Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4125: Brought by motherhood

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No amputation required?

She was so scolded by her father just now that she could not lift her head, so she felt relieved when she heard that she had no amputation.

But when she looked at Shen Ning again, her brow furrowed.

"You said you don't need an amputation anymore? Why do you say that? Which medical university did you graduate from? Have you been a doctor for several years?"

Shen Ning said in a hurry: "I am not qualified to practice medicine, nor am I studying medicine, nor have I been a doctor for a day. I just infer from the patient's examination report that the patient's condition is not as serious.

If it is not at the Bo family, if it is not the prestige of the old man, the experts dare not wanton, they almost laughed.

After a long time, this girl is a person who does not understand medicine at all.

Also came here to accuse them of wrong treatment plan.

The brain is flooded!

They all looked at Wu Sishu contemptuously, meaning that this is the magic doctor who cured the old lady's illness with great praise?

Hehe, really God! You can cure a disease without studying medicine!

Brought in the mother womb?

Wu Sishu was so embarrassed by everyone's eyes that he clenched his fists in both hands, trying to explain to Shen Ning, but didn't know what to say.

Last time he chatted with Shen Ning at the old lady's house, and felt that her attainments in traditional Chinese medicine were more advanced than his own, and she also had rich experience. Doctors.

He also opened his mouth wide and was speechless.

Hearing Shen Ning's shortcomings, Mrs. Bo groaned, too lazy to look at her.

She turned around and left. She was going to ask her son why she wanted to leave this girl who had never studied medicine to treat the old man. This is not absurd!

"Girl, if you haven't studied medicine, you will seldom make a speech here, where do you think it is! What kind of person do you think we are!"

As soon as Mrs. Bo left, the leader of the expert group sank into her face and said to Shen Ning in a harsh tone.

Shen Ning sarcastically tickled her lips and said, "I haven't studied medicine, and the qualifications are indeed inferior to those of you experts, but I know a little, your plan is wrong! Now, I will never let you amputate the old man! "

After she finished speaking, she never looked at the experts again, sat down on the sofa, and continued to ask Wu Lao the details of some old men.

The experts were stunned, and then they were trembling with anger.

The expert leader pointed to Shen Ning: "You, you, you ..."

He really wanted to yell and scream, and then drove out this ignorant and thick yellow girl.

But this is a thin house, not his one-third of an acre, he is not qualified to catch people.

In the end, he had to sit down and anger angrily, his eyes staring at Shen Ning, hoping to teach her a good lesson.

Shen Ning had never seen.

She didn't want to intervene. There are so many famous experts in Beijing, and it's not her turn.

But after reading the inspection report of Mr. Bo, she burst into anger.

The old man's illness is very serious, and if it continues to deteriorate, it may be life-threatening.

However, amputation is by no means the only solution!

Although she has not seen Grandpa Bo, she has heard the legendary story about Grandpa Bo.

During his entire life, he played in the battlefield, annihilated countless enemies, and never fought a defeat.

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