Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2887: Hear nothing from the window

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"It's such a baby."

Empress Zhou smiled heartily, and her eyes could not be removed from Tana's face.

She has a hunch that her son will love her when she is married to this innocent and lovely girl, because no one will not like such a cute and heartless girl, especially in this intriguing deep palace, like Tana This kind of character is so rare that I have never seen it.

She was like looking at a rare treasure, which strengthened her determination to marry.

This storm disappeared in this way.

The ministers quietly breathed a sigh of relief and began to use chopsticks to eat and drink.

Soon, the atmosphere at the table was restored.

The ministers were drinking wine, eating vegetables, talking to the sky, and without realizing it, everyone began to talk about a topic.

"Have you heard? The county magistrate of Weinan County was taken down. He was crushed into the capital some time ago and closed in Dali Temple for trial."

"Your news is too ill-informed, not only the county magistrate of Weinan County, even Liu Zhifu in southern Sichuan has been imprisoned in Dali Temple."

"There is Hetong's Wutong sentence!"

As soon as everyone talked about this topic, they were immediately interested, one by one showing a mysterious and unpredictable expression. Although the voice was lowered, they still couldn't hide their complacency.

Their news is very well-informed. Although these things are not widely advertised, they have heard of them.

If only a few Qipin county magistrates were dismissed and investigated, this kind of trivial matter would naturally not get into their ears, and they were not worthy of their concern.

But the successive strike officials were escorted from outside the city to Beijing, which made ordinary things uncommon.

What must have happened outside!

Otherwise, it is impossible for so many officials to be pulled down one by one, and be dismissed and convicted!

It's just that they inquired about it, but they couldn't find out why.

"Master Wei, do you know why?" Someone asked a handsome middle-aged official in the room.

Lord Nawei was wearing a Sanpin official uniform and was eating food and drinking to enjoy the song. It seemed that he did not listen to everyone's comments.

When asked, he was slightly stunned:


Others laughed and said: "Brother Wei has always heard nothing out of the window. He is notoriously indifferent and does not inquire about business. I am afraid that even the news that these people are being held in Dali Temple for trial is based on us He did n’t know, but you asked him? Why did n’t you ask the door behind him?

He was obviously deliberately joking, causing everyone to laugh.

"Master Wei, he is pointing at the door panel, but it is Lord Wei who you are, how can you let him go?" Some people deliberately picked things up.

Master Wei took the wine glass, smiled disapprovingly, didn't speak, and drank.

Everyone haha ​​took a joke with him. Obviously, he has a good relationship, but he is a master who does not care about chores, so the ministers like to interact with him regardless of their positions.

"Do you want to know the reason? I have heard some of it." A famous official kept saying nothing and listened to the subject's topic and drank freely. How could he know that he suddenly spoke, which surprised everyone.

The table suddenly became quiet, and the ministers looked at the official.

"Zhou Jijiu, what do you know?" As soon as everyone saw him, they couldn't help themselves.

The official surnamed Zhou Mingtongli, the official post was Guozijian Jijiu.

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