Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 3997: War without smoke

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Mrs. He curiously said: "Why hasn't Mo Yan been here yet? Won't he not come?"

"No, he promised to come."

Mrs. Bo is also playing drums.

In fact, her son didn't agree, but she saw that her son donated such a pair of valuable lots, she thought she should come.

She couldn't help but squinted Shen Ning with a corner of her eyes, a flicker of disgust and dissatisfaction flashed under her eyes.

If the person sitting beside him is not this country girl, but how good his son is.

Shen Ning's eyes sat quietly, her face calm, her eyes were not visible, and no one could guess what she was thinking.

After Chang Qiuwen shouted a high price of six million yuan, the whole venue was silent for about thirty seconds.

It's strange that Meng Siyao didn't ask for another price immediately.

The auctioneer glanced in her direction, then looked around again, and said, "Which one continues to bid? Six million for the first time ..."

"6.5 million!"

His voice did not fall, and Meng Siyao raised the number plate again.

"Seven million!"

The crowd hadn't responded yet, and Chang Qiuwen held the sign calmly, with a strong voice and a firm face.

This makes it obvious that she is bound to get this limited edition couple watch.

Meng Siyao bit his lip almost uncommonly.

Seven million is not low.

If the family status is concerned, the Chang family is certainly not as good as the Meng family.

But if it is better than financial resources, the Meng family will be pulled down by the Chang family.

Meng Siyao ’s father, Meng Yuandao, did not pursue politics or business, and was not as rich as the Changs Group, and each business was worth hundreds of millions or even tens of billions.

And Chang Qiuwen is the heir of Chang's group. She took out 7 million as easy as pulling hair on the camel.

But Meng Siyao is different.

She can get it for seven million yuan, but if you really come up with too much, I'm afraid it will provoke criticism for the Meng family, especially her father.

Thinking of this, she wanted to give up.

But if she was to admit defeat, she would not be reconciled.

She glanced sideways at Chang Qiuwen, and the expression of ambition on the other side's face suddenly made her feel angry.

Clenching her teeth, she raised the offer again:

"7.2 million!"

This time she increased the price by 200,000 yuan, compared with the previous one million and half a million, obviously lacking in stamina.

Chang Qiuwen smiled slightly.

At this time everyone's eyes looked at her.

There is no doubt that in the end the couple's watch will shoot a high price, but who will spend the last, it seems that a little dust has settled.

The scene was not as hot as they imagined, but it was enough to ignite the small flames in the hearts of the reporters present.


This news will make headlines tomorrow!

"Eight million!"

Chang Qiuwen really lived up to expectations, adding 800,000 at the beginning.

This time, the audience was sensational.

Charity auctions like this are held ten times and eight times in the upper circles of Beijing each year, mainly to call on everyone to make charitable donations.

The auctioneer stood on the stage, always thinking that some calm expression also appeared on his calm face.

He glanced at Meng Siyao, seeing that the other party did not seem to have any intention of raising a sign, and wanted to hurry up to close the auction.

Because he could see that the smell of gunpowder between the two girls was already very strong, and if he continued, I was afraid that things would get bigger and bigger.

If they really make trouble and tear their faces, then there is really no way to close it, which will seriously affect today's charity auction.

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