Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He scratched his scalp a little confused, unable to remember.

I had to go on and say: "In a word, this is a rare collection. Who can own it in the end? Let's bid on it!"

After he finished speaking, the audience was still quietly.

No one is quoting.

No one is stupid.

One hundred thousand dollars is just a small number for them, just like pulling hair.

But they did not want to be treated as a fool.

They didn't care about throwing out 100,000 pieces, but they didn't want to be the laughing stock of others. Joke they spent 100,000 pieces to buy back a piece of broken wood.

For them, looking away is more of a shame than losing money.

The auctioneer stood awkwardly on the stage.

No one has bid, this is the first time since the auction.

He sweated in his forehead anxiously, and said in his mouth all the praises and instigations that he could think of. He was already poor.

In desperation, he had to look at Xia Dongfeng with help.

Can't you shoot?

Things like Liupai have never appeared.

In case this last collection is really out of auction tonight, this auction will become a big joke in the capital, and Xia Dongfeng, the host, will also be dull.

What should I do?

Xia Dongfeng also felt a headache.

He couldn't help but glared at Fu Shaobei.

It's all these stupid guys who pose problems for themselves!

After getting such a shabby game to come on stage, I thought that this kid was going to take out the baby at the bottom of the box, and he arranged for him to play on the finale.

I blamed myself for believing in this stink boy too much. I didn't take a look at this collection in advance. If I knew it was such a broken wood game, I wouldn't agree with anything I said.

It's over, it's too late to regret now, and the joke is coming to Beijing.

Xia Dongfeng was so angry that his liver hurt.

Thinking of this, he stared at Fu Shaobei again with flashing eyes.

Fu Shaobei didn't seem to feel the anger from Xia Dongfeng.

He didn't feel any guilt about the big trouble he caused, and he whispered indifferently to Peng Junkai around him.

Peng Junkai nodded and went to the auction stand, saying two words to the auctioneer.

The auctioneer's eyes lit up suddenly, his face full of joy.

He took a step forward and said aloud: "If there is no bid at the end of this collection, Mr. Fu is willing to take ten million to take back the collection. This shows that this should be a rare piece of art! VIPs, Opportunity is not lost, no more, please bid! "

After listening to this, Xia Dongfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief and a big rock fell to the ground.

Huh, you stupid guy will be a man!

He sadly collected his gaze from Fu Shaobei's face.

Although returning to a book is not much better than Liupai, it's always better to speak.

What's more, Fu Shaobei is willing to take out 10 million to recycle, which shows his sincerity.

Xia Dongfeng finally felt comfortable.

Originally he planned to have no one to bid at the end. He bid for 100,000 by himself. If he bought this wood carving, it would be a round face for himself.

But if you do that, everyone knows it well, fearing that it will be used as a joke in the future. Where else would you be willing to hold an auction in the future?

Because Fu Shaobei was willing to take it back, the auctioneer felt confident and his voice became strong and short.

He decided to make a quick decision and hurry to end this last round of awkward auctions.

"Which VIP is willing to make a bid? If there is no bid, then I announce that this collection will finally be selected by ..."

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