Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Xiao Ning is going to see her grandmother again. You don't understand medical skills. If you go, it will only add chaos. It's better to accompany me to go outside. I just came back from abroad. The change here is really big. You accompany me to go and see!

After she finished, she could not help but pull Fu Shaobei away.

Fu Shaobei turned away with a cold face: "You have to see the scenery, you go."

He strode to Shen Ning, took her hand, and walked upstairs.

He didn't hold enough just now, and he continues to hold now.

Shen Ning was speechless and looked at Fu Xiaowei.

This is what she taught herself?

If he wants to pull, let him follow him, but what if he does n’t have enough?

Fu Xiaowei apparently didn't expect this to happen. She looked at Fu Shaobei and felt that she didn't know her younger brother. In the past, he had never been so weird. When did he change sex?

She winked at Shen Ning, meaning that she should continue to follow Fu Shaobei's Mao Pu, and regardless of whether Shen Ning understood it, she left Shi Shiran's restaurant and went outside to see the scenery. Too.

Yes, this is also unreliable.

Shen Ning gritted his teeth and didn't know whether to laugh or be angry.

She can only temporarily think that it is easy to anger Fu Shaobei.

On the second floor, Fu Shaobei tapped gently on the door of the old lady's room, and her right hand was still clasped with Shen Ning's fingers, fearing she would run away.

"Fu Shao, can you let me go first and let the old lady see this ... not great."

Shen Ning's cheeks were reddish and whispered.

Fu Shaobei glanced at her, and was in a good mood because of the blush on her face. She let go of her, but said in her ear:

"The next time I want to hold it, don't refuse."

With a hint of command.

Before Shen Ning could speak, the door opened.

She quickly stepped into the room first.

As soon as I entered the door, I could smell the fresh tea.

The old lady had already used breakfast and was sitting in front of the sofa in front of the window drinking tea.

Seeing Shen Ning, the old lady showed a kind smile on her face.

"Xiao Ning, I'm waiting for you. Have you eaten breakfast? Come, come and drink tea."

Shen Ning's eyes swept around and found that the medical equipment had been evacuated from the room, leaving only a small nurse to continue to observe and take care of the old lady.

On the sofa opposite the old lady, a stranger sat.

Shen Ning didn't dare to take a closer look, walked to the old lady and greeted with a smile:

"Hello old lady."

"Good, of course I am good, Shaobei, you are here too, come and sit."

The old lady saw Fu Shaobei who came next, and the smile was deeper.

Fu Shaobei first greeted the old lady. His eyes fell on the face of the guest opposite the old lady, and the expressionless face suddenly condensed a little.

But he said nothing, but nodded to the guest.

The guest did not get up on the sofa, smiled lightly at Fu Shaobei, and did not speak.

Shen Ning felt strange and looked intently at the stranger.

It was a concubine in her fifties. Although she did n’t look gorgeous in her clothes, her facial features were not outstanding. .

Shen Ning had never seen her, and was wondering.

The old lady has introduced to her with a smile: "This is Mrs. Tang, she is one of my juniors, came to visit my old lady, originally was visiting the doctor, how could I know that my illness was cured by Xiao Ning I was surprised, I had to see who was the magician who cured me, Xiao Ning, to see Mrs. Tang. "

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