Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4141: Who is Xiao Wu?

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Mr. Bo took it and put it in his mouth. After chewing for a while, his severe eyebrows stretched out.

"It tastes good, is there any?" He held out his hand as if he were a child who was begging for sugar.

The people around were surprised and funny.

"Yes, yes, but this nine-turn ebony is medicine, not sugar, and you shouldn't eat more. You can only take one every time you take the medicine. If you can guarantee it, I will give it to you." Shen Ning said slowly.

Wu Sishu couldn't hold back his thoughts.

Mr. Bo is known as the cold-blooded **** of war. Everyone seeing him can't help but stun, and he dare not say a word.

But Shen girl was not only afraid, but also coaxed the old man as a child.

The old man just ate her set!

Haha, interesting.

"Well, listen to you, eat one after taking the medicine!" Bo Bo assured.

Shen Ning took out a small porcelain bottle and handed it to Mr. Bo.

Mr. Bo immediately held it tightly, as if he was afraid of being robbed of the baby.

Wu Sishu looked at him again with a smile.

"Senior man, you should lie down and rest after taking this medicine so that the medicine's effect can be fully effective. I will leave first. At this time tomorrow, I will come to give you acupuncture massage again."

Mr. Bo nodded, turned his head to look at Bo Moyan, and said in a commanding tone: "You will pick Xiaoning tomorrow."

Shen Ning's heart thumped, instinctively wanted to refuse, but then thought about it, this is an excellent opportunity to get along with Bo Moyan.

She swallowed back when she reached her mouth.

Although Bo Moyan remained expressionless and said nothing, Mr. Bo regarded him as agreeing.

He waved his hand, not tolerating his beak, saying: "Okay, you all go out, I'm going to rest."

He really listened to what Shen Ning said.

No one in the room dared to refute his opinion. They all took their hands lightly and retreated out the door carefully.

Grandpa Bo suddenly said: "Xiao Wu's medicine is well decoction, you will stay and help my old man decoction for three days, and the rest will go back and forth from wherever they come."

Everyone didn't respond at first.

Who is Xiao Wu?

Then I understood, Wu Sishu!

Wu Sishu's age is not too small. He is in his fifties and has gray hair. He is usually respected as Wu Lao.

Today, the old man called "Xiao Wu".

But his face was full of excitement, and he promised again and again: "Good, good, good."

The experts looked at Wu Sishu's eyes again, all changed.

This old man's life is also very good, just to help the old man decoction a medicine, actually got a different look from the old man.

No other experts stay, just keep him!

Bo Moyan stayed in the room but did not come out.

Mrs. Bo personally sent everyone downstairs, of course, not Shen Ning, but the invited experts.

She politely apologized to the expert team leader and sent someone to send the experts away in a special car.

Although the experts did not want to leave, they wanted to wait three days to see how Shen Ning slapped his face, but since the old man had spoken, they should not be cheeky here.

Shen Ning and Chen Mingli's mother and daughter are left in the living room of the house.

Mrs. Bo obviously didn't mean to let them send them. As soon as the experts left, she went back to the upper body without even saying hello, just as the three of them were air.

Chen Mingli was terrified and wanted to chase after her for explanation, but Mrs. Bo didn't give her this opportunity at all, and soon she disappeared without even seeing the shadow.

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