Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4047: Cheetah in the night

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Shen Ning quipped his lips, holding back a smile.

She had already seen through the mother and daughter's mouth and face, and Chen Mingli's thoughts had ended.

She couldn't play any new tricks, all she came up with were rancid ideas.

Trying to harm her, he dug a hole and buried himself.

Tonight, if Mrs. Bo came forward to relieve her of the siege, I was afraid that she would cry and confess in the police station.

Shen Ning rolled her eyes and smiled, "Aunt Chen, I think you are the one who needs to apologize. Mrs. Bo is over there. If you don't catch up and apologize to her, I'm afraid this family matter will not be able to climb Go up. "

She pointed to the front with a smile.

"Nonsense, why should I apologize to Mrs. Bo, I did nothing wrong ..."

Chen Mingli, like a cat trampled on a sore spot, almost jumped up and wanted to bite.

But her eyes glanced in the direction of Shen Ning's fingers, and she saw Madam Bo's figure.

Where did she still care about fighting with Shen Ning here, pulling her daughter in a hurry, chasing in a panic direction towards Mrs. Bo.



Shen Ning was too lazy to look at the flattering faces of Chen Mingli's mother and daughter, and turned directly out of the meeting place.

There are many people participating in the auction, but everyone has a special car to pick up, only she and Chen Mingli's mother and daughter were sent by the hotel car.

The hotel's car management is not available.

Chen Mingli didn't know when the auction would end, so he didn't set a time to pick it up.

The clubhouse was built on the mountainside, and it was more than ten o'clock in the evening. The mountain was very windy and the night was still cool.

A gust of wind blew over, raising the hem of Shen Ning's cheongsam, and the cold wind blew in. She couldn't help shivering and stroked the arm that was exposed.

She wants to hire a taxi.

The club is a membership system, which members can join without a private car, taxis will not appear here.

She stood at the door and waited for a while.

The guests who participated in the auction successively left by car, only she was still standing there, and many people gave her a surprised look.

Shen Ning didn't like being regarded as an onlooker. She lifted her chin and decided to go down the mountain by herself.

At the foot of the mountain, there will definitely be a taxi, and walking is also conducive to good health.

Thinking of this, she lifted her legs without hesitation and left.

The night breeze blowing on her face made her feel very comfortable.

After sitting at the auction for more than two hours, she was sitting uncomfortably.

Not far away, just turned a corner, and suddenly, a black Koenigse drove over and stopped quietly beside her.

It's like a cheetah in the dark.

Shen Ning stopped.

The car window rolled down, revealing a beautiful face that was enough to upset all beings.

Fu Shaobei!

He looked indifferent, his eyes didn't look at her, he just stared ahead.


He opened his lips lightly, but with command.

Shen Ning didn't even hear him, his eyes didn't sweep towards him, he held the gift box in his arms and went on.

Seeing her back without looking back, Fu Shaobei's chin tightened.

The car started, and suddenly the oblique thorn blocked her in front, pushing her to the side of the road.

"I'll say it again, get in the car."

There was no smile on Fu Shaobei's face. The beautifully contoured face was like an ice sculpture. His eyes were cold, and his whole body exuded cold.

His entire body was hidden in a dark body, with only a pair of eyes shining brightly, like a leopard staring at its prey.

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