Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4036: Rotten in the belly

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This remark is self-deceiving and deceiving others, and put gold on Chen Mingli's face.

Everyone was totally unbelieving, but no one said it.

Nothing else, just because the words came from Mrs. Bo's mouth.

In the face of Mr. Bo, everyone is not easy to refute her.

Mrs. Bo's words awoke Chen Mingli.

She immediately hit the snake with the stick and nodded: "Yes, yes, Mrs. Bo said it's not bad at all. That's it, yes, it's me ... I took the ring ..."

Originally, she refused to admit she was killed, and then suddenly recognized it, because she had confidence, and Mrs. Bo supported her!

What is she afraid of?

Seeing that everyone was silent, she went boldly and continued bluffing: "Things are not what everyone thinks. I found a ring on the sink. There was no one in the bathroom at the time. I guess this ring might be a VIP. After being careful here, I kindly put it away for her, thinking of waiting for the security when the auction was over, but somehow the ring was put into my daughter ’s handbag. After the auction started, I I forgot about this incident, but I really did n’t think about stealing the ring. I ’m not that kind of person. I just kept it for Mrs. He ...

There was silence.

In fact, many people want to spray her.

Because Chen Mingli's remarks were full of loopholes, the preface did not follow the post, almost made people laugh.

Even Shen Ruyun lowered her head and flushed her face, wondering why she had such an unreliable mother, and even lie so badly!

But no one refuted or questioned.

They saw it clearly. Xia Dongfeng and Mrs. Bo agreed that they did not want to make things bigger and planned to calm down.

So as long as there is an argument that can be explained in front of Mrs. He, whether it is true or false.

As for the truth of this matter, everyone knew that they could only let the truth rot in their stomachs.

Each of these people in the capital is a human being, and they all know the principle of planting more flowers and less thorns.

They do not want to offend Xia Dongfeng, nor do they want to offend Mrs. Bo.

Xia Dongfeng waited for a while and cleared his throat when he saw no objections around him, and said:

"Ms. Chen, although you said that you want to keep this ring for Mrs. He, it has caused psychological damage to Mrs. He. For reason, you have to apologize to Mrs. He."

As soon as he heard it, he apologized, and Chen Mingli liked to descend from the sky, and looked like he was pounding garlic.

"I apologize, I apologize, I apologize immediately."

Xia Dongfeng ignored her and continued to say in a deep voice: "It's not just an apology. It's over. You have to be sincere and get the understanding of Mrs. He. Also, I don't want this to happen again in the future. Director Liu, you will be the Write down the name and put it on the list that will never be welcomed. "

Although he did not call the police, he still gave Mrs. Bo a small warning in this way.

If it were not for Mrs. Bo who invited the mother and daughter, no such embarrassing thing would happen at his auction.

Mrs. Bo knew that she couldn't say anything, and her face was slightly red.

Chen Mingli put a big rock in her heart, as long as she was not sent to the police station, let alone an apology, even if she let her kowtow to Mrs. He.

She licked a face, walked a few steps towards Mrs. Ho, then bent down deeply and bowed.

"Mrs. He, I'm really sorry, all because of my negligence, causing harm to you, please forgive me? If you can forgive me, I will repay your kindness in the next life. "

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