Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

She regrets in her heart.

"Brother Huang has warned me not to talk nonsense, how come I haven't controlled my mouth!" She regretted repeatedly.

Ye Tingxuan smiled comfortably at her: "Princess Chang doesn't need to be so troubled, this thing was originally out of paper. The queen mother will know it sooner or later. It doesn't make any difference if she knows later, nor does the emperor He will blame you, otherwise he can already stop Zhou Jiujiu. "

"Yes, Brother Huang, he clearly heard Zhou Jijiu talking about Ning'er there, but he didn't stop it, indicating that he also intended to let his mother know, right?" Princess Chang felt the guilt felt light in her heart. A lot.

"Well, but there are some things, you still have to think twice about it, and it's time for you to change your frantic temper." Ye Tingxuan said with complaint, but rubbed her hair spoiledly.

Only he dared to do this kind of action to Princess Chang, but Princess Chang chose to eat his set and used it tightly.

"Ting Xuan, you are so kind to me."

Princess Chang leaned on Ye Tingxuan's chest with satisfaction, but sighed regretfully.

"What's wrong?" Ye Tingxuan asked, stroking her hair.

"Thinking of the fact that we can get married, thanks to Ning'er's idea, otherwise you still ignore me, if it's cold. But now I am so happy and happy, Ning'er is suffering outside, she and My emperor brother has been separated for so long, does she not want my emperor brother? Look at my emperor brother, thinking about her day and night, suffering from acacia, the whole person is thin, alas, I really hope that they I can also be as happy as we are, and stop worrying about anything, and I do n’t want the emperor ’s brother to marry that princess Tana. ”The long princess is authentic.

"Don't you like Tana?" Ye Tingxuan asked.

Princess Chang looked up in confusion: "I don't know, I want to hate her, but I can't hate her. If she is not a princess of Beiqi, or a girl who wants to marry my emperor's brother, I just like it. Such a little sister, but she wanted to take Ning's position. When I think of this, I can't like her anyway. "

"Then you promised to teach her to ride archery?" Ye Tingxuan wondered.


Speaking of which, the eldest princess came to her spirit immediately, stood up, and smiled: "This is she voluntarily willing to worship me as a teacher, why don't I accept the apprentice who sent me?"

Ye Tingxuan shook his head helplessly: "Princess, don't make it too much, I think the queen mother likes Tana very much. If you embarrass her, wouldn't she be afraid to go to the queen mother to complain?"

The princess pouted, but said indifferently: "The master disciplines the disciples, that is the right thing, no one else can control it? Even the mother can't say anything."

"All in all, princess, it is enough." Ye Tingxuan reminded.

"Okay, okay, I know, Ting Xuan, let's go back to the house, I can't wait to see when this Tana will come to me to learn kung fu." Princess Chang smiled narrowly.

Ye Tingxuan was so arrogant and funny that he secretly shook his head, thinking of Princess Chang's temper, and only she could persuade her.

It ’s just her, when will she come back?

If she learns that the emperor is going to marry Princess Tana, will she come back?

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