Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Last night, Shen Qingshan's attitude towards her made a major change of 180 degrees.

Chen Mingli understood that her husband had put the treasure on his daughter again.

Therefore, to go to the Bo family this time can only succeed, not to fail!

The Bo family has several residences in the capital, including garden houses, villas, and a courtyard house with a history of more than 100 years.

But Mr. Bo did not like to live in the city, but lived in a hot spring villa in the eastern suburbs of Beijing.

This is a blessed place to enjoy the old age.

There are not only hot springs, but also gardens, small bridges, and flowing waters in the mountain village. The environment is quiet and elegant.

The car drove to the gate of the villa and was stopped by the guard at the sentry.

After some interrogation, it was quickly released.

Obviously, Mrs. Bo has greeted him.

Liu Xuemei's expression was somewhat triumphant, and the car continued to move forward. She and Shen Ruyun, two eyes, kept looking out of the car window, stunned by the beauty in front of her.

"Mom, this is a fairyland on earth. I have only seen this beautiful garden on TV. If I can live here, I will be satisfied in only one day."

Shen Ruyun shouted with excitement while holding the car window.

Chen Mingli smiled and said, "It's not easy to live here. When you marry the Bo family, you are the hostess of the Bo family. You can live as long as you want to stay here, but don't forget your mother. "

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely pick you up to live with me by then."

The mother and daughter laughed so much that they were so proud.

Shen Ning sat in the front row, his eyes painted from the scenery outside the window, and a deep ripple in the deep and clear eyes.

Thinking of seeing Bo Moyan immediately, the face resembling Mo Chuan.

Her heart seemed to be grasped by a large invisible hand, sour and painful, and at the same time a hint of sweetness.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a high-end French-style building.

The red walls and white tiles are covered with green vine-like plants on all sides. The small building looks simple and modern, elegant and majestic.

The mother and daughter of Chen Mingli who got out of the car were shocked and stopped to chatter along the way.

After a while, Chen Mingli took a deep breath and rang the doorbell with excitement and excitement.

The aunt who came to open the door was a forty-year-old aunt, who was supposed to be the housemaid's nanny. After seeing the three, she asked politely:

"Is it Mrs. Shen and Miss Shen?"

"Yes yes." Chen Mingli smiled like a flower and nodded again and again.

Although the other party is just a babysitter, the Boss' nanny is also different from ordinary people. She tries hard to make a good impression on everyone in the Boss family.

"Please come with me, three."

The nanny led the way and led the three people into the gate.

There was a big yard in front of me. The yard was full of various vegetables. Eggplants, squash, lentils, and tomatoes are the most common vegetables in the family.

Living in such a fairyland on earth, why grow so many vegetables, is it not good to plant precious flowers?

Shen Ning knows that the older generation prefers to grow their own vegetables, which is both healthy and healthy.

Crossing the courtyard is a three-story villa.

The nanny led three people into the living room.

As soon as he entered, Chen Mingli froze for a moment.

There were more than a dozen people sitting in the living room, both men, women and children. When they saw three people coming in, they all looked up.

She was a little bit excited, no need to ask, these must be people from the Bo family, they must have heard that Bo Shao's fiancee was coming, so they appeared.

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