Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4012: It's a god

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"Have you checked the monitoring to see if the cleaner took it?" Xia Dongfeng said.

The security officer was busy saying: "I have checked the surveillance. After Mrs. He left the bathroom, no cleaners have entered, so it will not be taken by the cleaners, and we have searched all the cleaners in the venue, and found that A diamond ring was found in the bathroom. "

Xia Dongfeng's complexion became more and more ugly.

"You brought someone into the meeting place, did you suspect that the diamond ring was taken by the VIPs who participated in the auction? Who would do this kind of thing? Tell me about it!" His tone was very harsh.

Every guest who participated in the auction was invited by him. He believed that with his own eyes, no one from the guests he selected would do such unproductive things.

The security officer's expression was more confused and uneasy: "Yes, old Xia, don't be angry. This matter will definitely be found out. The guests you invite will not do this kind of thing. But ... … "

He stopped talking.

"But what?" Xia Dongfeng stared at him.

The security officer swallowed and said: "Mrs. He did wear a diamond ring when she entered the meeting place. That was a gift from Minister He on the silver wedding anniversary of He and Minister He. She never left, so ... … So I do n’t think Mrs. He will take such a precious and commemorative gift for a joke? ”

Xia Dongfeng said angrily: "How could Mrs. He be such a person! Can you use this kind of thing to make a joke? This is not a joke, it's not funny at all!"

He was angry.

The security officer said with a sad face: "But Mrs. He's ring was really gone. Madam He was so anxious that she was never pretended. She found us and said that if she couldn't find the ring, she would tell the deputy chief of staff about it. ... I ca n’t help it anymore, so I have to alarm your old man and the distinguished guests in this venue. "

Hearing the words, Xia Dongfeng's complexion changed, and he was surprised: "What, she said to Deputy Chief of Staff? No, it must not be!"

If this matter is true, Mrs. He ’s diamond finger was really lost at the auction that she held, which is a big scandal for herself.

It's a stain that he Xia Dongfeng has never had in his life!

The reputation he has built in the capital over the years will be completely destroyed.

Since then, he still has a face in the capital, let alone deputy chief of staff where he can not explain, I am afraid that even the capital can not stay.

"Check, you must check! You must find out what happened and figure out what is going on!"

Xia Dongfeng ordered angrily.

"Yes yes, Xia Lao, we will definitely work hard to find out ..." The security director nodded.

Xia Dongfeng interrupted him: "Not only to find out, but also to find the ring, and at the same time pull out the thief who stole the thing!"

Only in this way can he give Deputy Chief of Staff an explanation.

At the same time, he also wanted to see who actually ate the bear heart leopard gall, and dared to run on his Xia Dongfeng's site to steal things.

It's too late!

"Yes, Xia Lao, we will definitely catch this thief who steals things and will never let him run away!"

The security officer went with his feet together and paid a courtesy.

He is a retired soldier, and his every move is still with the toughness and bravery of the soldiers.

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