Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

After eating, Fu Shaobei sent her to the hotel lobby, as if to say something.

Shen Ning waved her hand quickly: "Contact me again."

After dropping the next sentence, she left in a hurry, as if there was a tiger behind her to bite.

Fu Shaobei did not catch up, and watched her figure ascend into the elevator.

Although she is still alert to him now, she is not so resistant.

This is a good start.


Shen Ning returned to his room and took a shower first.

After drying her hair out of the bathroom, she became radiant again. Although her legs were sore and sore because of climbing the mountain, her eyes were extremely bright.

She finds out an old dress and wears it. She is refreshed in the mirror. The old dress is not only old, but a fluttering under the woods.

Shen Ning remembered that it was Shen Qingshan who was coming to Beijing today. Maybe he had already settled the account with the mother and daughter in Chen Mingli's room.

She could just go and see the excitement.

But she thumped.

She asked the waiter for a moment to find out that Chen Mingli had retired from the deluxe suite and changed to a standard room.

Ha ha, really can play.

Shen Ning quickly called Chen Mingli's new house number and rang the doorbell.

It was the door opened by Shen Ruyun.

As soon as she saw her, Shen Ruyun's complexion changed, and she said evilly, "What are you doing!"

Close the door before you finish speaking.

Shen Ning's eyes hurriedly, and he stretched his feet against the room and gently smiled: "I'm looking for dad."

Shen Ruyun burst into flames and said fiercely: "Go!"

She had just been reprimanded by Shen Qingshan, all thanks to Shen Ning. At this time, she had the heart to eat Shen Ning.

Shen Ning raised the corner of her lips, and shouted to the inside: "Dad, I am Xiao Ning."

The sound is crisp and sweet.

Hearing Shen Ruyun's chest tightness.

Shen Qingshan's voice came from the room: "Xiao Ning? Come in."

His voice was a little hoarse and more tired.

Shen Ning walked in generously, and Shen Ruyun tried not to dare, but scolded her bitterly.


Shen Ning screamed, swept the corner of his eyes, and found that only Shen Qingshan was sitting on the sofa, his face calm, but he did not see Chen Mingli.

"Aunt Chen?" She asked casually.

As if to answer her words, only the door of the bathroom rang, and Chen Mingli came out from inside.

Although she washed her face and put on makeup, Shen Ning still saw her strangeness at a glance.

There was a red mark on the left and right sides of the white and rosy face, which seemed to be beaten.

The red eyes of both eyes were full of blood, and it was obviously crying.

Shen Ning asked: "Aunt Chen, are you okay? Is it uncomfortable?"

When Chen Mingli heard it, he nearly choked out of his breath. Two eyes stared at Shen Ning, and he burst into flames.

She was ready to wait for her husband's arrival, and wanted to explain to her husband with her three-inch tongue and her husband. When she entered the door, she didn't say a word. When she came up, she sucked her two big mouths and only beat her. In front of him, Venus was chaotic and fell on the ground.

Later, she and Shen Ruyun both cried and said that they finally calmed Shen Qingshan temporarily.

But her arrogance of the past no longer dared to take it out, cringing in front of her husband like a little daughter-in-law who had made a mistake, and the atmosphere did not dare to speak.

All of this is because the dead girl Shen Ning is doing bad things behind her!

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