Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4122: Embarrassed face

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Without waiting for Shen Ning to speak, Wu Sishu touched his chin and smiled: "As soon as you come, the old man's illness will not need us old guys!"

When he finished speaking, the living room was quiet.

The members of the expert group all looked up at Shen Ning with a confused face.

what happened?

This young girl is also a doctor?


Seeing her being so young, even if she had studied medicine, she should still be studying at a medical university, or an intern in a hospital.

Among the famous experts in Beijing, there has never been such a young man.

The experts glanced at Shen Ning and then looked away uninterestedly.

Wu Sishu grabbed Shen Ning's wrist and took her to the expert team leader, introducing with a very enthusiastic tone:

"Come here, let me introduce you to a young doctor, her name is Shen Ning, don't look at her young, but her medical skills are clever If you have a good disease, let her be cured with a cup of tea. You said, is her magic magical? "

Although Wu Sishu was vague, he didn't mention who the patient was, but the capital was so big that there was no airtight wall.

The experts heard that he was talking about the old lady.

It is a miracle that the old lady's illness can be cured.

Within a few days, the medical community in Beijing was full of uproar, and everyone who heard the news was shocked.

The experts here are all over the age of 40 or 50. Although they also heard that the old lady was cured by a young girl, they did not expect to be so young.

Several people looked at Shen Ning and couldn't help but frown.

The rumors are not credible, all nonsense!

If this tea can cure the disease, then everyone is drinking tea, what do the doctors do!

The experts squeezed their mouths tightly, and no one answered.

Even the leader of the expert group looks like he is old and old.

Wu Lao felt embarrassed with a hot face.

He did not expect that these people would not only give Shen Ning a face, not even his own face.

In fact, although he is also a member of the expert group, these Western medicine experts, like the experts who last seen the old lady, did not see him as an old Chinese medicine doctor.

When they discussed the condition of the old man just now, no one asked him for his opinion, and he was the air all the way.

Wu Lao was angry, but he couldn't leave without a sleeve. He could only sit there with an embarrassed face.

At this time, the person who saw the expert group looked like Shen Ning, and he couldn't hold back the fire.

Shen Ning had been used for a long time and was not angry at all. Instead, he pressed the back of Wu Sishu's hand and said, "Wu Lao, there are so many experts here, and it is not my turn to move the door and get the axe. , Now that the old chief is sick, I will visit again the other day and say goodbye. "

Wu Sishu froze for a moment, staring: "Why, weren't you invited to treat the old man?"

Shen Ning shook her head. She didn't want to explain too much with Wu Sishu. The relationship was too complicated.

Turning about to leave, I suddenly heard footsteps on the stairs.

Looking up, he suddenly hit a pair of deep and deep eyes.

Her heart jumped out of control suddenly, and her feet could not move like a root.

Bo Moyan!

He didn't know when to appear on the stairs. His tall figure was tall and straight, his legs were long and slender, and his face almost coincided with Mo Chuan's impression of her.

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