Qingshan asked several questions, and she said weakly:

"Old Shen, let me rest for a while, I'm almost exhausted."

As soon as she finished talking, she closed her eyelids, fell asleep, and snored.

Shen Ruyun is not much better than her. She struggled and said, "Dad, if I have anything to say when I wake up."

After talking, she limped back to her room.

Shen Qingshan was both angry and anxious, uncomfortable like a hundred claws scratching his heart.

He saw Chen Mingli, who slept like a dead pig, could not wake up, but he was too eager to know the situation on the Bo's side.

Suddenly he thought of Shen Ning.

Both Mingli and Xiaoyun are back, and Xiaoning should be back.

So he went to Shen Ning, but he didn't move after knocking on the door for a long time.

He went to the lobby downstairs to check with the front desk and said that Miss Shen had not returned.


Where is this girl? Would n’t it be left in the Bo family?

Shen Ning did not intend to leave Chen Mingli and their mother and daughter alone at the entrance of the villa.

It was n’t her kindness, but that she had n’t seen enough of the mother-daughter look.

It was just that she had just walked out of the door of the villa and was about to call for a car when she suddenly saw a familiar black sports car parked at the door.

Her eyes were fixed, her heart suddenly jumped, and she instinctively wanted to turn around and run into the villa.

But immediately, Fu Shaobei had grasped her wrist, and a deep voice rang in her ear:

"Run anything! Am I a cannibalistic tiger!"

Really Fu Shaobei!

Shen Ning's face couldn't help being white, and she was panicked for no reason.

She said calmly, "Who ran."

Fu Shaobei firmly held her hand and stared at her with deep eyes, as if to see through her.

Shen Ning teeth bit his lips, trying to maintain calm, and looked at him.

"Why didn't you call me, do you know how long I waited for you?" Fu Shaobei's eyes fainted with flames.

The tone is questionable.

It seemed as if she had made a mistake.

Shen Ning frowned.

"When did I say I called you?" She asked back.

"Yesterday." Fu Shaobei Dingding said: "You promised to contact me when you left!"

"..." Shen Ning stared at him, crying and laughing.

Just because she spoke casually, he has been waiting for her phone?

He had a light blue under his eyes and bloodshot eyes.

Shen Ning moved.

Wasn't he just waiting for her phone to stay up all night?

"I mean I will contact you, but I didn't say when." She whispered, apologizing.


Without saying anything, Fu Shaobei stuffed her into the co-pilot and started the car.

The car galloped away like an arrow off the string.

Shen Ning leaned against the back of the chair and turned to look out the window.

Originally she just avoided talking to Fu Shaobei, but she didn't expect the seat to be too comfortable. She also spent a lot of physical energy because of the needle application, and she slept in a daze.

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