Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4017: God does not know, ghost does not feel

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There are keys, lipstick, small mirror and some bits and pieces of cosmetics.

Of course, most of them are cheap goods, that is, imitations.

Although Chen Mingli became the official wife, she still could not get rid of the consciousness of the agricultural material man.

She wants to use brand-name cosmetics, but she is reluctant to spend a lot of money.

On the surface, they are all big names, what is Chanel, the mystery of the sea blue, Guerlain.

But which one is present is not a real lady.

They can be seen at a glance at the authentic and imitation products.

Seeing that Chen Mingli had taken out some fakes in her handbag, she chuckled.

What's ridiculous is that Chen Mingli heard the laughter around him, didn't know what these people were laughing, and opened his eyes inexplicably.

Huh, what a laugh, if you want to find a diamond ring from your bag, that's impossible!

Director Liu inspected it very carefully, almost turning Chen Mingli's handbag upside down, without leaving a corner.

But Mrs. He's diamond ring is not among them.

Director Liu froze.

He looked at Xia Dongfeng and shook his head, indicating that he could not find it.

Xia Dongfeng also saw it, he frowned, then glanced at Shen Ruyun standing beside Chen Mingli.

Although Shen Ruyun was not among the eleven people who left the venue, she was Chen Mingli's daughter. The mother and daughter were always together. It is not that Chen Mingli took the diamond ring and transferred it to her daughter.

Director Liu immediately understood Xia Dongfeng's meaning and turned to Shen Ruyun:

"This lady, could you please open your handbag and let us check it?"

Shen Ruyun shouted: "Why should I check my bag? I haven't left the venue halfway, didn't you mean to check the person who left the venue first? You should check her first, she left the venue, I saw it with my own eyes!"

She pointed to Shen Ning.

Director Liu said blankly: "Please cooperate with us, as for the lady, we will check it later."

Shen Ruyun was very upset and blushed with rage. She had to say that Chen Mingli gave her a wink.

This is how she reacted.

"Okay, just check, I didn't steal anything anyway!"

She deliberately spoke the stolen word very loudly.

After talking, she took the initiative to hand the bag to Director Liu, and also glanced at Shen Ning with the corner of her eyes.

Because she was very sure, these people would never find the missing diamond ring in her handbag.

And that diamond ring had long been put into Shen Ning's handbag without her knowing it.

Things went very smoothly. She followed Chen Mingli's plan and went to the VIP seat where Shen Ning was sitting to chat with her.

When Shen Ning changes clothes, of course it is impossible to carry a handbag.

At this time, let alone put a ring in, even if she put a bomb in, Shen Ning would not know.

Thinking of this, Shen Ruyun raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Please open it yourself."

Director Liu did not answer, but said to her politely.

Shen Ruyun felt more comfortable.

The security officer's attitude towards himself was obviously more polite than her mother.

"it is good."

She opened her handbag with confidence, and just like Chen Mingli, just took out the contents.

Suddenly, her fingertips touched a cold and hard thing.

what is this?

Her hand stretched out in her handbag and she didn't take it out for a long time.

Director Liu couldn't help but ask: "Miss, may I have anything in your handbag?"

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