Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4130: Ah, it turns out to be you

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Shen Ning smiled slightly and said, "Sir, I want to give you a pulse first."

Mr. Bo's eyes brightened: "Do you study Chinese medicine?"


"Good Chinese medicine, good Chinese medicine!" Mr. Bo seemed to think of something like this, and sighed: "I believe in Chinese medicine. I thought there was a magician among my comrades in the past. It's a pity that he passed away a few years ago, otherwise, I still need these wastes to say so much nonsense in front of me, and I want to saw off the legs of Lao Tzu! "

Shen Ning suddenly moved, and blurted out, "Is the magician you named Kong?"

"Yes, he's surnamed Kong, hey, how do you know?" The old man stared at her, his face surprised.

Shen Ning suddenly felt sour and whispered: "He is my grandfather."

"Ah!" The old man opened his mouth and murmured, "How can it be you, ah, it is you!"

His face is unbelievable.

But he soon reacted. The Shen Ning in front of him was the girl who actually ordered the baby kiss with Mo Yan, not the woman who was dressed like a red peacock.

I had promised this kind of affair just to repay the life-saving grace of Kong Shenyi, but now the girl grew up and stood in front of her own eyes, but she didn't know.

A deep guilt flashed in his heart: "Girl, I'm so confused, I didn't turn, nor recognized you, don't be angry with my old man. Come, good boy, let me Take a good look at you. I did n’t expect you to grow so big. Look at you. It ’s a model carved with your grandfather. Why did n’t I recognize it! "

Here he complained, and the lines on his majestic face softened, and a slight smile appeared.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Over the years, who has seen the iron-blooded old Bo laughed?

no one!

Shen Ning did not avoid it, and let the old man hold his hand with his thin fingers. Hearing that he and his grandfather were carved out of a mold, he wanted to laugh and felt sad.

She has seen photos of her grandfather, and they look nothing like them.

But Mr. Bo obviously remembered his grandfather when he saw himself.

She said softly: "It's not good for the younger generation. I haven't come to see you for so many years. Please forgive me."

Mr. Bo sighed: "How can I blame you? It's my fault. I insisted on the marriage that year. Your grandfather didn't agree. He thought it was high. I know your grandpa's temper. Yes, he must not have told you this family matter, I am afraid even your mother is hiding in the drum, right? "

When I heard that the old man mentioned the deceased mother, Yu Ning's heart was sour again, and he lowered his head and said: "Yes, my mother never mentioned it. I didn't know it until a few months ago."

"That's it, I guessed it would be like this, so I blamed me for not contacting you earlier. Your grandfather didn't want to have a reputation for mercy. But I have n’t forgotten. Now that Mo Yan is back, you ’ve grown up, and this marriage should also be done in a hurry. "

What he said was obviously very satisfied with Shen Ning, and he wanted to set a date for the marriage on the spot.

Upon hearing this, several people were in a hurry.

Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun were as anxious as the ants on the hot pot. They opened their mouths and wanted to speak, but Hu Wei, who was afraid of Mr. Bo, did not dare to speak, so he turned to Mrs. Bo for help.

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