Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4117: The old man summoned

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Chen Mingli and Shen Ruyun's eyes were red.

Their hearts were as uncomfortable as the cat's claws.

Especially Chen Mingli, angry and hateful, her husband did n’t ask himself, and gave the dead girl 50,000 yuan without blinking. This is an obvious demonstration to himself.

But she dared not say it now, because she was guilty.

Chen Mingli was so willing to fail, her eyes fluttered, thinking about how to recapture her husband's heart after returning to City D, when she would come back.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Chen Mingli was upset and glanced at the screen number in the corner of his eyes. His expression changed suddenly and his fingers shook with excitement.

She answered quickly.

"Mrs. Bo, hello, hello."

Knowing that the other party could not see, she still showed a flattering expression.

Upon hearing the words "Mrs. Bo", Shen Qingshan and Shen Ruyun's ears were all erected.

Both held their breaths and looked at Chen Mingli nervously.

"Mrs. Bo, I didn't expect you to call me. It was so unexpected. Are you and your body okay?"

Chen Mingli's flattered expression and speech became incoherent. It looked like a pug shaking his tail begging to his master.

Shen Qingshan didn't feel it at all, but moved closer to Chen Mingli and listened.

Mr. Bo's call came by surprise.

At the end of the phone, Mrs. Bo's tone was lukewarm.

"The old man heard that you are here in Beijing and would like to meet you."

"See us?" Chen Mingli was excited, but she was stunned.

Who is this "you" referring to?

"Mrs. Bo, do you mean ..." she asked cautiously.

Mrs. Bo said lightly: "The old man wants to see the girl, but his old man is old and likes to be lively. You bring Xiao Yun with him, and the old man is also happy to see it."

Chen Mingli immediately understood Mrs. Bo's hint.

She said that the man Bo was going to see was Shen Ning, the future granddaughter-in-law, but Mrs. Bo didn't like Shen Ning, so she took Shen Ruyun to the Bo family with the intention of letting Shen Ruyun replace him.

If Shen Ruyun behaves well and enters the eyes of Old Master Bo, then she can naturally marry into the Bo family.

As soon as Chen Mingli wanted to understand, he immediately agreed.

Mrs. Bo hung up the phone.

Here, Chen Mingli holding the hung up mobile phone, almost did not make a noise.

Shen Qingshan didn't hear clearly, urging her to speak quickly.

Chen Mingli glanced at her daughter proudly, and then said: "Lady Bo heard that Xiao Ning was coming and wanted to see Xiao Ning, but Mrs. Bo said that the old man likes to be busy, let me take Xiao Yun to visit the old man.

Shen Qingshan was overjoyed and couldn't laugh.

"Good, good, great! This is really good news! By the way, did Mrs. Bo tell me to go together?" He also wanted to visit Mr. Bo.

But the threshold of the Bo family is too high, not anyone who wants to enter can enter.

Chen Mingli shook his head and apologized: "Sorry Lao Shen, I was so excited when Mrs. Bo said this, and I forgot to mention that you have come to Beijing too."

"It's okay." Shen Qingshan waved his hand. He is in a good mood now and smiles: "It doesn't matter whether I go or not, it doesn't matter. By the way, when do you go to the Bo's house?"


Shen Qingshan couldn't sit still when he heard it: "What are we waiting for, let's quickly take Xiao Ning and Xiao Yun out to buy clothes, dress them both beautifully, don't lose the Shen family!"

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