Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4001: Is he dumb?

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"you guys……"

Shen Ruyun was about to stand up and was caught by Chen Mingli with a quick hand.

"Xiao Yun, don't take care of them, these people just can't eat grapes and say that the grapes are sour! When you get married to Bo's house in the future, when Bo Shao takes you to such an occasion, you'll wait to see them one by one Chin, hurry up and slap your face. "

A few words were suddenly spoken like Shen Ruyun's heart, turning angry to joy.

"Yes, mom, you are right, I will let them see that day, and I will let them know what price Shen Ruyun will pay for looking down on me!"

Speaking of which, she glanced at those yin and yang strangers with cold eyes.

"Mom, it seems that the bidder was not Bo Gongzi, but the officer next to him." Shen Ruyun's gaze turned to Bo Moyan again.

Only then did she notice that Bo Moyan was not standing there alone.

A young officer also stood beside him.

"What's the matter? He should be the person under Bo Shao's hand. His bid represents the price that Bo Shao made. The same, you should put your heart in your stomach." Chen Mingli patted the back of her daughter's hand.

"However, I still feel a little strange ..."

Shen Ruyun bit her lip, thinking for a long time.

"Mom, I never seem to have heard Bo Gongzi say anything, have you heard it?"

Hearing this, Chen Mingli also froze for a moment.

This really doesn't seem to be.

When Bo Moyan and Mrs. Bo came to the Shen family for the first time, he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

She thought that Bo Moyan was very cold, and it was normal to be quiet.

"What's so strange here, Bo Shao might not like to talk. You will talk less when you are with him in the future, you know?"

A thought suddenly appeared in Shen Ruyun's heart:

"Mom, wouldn't he be a dumb?" The words made her startled.

Chen Mingli was even more stunned, glaring: "What are you talking about, how could Bo Shao be dumb, didn't he go out that night? Madam Bo said he went out to call, and if he is dumb, how can he fight phone?"

Shen Ruyun remembered it and patted his chest and said: "I said so casually, Mom, I don't mind if he is really dumb."

Chen Mingli nodded with a smile.

How could the insignificant Boss be dumb!

VIP seats.

Mrs. He glanced at Bo Moyan and smiled slightly toward Mrs. Bo.

"Mrs. Bo, Ling Lang's move is a bit interesting."

The donated lots were actually bought back by themselves. This is not the first time that this has happened at the auction, but it is still a puzzling thing for everyone.

Mrs. Bo's heart was no less surprised than others, but she still had to keep a smile on her face.

"This kid has always been like this. When he does things, he does his own thing, and I can't control him."

She looked at the handsome figure standing in the stands on the second floor, feeling both proud and annoyed.

The son is older, but the distance from her is getting farther and farther.

Over the years, she has become increasingly confused about her son's thoughts.

The Bo family is not without money, but it is not free to take out 20 million, but the son does not blink, and does so without asking himself. This makes her feel that her status as a mother has been received. challenge.

She was very upset.

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